Unit 7 Standards and Rubric

Unit 7 Standards and RubricGrowth: The Industrial Revolution (Science, Technology, & Society)
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas):
The movement of people and ideas affects all.
Individuals and groups have struggled to attain equality.
New ideas can lead to conflict and change.
People who live in different locations may have different values, goals, and lifestyles
Essential Questions:
What effect did the developments in transportation and communication have on the spread of
the Industrial Revolution?
In what ways did America change as a result of the reform movements in the 1800’s?
Why was the Industrial Revolution of the early 1800’s confined mostly to the north?
Are the benefits of progress worth the cost?
In what ways did improvements in science and technology change America?
Academic Vocabulary:
 Abolition
 Industrialization
 Reform
 Suffrage
 Temperance
Language of Instruction:
 Technology
 Civic Responsibility
 Rural/Urban
 Civil Disobedience
 Women’s Rights
 Prison Reform
 Efficient
 Canal
 Transcendentalism
Student Friendly TEKS
1A – I can identify reform movements.
1B – I can put events in chronological order.
11A – I can analyze how the environment determined where people lived and how they made money
during the 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s.
11B – I can describe how people can help and hurt the physical environment by changing it.
12C – I can explain the reasons for the increase in factories and urbanization.
12D – I can analyze the causes and effects of the economic differences between different regions.
13A – I can analyze how the War of 1812 caused economic changes.
13B – I can identify the economic factors that led to rapid industrialization and urbanization.
22B – I can describe the contributions of key political, social, and military leaders.
23B – I can explain the connection between urbanization and conflicts resulting from people’s
differences and beliefs.
23D – I can analyze the contributions of people of different backgrounds and their contributions to
our national identity.
23E– I can identify the contributions of women to American society.
24A– I can describe the abolitionist movement.
24B– I can evaluate the impact of reform movements.
26A– I can describe developments in art, music, and literature in the history of the United States.
26B- I can identify examples of American art, music, and literature that reflect society in different
26C- I can analyze the relationship between fine arts and stability and change in the American way
of life.
27A – I can explain the effects of new inventions in science and technology.
Unit 7 – GROWTH: Industrial Revolution 2013-14
Unit 7 Standards and RubricGrowth: The Industrial Revolution (Science, Technology, & Society)
27B – I can analyze how new ways of moving from place to place and new ways of communicating
helped the United States grow and change.
27C – I can analyze how improvements in technology changed the way we make and sell things in
the U.S. and in other countries.
27D – I can explain how improvements in technology caused industrialization and opened up the
28A – I can compare scientific discoveries and improvements in technology that influenced daily life.
28B – I can identify examples of how industrialization changed life in the U.S.
The student can:
History Strands
understand traditional historical
points of reference in U.S. history
through 1877.
and be able to:
identify the major eras and events in U.S. history through
1877, including… the Age of Jackson, westward
expansion… and describe their causes and effects (8.1A)
apply absolute and relative chronology through the
sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time
periods (8.1B)
Geography Strands
understand the physical
characteristics of North America and
how humans adapted to and modified
the environment through the mid19th century
analyze how physical characteristics of the environment
influenced population distribution, settlement patterns, and
economic activities in the United States during the 17th,
18th, and 19th centuries (8.11A)
describe the positive and negative consequences of human
modification of the physical environment of the United
States (8.11B)
Economics Strands
understand why various sections of
the United States developed different
patterns of economic activity
understand how various economic
forces resulted in the Industrial
Revolution in the 19th century
explain the reasons for the increase in factories and
urbanization (8.12C)
analyze the causes and effects of economic differences
among different regions of the United States at selected
times in U.S. history (8.12D)
analyze the War of 1812 as a cause of economic changes in
the nation (8.13A)
identify the economic factors that brought about rapid
industrialization and urbanization (8.13B)
Citizenship Strands
understand the importance of
effective leadership in a constitutional
describe the contributions of significant political, social, and
military leaders of the United States such as… Susan B.
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. (8.22B)
Unit 7 – GROWTH: Industrial Revolution 2013-14
Unit 7 Standards and RubricGrowth: The Industrial Revolution (Science, Technology, & Society)
The student can:
Culture Strands
understand the relationships
between and among people from
various groups, including racial,
ethnic, and religious groups,
during the 17th, 18th, and 19th
and be able to:
explain the relationship between urbanization and conflicts
resulting from differences in religion, social class, and
political beliefs (8.23B)
analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic,
and religious groups to our national identity (8.23D)
identify the political, social, and economic contributions of
women to American society (8.23E)
describe the historical development of the abolitionist
movement (8.24A)
understand the major reform
movements of the 19th century
understand the relationship
between the arts and the times
during which they were created
evaluate the impact of reform movements, including
educational reform, temperance, the women’s rights
movement, prison reform, abolition, the labor reform
movement, and care of disabled (8.24B)
describe developments in art, music, and literature that are
unique to American culture such as the Hudson River School
artists, John James Audubon, “Battle Hymn of the Republic,”
transcendentalism, and other culture actives in the history of
the United States (8.26A)
identify examples of American art, music, and literature that
reflect society in different eras (8.26B)
analyze the relationship between fine arts and continuity and
change in the American way of life (8.26C)
Science, Technology, and Society Strands
explain the effects of technological and scientific innovations
such as the steamboat, the cotton gin, and interchangeable
parts (8.27A)
understand the impact of science
and technology on the economic
development of the United States
analyze the impact of transportation and communication
systems on the growth, development, and urbanization of the
United States (8.27B)
analyze how technological innovations changed the way goods
were manufactured and marketed, nationally and
internationally (8.27C)
explain how technological innovations brought about
economic growth such as how the factory system contributed
to rapid industrialization and the Transcontinental Railroad
led to the opening of the west (8.27D)
understand the impact of
scientific discoveries and
technological innovations on
daily life in the United States
compare the effects of scientific discoveries and technological
innovations that have influenced daily life in different periods
in U.S. history (8.28A)
identify examples of how industrialization changed life in the
United States (8.28B)
Unit 7 – GROWTH: Industrial Revolution 2013-14