Social Studies Chapter 2: Earth*s Physical Geography

Social Studies Chapter 2: Earth’s Physical Geography
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________________
Section 1: Our Planet, Earth, pages 30-32
As you read and look at Section 1, answer the following questions:
1. What is the title of the first main heading? Seasons and Latitude
2. At different points in Earth’s orbit, the Northern Hemisphere may tilt toward or away from the sun.
3. The revolution of the titled planet causes seasons.
4. Where is the Northern Hemisphere tilted during the summer solstice? The Northern Hemisphere is tilted
farthest toward the sun during the summer solstice.
5. What causes the heat of summer? Since we live in the Northern Hemisphere, we know that places in our
hemisphere have longer daylight and more direct sunlight during summer, which causes heat during the summer
6. Make an inference: Why does fall have a chill, instead of getting cold immediately? (open) As Earth moves
through its orbit, sunlight is less direct, not gone completely. It moves gradually through its orbit, which creates
a gradual decline in direct sunlight.
7. When the Northern Hemisphere is titled farthest from the sun at the winter solstice, days are short, the sun’s
rays reach us at a steep angle, and have cold weather.
8. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the Southern Hemisphere is titled away, and vise
versa, so the seasons are reversed.
9. What does the diagram on page 30-31 show us? The Revolution of Earth / seasons in the Northern
10. As Earth travels around the sun, the tilt of its axis causes our seasons.
11. Earth’s axis tilts at a 23.5° angle from its orbit. This accounts for the seasons.
12. Which season are days and nights nearly equal in length? Spring / spring equinox
13. When does winter solstice being? About December 21
14. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, what is the season in the Southern Hemisphere? Autumn/Fall
15. Which zone of latitude do we live in? Middle latitude
16. The tropics have fairly direct sunlight and hot weather all year. Why do you think that is? (open) They are
on the equator!
17. When is the sun directly overhead the high latitudes, or polar zones? Never! They are cool or very cold all
18. On the time zone map on page 29, find the time zone where you live. Central
19. What is the time difference between your home and Greenwich, England? + 5 hours
20. How is this time difference related to Earth’s rotation? Time zones change as the earth rotates
*Use this space to ask any questions, draw any related pictures, or take any other notes that may help you
understand and remember what you’ve learned so far.