of friendship, war, and peace

1. Friendship from Finny’s perspective
a. Study chapters 8 & 9 for references to Finny. In what ways is Phineas the same
person he was during the summer? In what ways is he quite different? Why can
he not admit there is a war? If he does, what will he have to admit about his
relationship with Gene? In what ways is he still a powerful influence over Gene?
2. Friendship from Gene’s perspective
a. Study chapters 8 & 9 as they show Gene’s viewpoint. In what ways does Gene
view Finny in the same way that he always has? How does he view him
differently? Has Gene become more dependent on Finny or less so? Be specific
about actions and thought that reveal the hold Finny has on Gene’s life. How is
Finny actually good for Gene?
3. Gene’s reaction to visiting Leper
a. Study chapter 10 as it reveals Gene. What insight does the trip to Leper’s house
give us into the actual experience Gene has the next year in the army? Why is it
Gene whom Leper asks to visit him? What does the experience reveal to Gene
about himself? Why does he react as he does to Leper’s story? Why is Gene
unable to be of any real help to Leper?
4. War from Leper’s perspective
a. Study chapters 9 & 10 to learn about Leper. Who is Leper really? What motivates
him to join the ski troops? What is his theory about the war? Why can he not
handle army life? Thinking back to the day he went looking for the beaver dam, in
what ways is that behavior related to his behavior in these chapters? Why is it
Gene to whom he sends the telegram? Why is the nickname Leper appropriate for
5. War from the perspective of young men at Devon
a. Study chapters 8 & 9 as well as Leper’s explanation found in the last three pages
of chapter 10 for references to war. What is Leper’s view of World War II?
Brinker’s? Finny’s? Gene’s? How does Finny affect Gene’s perspective? Why?
6. Peace from the perspective of young men at Devon
a. Study chapters 8 & 9 for references to peace, especially the comment about “a
separate peace” in the fourth paragraph from the end of chapter 9. How does
Finny make peace with his situation? Can Gene do the same? Why or why not?
How does the Devon Winter Carnival figure into the peace effort? Why is it
appropriate that Leper’s telegram breaks up the carnival?