Written Paper: The Diverse nature of psychology

The Diverse Nature of Psychology
Amber Williams
December 8, 2014
Stephanie Towns
The Diverse Nature of Psychology
Diversity begins at the beginning of human life. According to Dufner (2013),
“An Organism is an entity in which multiple biological systems or processes of
different kinds function in a particularly integrated way and at least somewhat
autonomously from their environment.”
The aforementioned quote highlights at human’s basic level of development they are
multifaceted. Taking it a step further psychology implies to understand a human one must
understand the biological, psychological, and cultural makeup of a person. A few known
obvious facts about human diversity are, gender, religion, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, and
age. When considering the diverse nature of psychology as a discipline it would make sense that
there are multiple theories to the science of dealing with the complexity of human behavior.
In the development of understanding the diverse nature of psychology an evaluation of
the influences of diversity on psychology’s major concepts will be highlighted. Another area of
consideration to build on this understanding will be examples of sub disciplines and subtopics
within psychology. Building on the sub disciplines and subtopics an explanation of how they
may be applied to other areas of discipline and venues will be considered. An explanation of
these sub disciplines and subtopics and their relationship to treating the whole person will also be
discussed. Finally an overview of the contribution of the theoretical perspective and its
application to society will be covered. First in the series to cover is that of the diversity of
psychology’s major concepts.
Diversity of Psychology’s Concepts
There are eight basic theoretical perspectives to improve human behavior. They include
system perspective, conflict perspective, rational choice perspective, social constructionist
perspective, psychodynamic perspective, developmental perspective, social behavioral
perspective, and humanistic perspective. In the field of psychology these theoretical theories are
accepted as individual sciences, and not quite a paradigm, but that all perspectives are useful and
could be used together for the wellbeing of treating the whole person. Stepping back to the
concept that all humans are different, and diverse, leading to the fact that potentially one
psychology theoretical perspective will work for some individuals, but potentially multiple
theories may have a greater impact on the success of psychological treatment. An explanation of
these aforementioned theoretical perspectives will be covered next. (Hutchison & Charles
Worth, 2007)
Defining Perspectives
The systems perspective sees human behavior as the results of the experience one
receives from a given social system. Conflict perspective looks for the connection of the source
of conflict on human behavior in the areas of economic, political, and cultural areas. Rational
choice perspective implies that human behavior occurs based on self-interest, and the rational to
choose behaviors to accomplish goals. Social constructionist perspective is how people learn by
their interaction with one another to determine where they fit in, in the world. Psychodynamic
perspective is the internal processes such as needs, drives, and emotions is what determines
human behavior. The developmental perspective is the unfolding of who a person is over a life
time, and how they remain the same. Social behavioral perspective is that of human behavior
being learned by interaction with the environment, such as classical conditioning. Finally the
humanistic perspective is the emphasis of an individual’s freedom of action, and search for
meaning. Now to identify two sub disciplines and subtopics within psychology. (Hutchison &
Charles Worth, 2007)
Sub Disciplines and Subtopics in Psychology
In the psychology field of science there are theoretical perspectives that have been
previously covered here. Within the theoretical approach there are sub disciplines, and
subtopics. For example there is the humanistic approach perspective. Within the humanistic
approach perspective there is positive psychology, and the subtopic life’s meaning. Another
theoretic perspective is that of the developmental perspective with a sub discipline of health
psychology, and a subtopic of science of wellbeing. An elaboration of both sub disciplines and
subtopics will be discussed next.
Positive Psychology - Life’s Meaning
Although a new field of study, positive psychology is the science of study covering
people’s strengths, and virtues, and promoting optimal functioning of individuals and
Positive psychology should not be mistake for the fact that humans do have
problems, but rather has the focus on what goes right in life, rather than the wrong. According to
Peterson (2009), “Positive psychology was intended as a deliberate correction to the decadeslong focus by psychology and much of the social sciences on problems.” The subtopic of life’s
meaning implies that strengths of character-hope, love, and zest correlate a satisfaction across the
lifespan (Peterson, 2009). Now to elaborate on another sub discipline and subtopic stemming
from the developmental perspective.
