Reciprocyte - Sri Krishna Institute Of Technology

Email No:9791474309
Email No:9489108370
The Reciprocyte is a bloodborne spherical 1-micron
diameter, 1000 atm pressure vessel with active
pumping powered by endogenous serum glucose
able to deliver 236 times more oxygen to tissues per
unit volume than national red blood cells and to
manage carbonic activity. Medical nanorobots can
be employed as artificial oxygen carriers in the
blood (Respirocytes), thus assisting and extending
normal human respiratory capacities. Respirocytes
function as artificial red blood cells, carrying
oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules through the
Ever thought about holding your breath and
swimming under water for hours at a stretch like a
whale? Or sprinting like a cheetah for 12 minutes,
without breathing even once!
Respirocytes are just one type of the
nanobots that will make up this artificial blood.
It's no Sci-fi movie script or dream. The concept is
very much real and might come true some day in the
future. Scripted by scientists, Robert A Freitas and
Christopher J Phoenix, it involves changing the very
essence of life-replacing the blood coursing through
your arteries and veins with over 500 trillion oxygen
and nutrients carrying nanobots. The vasculoid
system as it is called will just about duplicate every
function of blood, more efficiently.
Human blood has to be kept cool, and it has
a shelf life of 42 days. This makes it
impractical for emergency crews to carry it
in ambulances or for medical staff to carry it
onto the battlefield.
Volume expanders alone may not be enough
to keep a badly bleeding patient alive until
he reaches the hospital.
Doctors must make sure the blood is the
right type-- A, B, AB or O -- before giving it
to a patient. If a person receives the wrong
type of blood, a deadly reaction can result.
The number of people who need blood is
growing faster than the number of people
who donate blood.
Viruses like HIV and hepatitis can
contaminate the blood supply, although
improved testing methods have made
contamination less likely in most developed
Robert J Freitas, a nanotechnology
researcher at the Institute for Molecular
Manufacturing visualized a future "vasculoid"
(vascular-like machine) that would replace human
blood with some 500 trillion nanorobots distributed
throughout the body’s vasculature as a coating. It
could eradicate heart disease, stroke, and other
vascular problems; remove parasites, bacteria,
viruses, and metastasizing cancer cells to limit the
spread of blood borne disease; move lymphocytes
faster to improve immune response; reduce
susceptibility to chemical, biochemical, and parasitic
poisons; improve physical endurance and stamina;
and partially protect from various accidents and other
physical harm. With the availability of mature
molecular nanotechnology we could replace blood
with a single complex robot. This robot would
duplicate all essential thermal and biochemical
transport functions of the blood, including circulation
of respiratory gases, glucose, hormones, cytokines,
waste products, and all necessary cellular
components. The device would conform to the shape
of existing blood vessels. Ideally, it would replace
natural blood so thoroughly that the rest of the body
would remain, essentially unaffected. It is, in effect, a
mechanically engineered redesign of the human
circulatory system nanobots will replace blood cells
and do their work thousands of times more
arranged structural atoms, and holds an additional 9
billion molecules when it is fully loaded.
Respirocytes are nano machines, tiny mechanical
devices designed to operate on the molecular level.
An onboard chemo mechanical turbine or fuel cell
generates power by combining glucose. This is
converted to mechanical power which drives
molecular sorting rotors and other subsystems, as
demonstrated in principle by a variety of biological
motor systems such as bacteria flagella. Each power
plant develops 0.3picowatts of power. That's enough
energy to fill the oxygen tank in 10 seconds from
empty, a pumping rate of 100 million
The artificial respirocyte is a hollow, spherical nano
medical device 1 micron in diameter. The device acts
as an artificial mechanical red blood cell. It is
designed as a diamondoid 1000-atmosphere pressure
vessel with active pumping powered by endogenous
serum glucose, and can deliver 236 times more
oxygen to the tissues per unit volume than natural red
cells while simultaneously managing carbonic
acidity. The respirocyte is built of 18 billion precisely
Respirocytes function as artificial red blood cells,
carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules
through the body. There are three main storage tank one for oxygen, another for carbon dioxide and a
third for ballast water.
Twelve pumping stations are spaced evenly along an
equatorial circle. Each station has its own
independent glucose-metabolizing power plant,
glucose tank, environmental glucose sensors, and
glucose sorting rotors. Each station alone can
generate sufficient energy to power the entire
respirocyte, and has an array of 3-stage molecular
sorting rotor assemblies for pumping O2, CO2, and
H2O from the ambient medium into an interior
chamber, and vice versa. The number of rotor sorters
in each array is determined both by performance
requirements and by the anticipated concentration of
each target molecule in the bloodstream. The
equatorial pumping station network occupies ~50%
of respirocyte surface[4].
oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood by infusing
the largest possible number of respirocytes. The
maximum safe augmentation dosage is probably
about 1 liter of 50% respirocyte suspension, which
puts 954 trillion devices into your bloodstream. You
could then hold your breath for 3.8 hours, at the
normal resting metabolic rate.
Respirocytes exchange gasses via molecular sorting
rotors. The rotors have specially shaped tips to catch
particular types of molecules. Gas molecules are
stored tightly in tanks. Each respirocyte has three
types of rotors. One gathers oxygen at the lungs or in
production before introduction to the body and
releases it while traveling through the body. Another
captures carbon dioxide while in the bloodstream and
releases it at the lungs. The third takes in glucose
from the bloodstream, which is burned in a reaction
similar to cellular respiration in order to power the
The average male human body has 28.5 trillion red
blood cells, each containing 270 million hemoglobin
molecules binding four O2 molecules per
hemoglobin. However, since hemoglobin normally
operates between 95% saturation (arterial) and 70%
saturation (venous), only 25% of stored oxygen is
accessible to the tissues.
