Chapter 14 Law of Segregation- Law of Independent Assortment

Chapter 14
Law of Segregation-
Law of Independent Assortment-
HomozygousHeterozygousPhenotypeGenotypeTest cross-
Complete Dominance-
Incomplete dominance-
Polygenic Inheritance-
Certain breeds of cattle show incomplete dominance in coat color. When pure
breeding red cows are bred with pure breeding white cows, the offspring are roan
(pinkish). What are the genotypes when a 2 roan cows are mated?
A man with AB blood type has children with a person who has type A blood. The
person with type A blood had a father with O blood type. What are the genotypes
and phenotypes of the parents? What are the genotypes of their children?
In chickens the genotype rr pp produces single combs; R_ P_, walnut comb; rr P_,
pea comb; and, R_ pp, rose comb. If rr PP (pea) are crossed to RR pp (rose). What
would be the progeny’s comb type?
In mice, the allele A, causes agouti banding of hairs, and is dominant to the allele a,
so that aa mice are solid black. The allele, C, causes color and is dominant to c, and
cc mice are albinos. When a mouse is albino, its color cannot be shown.
Heterozygous Cc Aa mice are crossed to cc aa mice. What will the phenotypic ratios
be in the progeny?
**Answer sheet has helpful ratios**