Health Psychology – Science of Wellbeing
Health psychology would fall under the category of developmental perspective, that
which implies how human behavior unfolds across a life time, and how people change and
remain the same during this time. Health psychology focuses on individuals being responsible
by way of the ability of free choice (Healthy Psychology, 2014). Potentially the choices a person
makes about how they treat their physical body can have a positive or negative impact of their
complete well-being. The concern with health psychology is that of a biological, psychological,
and social process. The goal of the science in the area of wellbeing is that of interventions that
focus on preventative measures and health promotions. With the understanding of positive
psychology, and health psychology, and their connection to that of the humanistic perspective,
and the developmental perspective along with their subtopics there are other disciplines, and
venues that they can be applied to.
Application to Other Disciplines and Venues
Although the aforementioned information provided about positive psychology, and life’s
meaning, along with that of health psychology and science of wellbeing were primarily focused
from a clinical perspective. Not only were the previously mentioned from a clinical perspective
but in a primary field of study. Worthy to note that these disciplines and subtopics can be
applied in other primary fields of study as well as venues. In observation each of the primary
theoretical perspectives have a focus for improved behavior. To show how health psychology
and the science of wellbeing and positive psychology and life’s meaning can be applied under
other disciplines outside of a clinical setting the use of these disciplines can be used in the
medical field, and the workforce. The medical field in and health psychology/science of
wellbeing could be incorporated by way of treating the whole person, rather than just the ailment
of current concern. An example, if a person is dealing with ulcers (stomach problems)
determining the potential stressors that may be currently challenging the individual. This could
potentially eliminate the core problem with the final resolution for treatment of the current ulcer,
and any potential future reoccurrence. By way of the work force and the use positive
psychology/life’s meaning companies could find ways to implement the focus of focusing more
on employees, and organizational strengths, rather than the weaknesses. For example, the
overall bottom line for the company’s yearend numbers in review with employees could be better
in moving forward. Rather than focus on what could be better the focus could be on what is
working and what successes were made during the year. Although elementary in its use the
highlight here is to focus on strengths, rather than weakness. Potentially the goal will assist in
keeping employees motivated in their drive for the advancement of the organization along with a
healthy personal self-esteem.
Multidimensional Approach
Currently it is not recognized as a paradigm of the use of all theoretic perspectives.
Although not the case the term multidimensional perspective will work here. That is the use of
all theoretical perspectives. In relating positive psychology/life’s meaning, and health
psychology/science of wellbeing to the multidimensional perspective is that of dealing with any
give situation and or person, with the necessary tools for that given situation, and or person. It
has been noted here that humans in their complex makeup are multidimensional leading to the
need to have multidimensional approaches to dealing with situations. The use of positive
psychology/life’s meaning, and health psychology/science of wellbeing seem to treat the
individual as a whole. If the whole person is being treated by way of positive psychology or
health psychology are being used it would potentially be determined that there were some
preconditioned behaviors that may exist. The use of the social behavior perspective would be
useful. This is just to illustrate one way that working with an individual not just using one
theoretical perspective can have its advantages. The multidimensional perspective and the
contribution to work, education, health, and leisure will be discussed next.
Psychological Contribution
In an overview of what has been highlighted here, humans at their basic conception are
diverse, but although diverse they are also the same in that they are human. The psychological
contribution to society, which will include people/humans, in the areas of work, education,
health, leisure will consist of understanding first and foremost the uniqueness of each individual
walking on this planet. In light of all the uniqueness each situation has to be dealt with
according to their makeup. Potentially the ability to deal with another’s uniqueness may be to
just understand and accept that there are differences. Psychology not being an exact science, and
its constant evolution will assist in the continuation of knowing that there are potential solutions
that currently exist and there potentially are those to come to help people live healthy, happy
Health psychology. (2014). Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 40(1), 158159. Retrieved from
Hutchison, E. D., & Charles Worth, L. W. (2007). Dimensions of Human Behavior (3rd ed.).
Los Angeles, California: Sage Publishing.
Dufner. A. (2013). Potentiality Arguments and the Definition of “Human Organism”.
American Journal of Bioethics. 13(1). 33-34. Doi: 10. 1080/15265161.2012.747033
Peterson, C. (2009). Positive psychology. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 18(2), 3-7. Retrieved