Lesson Plan Template

2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
Day 29 09/16
Day 30 09/17
Lesson Title:
21st century Southwest 21st century Southwest
Asia: Continuing Conflict Asia: Continuing Conflict
AKS/CC Objectives:
analyze continuity and
change in Southwest Asia
(Middle East) leading to the
21st century
Day 31 09/18
Day 32 09/19
Day 33 09/20
21st century Southwest
Asia: Continuing Conflict
21st century Southwest
Asia: Continuing Conflict
Unit 1 Test
analyze continuity and
 7SS_D2009-50 :
change in Southwest Asia
analyze continuity and
(Middle East) leading to
change in Southwest
the 21st century
Asia (Middle East)
leading to the 21st
Determine the central ideas or
Determine the central ideas or
century (GPS)
information of a primary or
information of a primary or
(7SS_D2009secondary source; provide an
secondary source; provide an
accurate summary of the
accurate summary of the source
source distinct from prior
distinct from prior knowledge or
explain U.S. presence
knowledge or opinions.
and interest in
Southwest Asia;
Cite specific textual evidence
Cite specific textual evidence to
include the Persian
to support analysis of primary
support analysis of primary and
and secondary sources.
Gulf conflict and
secondary sources.
invasions of
Produce clear and coherent
Afghanistan and Iraq
Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the
development, organization,
and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience.
With some guidance and
support from peers and adults,
develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach,
focusing on how well purpose
and audience have been
All of the AKS/CC for the
7SS_D2009-50 :
analyze continuity and past weeks
change in Southwest
Asia (Middle East)
leading to the 21st
century (GPS)
explain U.S. presence
and interest in
Southwest Asia;
include the Persian
Gulf conflict and
invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq
writing in which the
development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
With some guidance and
support from peers and adults,
develop and strengthen writing
as needed by planning, revising,
editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing on how
well purpose and audience have
been addressed.
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2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
Essential Questions
How have the conflicts in How have the conflicts in
Southwest Asia evolved Southwest Asia evolved
over time?
over time?
Day 4: *Declaration of Day 5: The Politics of War • Iraq Invades Kuwait”
• The Politics of War Chart video clip
• *What Future for
• Iran-Iraq War
Jerusalem? handout
• Persian Gulf War map
• West Bank and Gaza
• Op Desert Storm and
Strip map
Iraqi Freedom handout
Anticipatory Set :
Day 4: Distribute copies
of the Declaration of
Israel (p. 128 in the PDF
file from The Eastern
Interdisciplinary Project).
• Have students read the
Declaration of Israel and
determine what reasons
are stated for the
creation of Israel.
• Discuss bias.
O Who wrote this
O How might their point
of view be biased?
O How would a
Palestinian respond to
some of the arguments?
Day 5: As a class, pose the
question: Is the U.S. a
world leader?
• Discuss all the ways that
the US is a world leader
economically, politically,
and culturally.
• Discuss how being a
world leader affects the
• Ask students:
O How is it good?
O How is it bad?
How have the conflicts in
Southwest Asia evolved
over time?
• Distribute copies of the
Iran-Iraq War handout
(PDF file from The Arabian
Peninsula, Iraq, and Iran:
The Iraq-Iran War).
• Have students complete
the map practice for the
Iran-Iraq War.
• As a class, review the
reasons for U.S.
involvement in the
O How did our view of
Saddam Hussein change
after the conflict between
Iran and Iraq?
How have the conflicts in
Southwest Asia evolved
over time?
How has the conflict in one
country affect the entire
region’s political and social
How have the conflicts in
Southwest Asia evolved
over time?
• Iraq’s Preamble handout
• PowerPoint: History of Unit Test
• Terrorism PowerPoint
Student Handout
“Afghanistan” video clip
Have students read Iraq’s
Preamble (PDF file from
the Arabian Peninsula,
Iraq, and Iran) and
respond to the follow up
• As a class, review the
answers and pose the
O Was Saddam Hussein a
O What does that mean?
How do we define
Allow students a few
minutes to review their
notes and ask questions
for clarification prior to
the assessment.
On a note card,
students write their
names and set a goal for
what they would like to
score on the assessment.
