
Britt and Silinski 1
Pac-Man Optimization
Will Britt and Bryan Silinski
Multiple decision making algorithms were implemented for trying to best complete a game of
Pac-Man. These algorithms included: reflex agent, minimax, expectimax, and q-learning. This
project explored the efficiency of each of these algorithms in addition to the time complexities
involved in their utilization.
Keywords: Pac-Man, Reflex Agent, Minimax, Expectimax, Q-Learning
1. Introduction
Pac-Man is a game developed by
Namco in 1980. The player is given a game
board full of dots, known as pellets, which
the player using the Pac-Man character
attempts to consume. In order to consume all
of the pellets, Pac-Man will have to avoid
ghosts which could end the game causing a
game over. There are also larger dots on the
game board known as power pellets, which
can grant Pac-Man a small amount of time
of immunity during which he is able to
consume the ghosts for extra points, who
will then respawn in their non-consumable
For the purposes of this project, the
Pac-Man game developed for the Intro to
Artificial Intelligence class (Berkeley CS
188) by Berkeley professors John DeNero
and Dan Klein, is used for testing the
algorithms. There exist a couple of
differences between the original game and
the Berkeley implementation we are using
for our project. The game board being used
to compare the algorithms is smaller and
will only contain two ghosts that move
around the board randomly. These changes
are necessary due to computer limitations
for running enough trials to make any
statistically significant statements for
comparing the algorithms.
2. Formal Problem Statement
Given an agent with a set of N
moves to choose from, an agent should
choose the move which will best maximize
Formulaically, this is represented by
max(U(N )) where the result is the move
with maximum utility. N which represents a
particular move from the set of moves, and
U() represents the utility function.
Utility for each move will be
determined by our performance evaluation
function, which provides objective
quantifiable criterion for the level of success
for an agent’s behavior. This utility function
looks at things such as how far the the PacMan agent is away from ghosts, dots, or
power pellets.
Our utility function pseudocode is listed
def utilityFunction (gamestate):
moveScore -= ghostDistance[0] * 5 #How
much Pacman Wants to avoid #ghosts
moveScore += 100 Eat Pellet
#Eat Pellet Reward
return 10000 if Win State
#Win is the best result
Britt and Silinski 2
moveScore += 100 if Powerpellet
#Eat Power Pellet Reward
moveScore += random.random() * 10
#Avoid a flip flop state when the move
#scores are equal
return moveScore
These mathematical manipulations
exist inside a function that will be called
utilityFunction for the rest of this paper.
utilityFunction requires a game state
parameter. A game state contains all the
information from the game at that current
moment. Due to this project’s concern with
having Pac-Man choose a move, this
function is passed potential game states in
order to choose the best one. The
moveScore variable is the calculated score
of a move and is manipulated based on the
data from the game state such as the distance
from Pac-Man to the ghosts, or if Pac-Man
eats a pellet at that state, etc. The moveScore
is returned is the utility for that particular
3. Methods
3. 1 Reflex Agent
A reflex agent makes decisions
based only on the current perception of a
situation, not past or future perceptions. In
order for a reflex agent to come to a
decision, it must be given rules or criteria in
order to evaluate the potential decisions to
be made.
In a general sense, a reflex agent
works in three stages:
1. The potential states of the current
environment are perceived.
2. The states are evaluated by the rules
or criteria supplied for the decision
3. Based on the evaluation, a decision
is made.
When applying this general model to
Pac-Man problem, the decision which is
needed to be made is the move (North,
South, East, West, or Stop) to be taken by
Pac-Man. In order to make a decision
between these moves, the utilityFunction
mentioned previously was used.
In general, the reflex agent runs in
O(n) time where n is the amount of moves
that are possible from a game state, which
are run through the evaluation function
before selecting a move. Given, the PacMan problem, the algorithm would run at a
maximum of five times if Pac-Man was in
the middle of an intersection.
Pseudocode for reflex agent for the Pac-Man
max = -infinity
for i in PacManLegalMoves:
if utilityFunction(i) > max:
max= utilityFunction(i)
currentMoveChosen = i
From the pseudocode above, one can
see how the loop responsible for choosing
the move would run for as many moves PacMan has available so O(n) is the time
3.2 Minimax Agent
Minimax is an algorithm often used
in two-player games where two opponents
are working towards opposite goals.
Minimax takes into account future moves by
both the player and the opponent in order to
best choose a move. Minimax is
implemented in “full information games.” A
full information game is one in which the
player can calculate all possible moves for
the adversary. For example, in a game of
chess a player would able to list out all
possible outcomes of the opponent’s next
move based on the game pieces available.
