Beech Class Term 5 curriculum overview

Medium Term Planning 2013-14Term:
5 Beech class
Science & DT
Animals and masks
To learn similarities in characteristics of all living animals
To learn that all animals have specific habitats
To learn about the food that animals eat
Explore sights, sounds and smells associated with wild animals
To learn that all animals have a natural habitat
To learn that all animals have certain requirements for life
To learn that it is possible to access information from a wide variety of sources
PSHE/SEAL/Individual BA targets
 Respecting similarities and differences
To identify why things are the same
To recognise differences in things
To recognise and describe our identities
To talk about ourselves
To listen whilst others talk about themselves
To recognise similarities between ourselves
To recognise differences between ourselves
Visits to Bristol Zoo
Look at animals on wildlife videos. Matching games – animals to food they eat.
Topic – identify a number of wild animals, work on one chosen animal
use library, CD Rom and videos to gain information on animals
in general.
Stories about wild animals eg Jungle Book
Pattern and Shape:
To match, with help, objects or pictures
To copy simple patterns or sequences.
To talk about simple repeating patterns and attempts to recreate them.
To recognise, describe and recreate simple patterns and sequences.
To solve simple mathematical problems of puzzles
To recognise and predict from simple patterns or variables
To recognize sequences of numbers, including odd and even numbers
To use everyday language to describe properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Communication, Language and Literacy
Individual SaLT/AAC termly targets
Farming in Britain
To develop knowledge about places, people, resources
and environment.
To compare a farm in this country with a farm in Africa
To look at similarities and differences
i.e what equipment do they use,
what do they farm.
News and Diaries
Read simple recounts with support and experience the sentence structure.
Use a range of words such as first, next, after, when at the beginning of a sentence.
To take turns listening to other pupils’ news.
Physio/MOVE/OT termly targets and PE
Striking and Fielding
To specify and elaborate on news provided
To develop skills of attack and defence in striking and fielding games
Whole class read recounts focusing on words such as first, next, after, when
o Plan and prepare a class visit using brochures etc
Make own brochure using photographs, symbols or words on return
Produce a simple non-fiction text such as My Diary or recount a visit
Send, receive and travel with a ball to, from and with a partner
Respond safely, alone and with others to challenging tasks.
Make up, play and refine their own games whilst beginning to develop
and follow simple rules and scoring systems
Sustain energetic activity over appropriate periods of time
Warm up and cool down effectively
Weekly swimming lessons
Weekly Horse Riding
Music: Movement
To listen with concentration.
To appraise movement and dance from other cultures.
Song from Ghana – Everybody Loves Saturday Night – sing, clap, drums
West African drumming.
South African voices. Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Explore African instruments and use to accompany
tape of African music or singing.