By contrast, each respirocyte stores up to 1.51 billion
oxygen molecules, 100% of which are accessible to
the tissues. To fully duplicate human blood active
capacity, we have to deploy 5.36 trillion devices. But
one of the potential benefits of nano medical devices
is their ability to extend natural human capabilities.
Suppose you wanted to permanently maximize the
Respirocytes are extremely reliable. A simple
analysis of likely radiation damage suggests that the
average respirocyte should last about 20 years before
failing. If a malfunction of power plants occurs while
the respirocyte is in your bloodstream, its
temperature won't rise at all. That's because the 7.3
pico watts of continuous thermal energy, the device is
generating is easily absorbed by the huge aqueous
heat sink, which has a bountiful heat capacity. . If the
device explodes in air, there is no acoustic shock
wave. If the device explodes inside human tissue,
then water temperature raises only by 0.04°C.So
single-device explosions are unlikely to cause
embolic or other significant damage. Collisions with
respirocytes or their spinning sorting rotors are
unlikely to cause serious physical damage to other
cells in the bloodstream such as platelets, white cells,
or natural red cells, nor will collisions injure blood
vessel walls.[2]
Once manufactured, respirocytes are filled with
oxygen and prepared for use. In an emergency
situation they can be injected directly into the
bloodstream of the endangered individual. They do
not move by their own power, but are carried along in
the bloodstream like natural erythrocytes. Once the
respirocytes have dispersed they begin releasing
oxygen and collecting carbon dioxide.
Respirocytes can provide a temporary replacement
for natural blood cells in the case of an emergency. If
an individual has lost access to a natural oxygen
supply due to drowning, choking, or any other form
of asphyxia, respirocytes can release oxygen
throughout the bloodstream
Respirocytes can also be used for other problems
with gasses in the bloodstream. If one inhales carbon
monoxide or other poisonous gasses, special
respirocytes designed to capture those particular
molecules can be used to clean the body quickly.
Another useful application is in deep sea diving. If a
diver surfaces too quickly, he or she often suffers
from the "bends", a problem caused by dissolved
nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream. Respirocytes
could be designed to capture nitrogen molecules
during dives[5].
An injection of such nanotechnological devices
would enable a person to run at top speed for 15
minutes or remain underwater for four hours on a
single breath. Because of their smaller form factor,
1µm diameter, compared with the 8µm diameter of a
red blood cell
A syringe is used today to inject medication into the
patient’s blood stream, tomorrow, nanobots could
transport and deliver chemical agents directly to a
target cell. Nanokiller (i.e.Nanobot) could find and
repair damaged organs, detect and destroy a tumor
mass. They would be able to communicate their
positions, operational statuses, and the success or
failure of the treatment as it progresses. They would
tell you their physical coordinates in the body, so you
know where they are. They would tell you how many
cancer cells have they encountered and inactivated.
Being smaller in diameter, respirocytes could squeeze
into much thinner blood vessels, delivering vital
oxygen to cells.
Injection of drugs affects only affects cancerous cells
only and does not affect the non-cancerous cells.[6]
The scientist says that already, blood cell-sized
submarines called nanobots are being tested in
animals. These will soon be used to destroy tumors,
unblock clots and perform operations without scars.
The bots will be a thousand times more efficient than
the RBCs they seek to replace. Agreed this nanorobotic blood will be more than a little time in the
making. But who knows, one day it could very well
change the course of human evolution.
Nanotechnology will help in making humans achieve
immortality said Kurzweil, "By the middle of the
next century we will have back-up copies of the
information in our bodies and brains that make us
who we are. Then we really will be immortal".
"Nanotechnology will extend our mental capacities to
such an extent we will be able to write books within
Eventually, as we continue to enhance and
replace the biological body one part at a time,
artificial white blood cells will likely be developed to
augment and ultimately replace the human immune
system. Even sub-cellular systems such as the
organelles, and even the entire nucleus within each of
our cells are not beyond technological replacement at least in theory.[2]
Respirocytes are a form of nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of
substances on a nanometer scale, thus allowing
design of machine at the molecular or even
atomic level. Currently nanotechnology has only
progressed to allow the assembly of relatively
large, simple items. The earliest and most
famous of these was IBM's arrangement of
individual xenon atoms.
[1] TanmayBBaid, RohitTomar; Seminar report on
Nanotechnology: Engineering an era of industial
Within the next twenty years nanotechnology
will advance greatly, and may be fully capable
of producing tiny complex machines. The
development of nanodevices that assemble
other nanomachines will allow for massive
cheap production. Thus respirocytes could be
manufactured economically and abundantly.
Although early respirocytes will be used for
emergency respiratory functions, they may
eventually lead to permanent replacement for
natural red blood cells. Temporary respirocytes
would be extremely effective in saving lives, but
do have limitations. Permanent substitution
would greatly increase the energy efficiency of
the human body and the safety of everyday life.
[2]Nanobots: The Artificial Blood;
[3] Tracy V Wilson; How Artificial blood works?
[4] Robert A. Freitas; Jr. Nanomedicine Art
[6]Manivannan.L, VinothKumar.R;
Nanotechnology in Medicine