The minimax algorithm also operates
under the assumption that the opponent will
always make the optimal choice to make the
Britt and Silinski 3
player lose the game, which is that it looks
for the worst-case scenario for the player.
Implementing a minimax algorithm involves
looking at the game as a turn-by-turn basis.
Generally, implementing a minimax into a
given 2-player situation looks like this:
1. If the game is over, return the score
from the player’s point of view.
2. Else, get game states for every
possible move for whichever
player’s turn it is.
3. Create a list of scores from those
states using the utilityFunction
4. If the turn is the opponent’s then
return the minimum score from the
score list.
5. If the turn is the player’s then return
the maximum score from the score
For our problem, a maximum of five
moves would be considered (North, South,
East, West, and Stop) if Pac-Man was in the
middle of a 4-way intersection. These moves
utilities would be calculated and the
maximum value move would be found
through the calculations. For every ghost
turn, a maximum of four turns would be
considered( North, South, East, and West) if
the ghost was in the middle of a 4-way
intersection, since ghosts do not have the
ability to stop. These moves would be
evaluated by their utility and since we are
looking at Pac-Man adversaries, the
minimum utility would be calculated.
This algorithm is often done
recursively, as is the way we implemented
it, and branches out as farther future game
state depths are explored. The algorithm
would choose the move which, according
the game tree, would best benefit the player.
Ideally, the minimax algorithm would run
through an entire game’s worth of moves
before choosing one for the player.
However, exploring enough depths to
completely explore a game would only work
on small games like tic-tac-toe due to the
space and time constraints of performing
this algorithm. For other larger games, such
as Pac-Man, it is more beneficial to limit the
The time complexity for the
minimax algorithm is O(b^d) where b^d
represents the amount of game states sent to
the utility function. b, referred to as the
branching factor, represents the amount of
game states per depth. In Pac-Man this
would be 3-5 Pac-Man successor states
(depending on location). The d in this time
complexity refers to the amount of depths
Minimax pseudocode for Pac-Man:
def value(state):
if the state is terminal state: return
if the next agent is max(Pac-Man)
return max-value(state)
if the next agent is min(Pac-Man)
return min-value(state)
def max-value(state):
initialize v = - infinity
for each successor of state:
v = max(v,value(successor))
return v
def min-value(state):
initialize v = infinity
for each successor of state:
v = min(v,vale(successor))
return v
Looking at the pseudocode for
minimax, one can see that the branching
factor, b, from the big O notation comes
from the successors of each game state,
which the potential next moves for either
Pac-Man or the ghosts depending on the
agent. Depth, d, is handled by the recursion
Britt and Silinski 4
which exits upon reaching a terminal state or
reaching the necessary depth.
One interesting thing to note is as
previously mentioned the minimax
algorithm assumes that the adversaries, the
ghosts, will perform the optimal move,
which would be to come after Pac-Man.
However, for our tests the ghosts did not
move optimally, but instead moved by
selecting a random move from the legal
moves available from a position. This
provides for some interesting scenarios.
When faced with a possibility where enough
depth is explored so that Pac-Man believes
that it’s death is inevitable due to a ghost
proximity of the ghosts, Pac-Man (while
operating under the minimax algorithm) will
commit suicide as quickly as possible in
order to best maximize the final score. This
is obviously not the ideal decision to make,
as there is a chance that the ghost will not
make the optimal decisions and they will not
converge upon Pac-Man.
player’s moves and minimizing the ghost
moves until the depth limit had been
reached. With expectimax, chance nodes are
interleaved with the minimum node, so that
instead of taking the minimum of the utility
values as was done in minimax, we are now
getting the expected utilities due to the
probabilities. This ghosts are no longer
being thought of agents which are trying to
minimize Pac-Man’s score, but rather they
are now being thought to be a part of the
3.3 Expectimax Agent
The time complexity of O(b^d) is the
same as minimax, where b^d represents the
amount of game states evaluated by the
utility function. As it was in minimax, b
(branching factor) represents the amount of
game states per depth ( in Pac-Man this
would be 3-5(Pac-man successor states)
multiplied by 4-16(ghost successor game
states). d represents depth.
Expectimax pseudocode for Pac-
In order to solve the problem of PacMan not taking into account the random
nature of the ghosts, the minimax function
had to be altered so that it was no longer
looking at the worst case, and instead
looking for the average case.
