Aeneid Name: Aeneid-inspired Art Date: Of the following works of art

Aeneid-inspired Art
Name: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
Of the following works of art, choose three:
1. The Laocoön Group
2. Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius fleeing Troy (Bernini)
3. Vergil Reading the Aeneid to Augustus (Wicar; search Art Institute Chicago for info
on this)
4. Dido Building Carthage (Turner)
You will use three of these works to complete the following tasks:
A. Caption the work in Latin: Compose an 8-10 Latin word caption writing as one (or
more) of the people depicted in the work. You must include either an indirect
statement or a present active participle in your caption. Include an English
translation of your caption. (10 pts.)
B. Describe the work in Latin: Compose a 20-25 Latin word description of the work.
Refer to the setting, main characters, composition of the piece (who is where, etc.),
colors of the work, or any other relevant aspect that describes what it looks like.
You must include at least one relative pronoun clause. Include an English
translation. (15 pts.)
C. Research the work of art and write about it in English: Copy and paste the
following items into a word document and research the work of your choice to find
the answers. (10 pts.)
1. Title of artwork
2. Artist’s name
3. Medium of artwork
4. Probable date of artwork
5. Current location
6. Current condition
7. Style of artwork
8. Subject matter: what is happening in the artwork?
9. Patronage: who paid for the work and why?
10. Interesting fact or analysis of the work (symbolism, iconography,
historical context, etc.)
Please type your responses. This work is worth a 35 pt. quiz grade.
Indirect Statement
or Present Active
Other grammar
Relative clause
Other grammar
Research on
Successfully and
implemented; IS has
head verb, accusative,
infinitive with correct
agreement; participle
is in appropriate
accurately reflected in
English translation (5)
0-1 errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (5)
Successfully and
implemented; has
appropriate pronoun,
verb in clause,
accurately used and
reflected in English
translation (5)
0-3 errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (10)
All questions
according to available
research (10)
Attempted but with 1
error in
implementation (3.5)
Needs Improvement
Attempted but with
2+ errors in
implementation or
missing (0)
2-3 errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (3)
Attempted but with 1
error in
implementation (3.5)
4+ errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (1)
Attempted but with
2+ errors in
implementation or
missing (0)
4-5 errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (7.5)
5+ errors in nouns,
verbs, or other
grammar of the Latin
passage (3)
1 or more responses
missing or questions
inadequately (2-8)
A Latin passage that does not meet the minimum word count or that is missing an English
translation will receive NO POINTS.