POLR VII - Frequently Asked Questions

March 2015 POLR VII Solicitation Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Will any additional data regarding historical loads or historical capacity be made available
before the March 2015 solicitation?
A: Duquesne has provided historical load data through the end of November 2014, and
historical capacity data through the end of January 2015. No additional load or capacity data will
be made available for this solicitation.
Q: Reference to Section 5.3(d) of the contract - in the event a DS Supplier makes an Alternate
Compliance Payment in lieu of delivering AECs, would Duquesne consider an event of default
to have occurred? Please clarify if Duquesne's intent is to eliminate that compliance option,
however low a probability it is today.
A: A supplier who attempts to deliver monetary compensation instead of Alternative Energy
Credits will be considered in default of the agreement. It is not sufficient under the AEPS Act to
simply make an Alternative Compliance Payment rather than deliver AECs absent an express
order by the Commission.
Q: Are historical loads that Duquesne provides to suppliers, and available on the Procurex
website, actual or estimated loads?
A: Duquesne does not have smart meters on all customers, so all load has to be estimated for
the hourly data. Hourly load shapes are used to develop an hourly load estimate from the
actual daily load. Load shapes are a function of the season, the rate schedule, and the weather,
and are applied based upon a formula.
Q: Is the Seasonal Billing Factor, mentioned in the SMA, applicable to this solicitation?
A: No Seasonal Billing Factor is being used for the March 2015 POLR VII solicitation.