When applying this algorithm to
Pac-Man, the utilityFunction from the reflex
agent will once again be used to evaluate to
the game states. For the player’s turn, the
expectimax functions similar to a minimax
function would where the maximum utility
is returned for the player, but for the nonplayer turn, we are no longer looking for the
worst case for Pac-Man(best case for
ghosts), and instead looking for the average
case. To do this, the probability of moves
occurring needed to be taken into account.
In the minimax algorithm, the levels of the
game tree alternated between maximizing a
def value(state):
if the state is a terminal
state: return the state’s utility
if the next agent is Max.
return max-value(state)
if the next agent is Exp,
return exp-value(state)
def max-value(state)
v = -infinity
for each successor of
v = max(v,value(successor))
return v
def exp-value(state):
for each successor of state:
p = probability(successor)
# where probability is
Britt and Silinski 5
#1/number of available moves
v +=p * value(successor)
return v
Upon inspection of this pseudocode,
one can see the similarities between
minimax and expectimax. The only clear
difference is that instead of having the
minimizing function that was previously
used for the adversary agents(ghosts), there
is an expected value function which
considers the probabilities of a ghost’s
potential position. Like minimax, the
branching factor within the time complexity
comes from the for loops that explore the
each agent’s possible moves. The depth
comes into play through recursion with the
exit of the recursion once again being the
required depth or terminal state.
3.4 Q-Learning
Q-learning is a model-free
reinforcement learning technique.
Reinforcement learning in computing is
inspired by behavioral psychology and the
idea of reinforcement where behavior is
changed by rewards or punishment. In
computing, the idea is to have an agent
choose an action to best maximize its
reward. Q-learning uses this idea for finding
an optimal policy for making decisions for
any given Markov decision process (MDP).
A MDP is a mathematical framework for
making decisions, where outcomes are
determined by both randomness and the
decision maker’s choices. MDP can be
further explained as: during a specific time
in a decision making process, the process is
in some state, s, and the decision maker may
choose any action, a, that exists in s. Once
an action is chosen, the process moves to the
next time step and randomly reaches a new
state, s’, and the decision maker is given a
corresponding reward, defined as the
function R (s,s’). The probability of reaching
s’ is influenced by the action that was
chosen, which is represented by the
probability function P (s,s’).
With standard Q-learning each state
is a snapshot of the game which takes into
consideration the absolute position and
feature of the game state(i.e. the ghosts are
at position [3,4], not 1 move away from PacMan). This works for smaller problems
sizes, because every state can be sufficiently
visited enough as to properly determine
what move from that state has a high utility.
This decision takes into absolute positions of
food, ghosts, and the position of Pac-Man.
However, this is inefficient for larger
problems sizes due the large potential states
that Pac-Man has to visit in order to properly
train for the scenario. Another consideration
is that Pac-Man might train itself to avoid
certain areas because it is inefficient, leaving
Pac-Man without any training when it does
end up in an area with less training.
To combat this flaw, we modified
the standard q-learning into an approximate
q-learning algorithm. In the approximate qlearning, instead of learning from only each
coordinate state, the algorithm generalizes
the scenario. Some factors to consider for
Pac-Man are the vicinity of dots, ghosts, and
relative position. The relative position is
used to create a more efficient route while
pursuing dots and avoiding ghosts, in
addition to the actual coordinates as to
optimize the traversal of the game board.
The approximate q-learning accounts for
similar state factors as the reflex agent. The
q-learning is more technical than the basic
reflex agent because the algorithm will, with
the process of trial and error, converge upon
the optimal weight values for the different
state factors. The q learning algorithm must
be trained in order for it to figure out the
most optimal way to play Pac-Man. After
the training sessions are done, the values are
Britt and Silinski 6
stored in a table. This allows for Pac-Man to
look up the state and move, consider the
features of the gamestate( i.e. there is ghost
directly to Pac-Man’s East), then perform a
move. There is very little on the fly
calculations performed when compared to
the other algorithms.
The time complexity is slightly
different than the other algorithms. For our
evaluations we are only comparing the
performance of the algorithms in regards to
playing time and not time taken to train.
With that in mind q learning has a time
complexity of O(1) because q learning uses
a lookup table in order to determine the
optimal move.