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2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
At end of class
explain the historical
reasons for the
establishment of the
modern State of Israel in
1948; include the Jewish
religious connection to
the land, the Holocaust,
anti-Semitism, and
Zionism in Europe
o describe how land and
religion are reasons for
continuing conflicts in the
Middle East
explain the presence and explain U.S. presence and explain U.S. presence and explain U.S. presence and
interest in Southwest Asia; interest in Southwest Asia; interest in Southwest Asia; interest in Southwest Asia;
include the Persian Gulf include the Persian Gulf include the Persian Gulf include the Persian Gulf
conflict and invasions of conflict and invasions of conflict and invasions of conflict and invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq
Afghanistan and Iraq
Afghanistan and Iraq
Afghanistan and Iraq
Teacher Input:
(Model, Background
Knowledge etc)
Four corners: Designate the
four corners of the room to
represent the four
suggestions for Jerusalem.
• Have students move to the
corner of the room that
represents their choice for
the best suggestion. (They
do not have to stay with
their original group.)
• Once all of the students
have chosen a corner, have
each group talk about the
arguments that support their
Have students verbally
Circulate around the room After completing the
Score assessments.
explain the Politics of War and monitor students as PowerPoint, ask students
handout to their elbow
they work.
to discuss with a partner
the reasons for U.S.
• Circulate and monitor
invasion in Afghanistan:
students as they work.
O What are our goals?
• Correct and/or clarify
O How can we achieve
any misinformation.
What are the difficulties
with the War on
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2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
Guided Practice:
(whole group, pair and
share, elbow partners,
Distribute student
handouts on What
Future for Jerusalem?
(from The Eastern
Geography for Life in the
PDF file).
• In groups of 3-4 have
students list the pros and
cons for each of the four
suggestions on how to
share Jerusalem.
• Distribute copies of
The West Bank and Gaza
Strip map for students to
use as a reference while
they work.
Distribute student
handouts Politics of War.
• Have students read the
handout and answer the
• After completing the
handout, discuss the
answers as a class
• Create an overhead of
the Politics of War Chart.
• Discuss with students
how friends and enemies
can change over time.
• Brainstorm possible
• Show the video clip:
Distribute student
Distribute unit
“Iraq invades Kuwait.”
handouts that accompany assessments to students.
• Discuss with the class. the PowerPoint.
• Distribute Op Desert
• Have students complete
Storm and Iraqi Freedom the handout while
handout to students.
discussing the PowerPoint.
• Have students read the • Show video clip
information and respond “Afghanistan” and discuss
to the questions.
with the class.
• With a partner, have
students create a Venn
diagram comparing the
• Have students highlight
Persian Gulf War and
key information in their
Operation Iraqi Freedom. notes.
• Distribute copies of the Allow students to work
Persian Gulf War map for with a partner during the
students to use as a
Summarizing Activity.
• Points for comparison
might include:
O reasons for the conflict
o important leaders
o other countries/
organizations involved
o results of the conflict
• Discuss as a class.
• Use read aloud and think
aloud strategies.
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2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
• Create an overhead of
the reading. Highlight key
information and have the
students do the same on
their handouts.
• Create the Venn diagram
as a class.
Practice: (When you
know you know.)
Have students create a Allow students to hold a
political cartoon to
debate on whether or not
represent their position. the U.S. should be
involved in conflicts in
Southwest Asia.
Have students research
current events related to
the War in Iraq and share
their findings with the
*Iraq-Iran War handout
can be found in the
teacher resource kit.
The Arabian Peninsula,
Iraq, and Iran - Geography
and History: The Iraq-Iran
Allow each group 1-2
minutes to argue why
their solution is the best.
• As a class, determine
which group had the
Gist Summary
O Have students
summarize what factors
contribute to the U.S.
deciding to get involved in
After completing their
Venn diagram, students
should write a paragraph
summary, highlighting the
key similarities and
Provide students with a N/A
copy of the United States
Preamble and have them
identify similarities and
differences between it and
Iraq’s Preamble.
*Iraq’s Preamble handout
can be found in the
teacher resource kit.
The Arabian Peninsula,
Iraq, and Iran – Primary
source: Law of
Administration for the
State of Iraq for the
Transitional Period,
3-2-1 Ticket Out the Door
O 3 incidences of terrorist
attacks against the U.S.
and/or our allies
O 2 places our troops are
Students review their
assessments, identifying
questions missed and
creating a list of those
questions with the correct
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2012-2013 Week of 9/17-9/21
Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____ Content___SS__
strongest arguments.
differences between the
O Tell students that their two conflicts.
summaries must be
exactly twenty words in
fighting terrorism
1 difficulty our troops face
in fighting
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