Name: Date: Organism Classification 1. Which of the following is

Name: ____________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Organism Classification
Which of the following is most important in classifying two groups of bears into the
same genus?
a similar diets
b similar genes
c similar habitats
d similar body size
This domain contains plants, animals, fungi and protists.
a Bacteria
b Eukarya
c Archaea
d Mammalia
The 2 domains composed of only unicellular organisms are .
a Fungi and Bacteria
b Archaea and Fungi
c Protists and Bacteria
d Archaea and Bacteria
Which of the following levels of classification is most likely to contain organisms
with the fewest differences?
a Kingdom
b Class
c Family
d Genus
e Order
What kingdom includes sponges, worms, insects and mammals?
a Eubacteria
b Fungi
c Plantae
d Animalia
The organisms Panthera leo and Panthera tigirs are the same
a species
b cat
c organism
d genus
Which domain does the kingdom Protista belong to?
a Bacteria
b Eukarya
c Archaea
d None of the Above
The scientific name for the European white water lily is Nymphaea alba. What is the
genus to which this plant belongs?
a Nymphaea
b alba
c water lily
d alba lily
Which of the following characteristics is most useful when classifying a eukaryote
into a kingdom?
a How the organism feeds
b How the organism moves
c The organism's color and mass
d The organism's form and structure
The Ursidae family of animals includes the giant panda, the brown bear, the polar
bear, and the spectacled bear. Which of the following characteristics best helps
classify these bears into genus and species levels?
a eating habits
b gene sequences
c method of reproduction
d location of natural habitat
What best describes the basis used by Linnaeus when developing his method of
DNA comparison
Common ancestry
Morphological similarity
Acquired traits
Ravings of the insane
The information below describes the most specific levels of classification that the
mushroom sea squirt, Sycozoa gaimardi, shares with four other organisms.
The mushroom sea squirt is in the same class as the common sea grape.
The mushroom sea squirt is in the same family as the blue spot ascidian.
The mushroom sea squirt is in the same order as the white speck tunicate.
The mushroom sea squirt is in the same phylum as the starry skate.
To which of the four organisms is the mushroom sea squirt most closely related?
a common sea grape
b blue spot ascidian
c white speck tunicate
d starry skate
Two groups of organisms are found living on opposite sides of an island. An active
volcano prevents each group from traveling to the opposite side of the island.
Scientists want to know if these two groups of organisms belong to the same
species. Which question should scientists try to answer?
a Do the two groups eat the same kinds of food?
b Are the two groups active at the same times each day?
c Can the two groups interbreed to produce fertile offspring?
d Do the two groups use similar anatomical structures for the same purpose?
Which of the following organisms are most closely related?
a Asterias rubens and Asterias forbesi
b Bubulcus ibis and Xenicibis xympithecus
c Ophiderma salamandra and Salamandra algira
d Ceanothus americanus and Lethocerus americanus
Which of the following statements is correct about the hierarchy of the taxonomic
system currently used to classify organisms?
a All organisms of a given order belong to the same species.
b Many different classes of organisms belong to the same order.
c All organisms of a given phylum belong to the same kingdom.
d Many different families of organisms belong to the same genus.
Long-tailed weasels and European otters are both classified into the family
Mustelidae. Which of the following types of information was most likely used to
classify these animals into the same family?
a food source
b skeletal structure
c location of natural habitat
d method of movement
Until recently, the myrtle warbler and the Audubon’s warbler were thought to be
separate species of birds because the males have very different appearances. Which
of the following observations most likely led to the reclassification of these warblers
as one species?
a The myrtle warbler and the Audubon’s warbler have the same diet.
b The myrtle warbler and the Audubon’s warbler lay the same number of eggs.
c The myrtle warbler and the Audubon’s warbler have overlapping
geographical ranges.
d The myrtle warbler and the Audubon’s warbler interbreed and produce
fertile offspring.
There are 4 mystery animals labeled A, B, C, and D. Animals A and B share the same
phylum. Animals B and C share the same order. Animals C and D share the same
genus. Based on this information, what animals are MOST LIKELY to be similar?
a A and B
b B and C
c C and D
d A and D
e They are equally similar
Which of the following statements best explains why the chestnut-sided warbler,
Dendroica pensylvanica, and the cerulean warbler, Dendroica cerulea, are classified
as closely related species?
a They eat the same types of insects.
b They have similar DNA sequences.
c They show similarities in their nesting behaviors.
d They live in the same types of woodland habitats.
Binomial Nomenclature is the naming system scientists use when talking about an
organism. In this naming system
a The first word identifies the color of the organism, and the second word tells
where the organism is usually found
b The first word identifies the organism's genus, and the second word
describes a feature of the organism or place where it was found
c The first word tells where the organism lives, and the second word tells who
originally found the organism
The first and second word both identify important characteristics of the organism