4 Results
(See the Appendix section for
pertinent graphs and tables)
In our tests we ran each algorithm
for a total of one thousand tests trials. We
ran the minimax and expectimax algorithm
at depth two, three, and four in order to
determine how as more depths were
evaluated the performance changed. From
this point forward minimax depth two,
expectimax depth three, etc. will be referred
to as minimax two and expectimax three
respectfully. For q-learning we also ran for
the same number of test runs; however, we
also varied the training by running the
algorithm four separate times with fifty, one
hundred, five hundred, and one thousand
training trial in order to see how the results
Shockingly, the reflex agent lost
every game. We found that reflex agent
failed as much as it did because the utility
evaluation function was not as well suited
for the reflex agent as it was the other
algorithms. Ultimately, we decided to live
with this because for the purposes of this
class the utility evaluation function is not
important. It is instead important to use the
same evaluation function for all the
algorithms so that the algorithms themselves
can be compared and not the evaluation
Within the set of minimax tests, the
minimax two algorithm had the highest
score, however it had a win percentage .01%
less than that of minimax four. Due to
minimax depending upon the adversary to
take the optimal move, it is logical that
minimax two had such a high score because
if the ghost does not take an optimal move
that disrupts the accuracy of the evaluation.
As the depth increases the potential for
ghosts to move not optimally increases.
With minimax four having the highest win
percentage that is a surprise. As the depth
increases the win percentage does not have a
pattern of increase, and when going form
depth 2 to depth 3 it actually decreases,
which is most likely due to randomness and
with more trials we expect to find this trend
to not continue. Interesting to note, is that as
the depth increases the average number of
moves also decreases. As the depth
increases, the in game time stays the same
because one unit of time in game consists of
Pac-Man and all of the ghosts moving once;
however, the time it take the algorithm to
evaluate the possible moves increases.
Depth three takes approximately 3 times
longer than depth two and depth four takes
approximately 5 times longer than depth 3
which suggests the exponential increase in
time due to depth suggested by our
theoretical time complexity (Appendix Item
Within the set of expectimax tests,
unlike minimax, expectimax four had both
the highest score and the highest win
percentage out of the group. Expectimax
also had the lowest standard deviation
Britt and Silinski 7
amongst the expectimax class, showing the
algorithm performed more consistently than
expectimax at other depths. When
comparing the different depths of
expectimax, the greatest change was from
depth two to depth three. This stays the
same for the standard deviation of the move
count because expectimax one had the
greatest standard deviation. The transition
from expectimax depth three to four had
smaller changes in the win percentage,
average score, and move standard deviation.
With this in mind, that as the depth increases
the in game performance increase, it must be
noted that the time it takes in reality (as in
real time for a human: seconds, minutes,
etc.) to calculate a move increases. When
going from depth two to depth three it takes
approximately three times as long on
average per move. However, depth three to
depth four takes approximately five times as
long on average. This matches up with the
time complexity stated previously where the
increase in depth causes an exponential
increase in the number of game states
explored and time taken. With additional
depths, more time will be required to
complete the algorithm. (Appendix Item E).
In the q learning tests, we varied the
training games with 50, 100, 500, and 1000.
Q learning with 500 training games
performed the most optimally with the
highest score, highest win percentage and
lowest standard deviation. However, it did
not have the lowest average number of
moves with Qlearning 100 taking on average
the fewest number of moves. Given the
similarity between how the function
calculates the utility and does not rely upon
an depth, q learning requires the same time
regardless of the number of training games
and that is as expected. With the nature of q
learning it is expected that as the number of
training sessions increases the more optimal
the game would play because the weights of
the state evaluators converges upon the
optimal values. However, when q learning
was ran with 1000 training sessions the
game did not perform better than it did with
500 q learning games and actually
performed worse.
When comparing the different
algorithm upon each other and not amongst
their sister algorithms(i.e expectimax depth
2 vs. expectimax depth 4 or q learning with
50 training games vs q learning with 100
training games) the strengths of each of the
functions can be more efficiently compared.
When comparing the most optimal
algorithms (and depth pairs when
appropriate) expectimax depth 4 performed
the best when being judged by the win
percentage and the average score. This
illustrates how brute force can be leveraged
in order to compute every combination to a
certain depth and evaluate how the future
might unfold. This depth evaluation comes
at a cost because expectimax depth 4 takes
the longest time per move. If the move time
of each of the best algorithms in each subset
is summed excluding the expectimax subset,
expectimax depth 4 still takes over five
times as long. Overall game performance
comes at a cost; however, if willing to
sacrifice .006 win percentage and lower
score, q learning performs the most
optimally out of each of the subsets. If you
consider the in game trade off to time taken,
q learning calculates almost 500 times faster
than expectimax depth 4. Q learning even
performs faster than the reflex agent because
q learning looks up the utilities in a table
and does not perform any calculations when
playing in a test game. Another thing to
consider is q learning with 500 training
sessions had the smallest standard deviation
amongst the move per game count. This
illustrates how more consistent q learning is
at reaching the desired goal.
Britt and Silinski 8
5. Conclusions and Future Considerations
Based on our results and the time
complexities involved with acquiring such
results, we can draw a few overall
conclusions. First, one can see how much
randomness mattered within the context of
Pac-Man as there appears to be a large
discrepancy between the results of the
minimax and expectimax algorithms. If we
were to do this experiment again, it would
have been beneficial to run the same
algorithms on a game board where the
ghosts did, in fact, move optimally to see
what differences could be found. Another
conclusion drawn from this project is the
noticeable power of a properly trained qlearning algorithm. When considering the
time taken make the decisions and the
results, q-learning was far and away the best
algorithm. Q-learning was able to retrieve
similar results to expectimax depth four in a
fraction of the time. For future problems
similar in nature to the one explored in this
paper, it would be wise to apply the qlearning algorithm.
There are a couple of concerns worth
mentioning in regards to this project. First,
reflex agent had the potential to do much
better than it did with a different utility
function, but we wanted to have consistency
across algorithms for evaluation so that the
algorithms, themselves could be compared. If
we were to do this project again, we would
have tried to find an evaluation function that
would work well for all algorithms, even
reflex agent. In addition, coming up with a
better utility function in general would have
been a good idea. A utility function is fairly
subjective due to the programmer deciding
what states are desirable. These subjectivities
may not have been ideal for winning at PacMan. A lot of the decisions involving the
utility function were made based on guessing
and checking until the behavior evident in
Pac-Man coincided with our preferences for
how to play the game. Looking back on this
project, there is probably a better way for
how to come up with a utility function.
If we were to do this project again it
would also be worth exploring future depths
of minimax and expectimax. Due to
computer limitations and the amount of trials
needed to draw conclusions, we could only
explore up to depth four reasonably for both
algorithms. It would be interesting to see how
close to a perfect 100% rating we could
obtain by investigating larger depths. The
same goes for q-learning. By adding more
games to the training count it would be
interesting to see how close to perfection we
could get.
Britt and Silinski 9
Minimax 2
Minimax 3
Minimax 4
ExpectiMax 2
ExpectiMax 3
ExpectiMax 4
Qlearn 50
Qlearn 100
Qlearn 500
Qlearn 1000
Qlearn 50 W/
Qlearn 100
Qlearn 500
Qlearn 1000
Avg Move Time Avg # Moves AVG Score
Win %
Move STD
0.000488254 130.6677632 1205.631579 0.90296053
1205.631579 0.90296053
Win %
Britt and Silinski 10
Avg Move Time
Avg Move Time for MiniMax
Minimax 2
Minimax 3
Minimax 4
Britt and Silinski 11
Avg Move Time for Expectimax
ExpectiMax 2
ExpectiMax 3
ExpectiMax 4
Pseudocode for utility function:
def utilityFunction (gamestate):
moveScore -= ghostDistance[0] * 5 #How much Pacman Wants to avoid #ghosts
moveScore += 100 Eat Pellet
#Eat Pellet Reward
return 10000 if Win State
#Win is the best result
moveScore += 100 if Powerpellet
#Eat Power Pellet Reward
moveScore += random.random() * 10
#Avoid a flip flop state when the move #scores are equal
return moveScore
Pseudocode for reflex agent for the Pac-Man problem:
max = -infinity
for i in PacManLegalMoves:
if utilityFunction(i) > max:
max= utilityFunction(i)
currentMoveChosen = i
Minimax pseudocode for Pac-Man:
Britt and Silinski 12
def value(state):
if the state is terminal state: return utility
if the next agent is max(Pac-Man) return max-value(state)
if the next agent is min(Pac-Man) return min-value(state)
def max-value(state):
initialize v = - infinity
for each successor of state:
v = max(v,value(successor))
return v
def min-value(state):
initialize v = infinity
for each successor of state:
v = min(v,vale(successor))
return v
Expectimax pseudocode for Pac-Man:
def value(state):
if the state is a terminal state: return the state’s utility
if the next agent is Max. return max-value(state)
if the next agent is Exp, return exp-value(state)
def max-value(state)
v = -infinity
for each successor of state:
v = max(v,value(successor))
return v
def exp-value(state):
for each successor of state:
p = probability(successor) # where probability is
#1/number of available moves
v +=p * value(successor)
return v
Britt and Silinski 13
Sutton, R., & Barto, A. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Retrieved November 2, 2015,
Tic Tac Toe: Understanding The Minimax Algorithm. Retrieved October 2, 2015, from
UC Berkeley CS188 Intro to AI -- Course Materials. Retrieved September 1, 2015, from