TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment

TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
TAE40110 Certificate 1V in Training and Assessment
Assessment Tool for TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
This section is for Assessor Use Only
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
Marking Guide – For Assessor Use
Candidate name
Employer name
Unit being assessed
Instructions to assessor
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
Candidates need to complete the following tasks and gather the evidence and
present in a portfolio in a logical and clear format
The portfolio can also include evidence that may have been gathered using
documents from the candidate’s workplace.
In assessing the candidate’s portfolio, you will be looking to see if it contains
evidence of the candidate conducting a minimum of 3 training sessions in a safe
and comfortable learning environment which involved demonstrating and
instructing particular work skills for individuals or small groups (Each session
must be with different people or small groups and have different learning
It must also show that the candidate has used a range of training techniques and
effective communication skills which are appropriate for the trainees.
Marking Guide for assessment of this portfolio is as follows:
( Indicates satisfactory completion of each item)
Marking Guide
Assessment Task 1
 Delivery plan which includes
o Job skill and context of training
o Learner needs and characteristics (learner questionnaire)
o Names of candidates
o Equipment , learning resources and learning materials
o Details regarding location/time/ reason for training
o Learning objective of the training
o Delivery technique used in demonstration
o Questions for training session
 learner evaluations of the performance
 a self-reflection on the performance and strategies for improvement
 an assessor observation of the candidate delivering work skill instruction
Assessment Task 2
 Delivery plan which includes
o Job skill and context of training
o Learner needs and characteristics (learner questionnaire)
o Names of candidates
o Equipment , learning resources and learning materials
o Details regarding location/time/ reason for training
o Learning objective of the training
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
Delivery technique used in demonstration
Prepared questions for training session
 learner evaluations of the performance (at least 3)
 a self-reflection on the performance and strategies for improvement
 an assessor observation of the candidate delivering work skill instruction
Assessment Task 3
 Delivery plan which includes
o Job skill and context of training
o Learner needs and characteristics (learner questionnaire)
o Names of candidates
o Equipment , learning resources and learning materials
o Details regarding location/time/ reason for training
o Learning objective of the training
o Delivery technique used in demonstration
o Prepared questions for training session
 learner evaluations of the performance (at least 3)
 a self-reflection on the performance and strategies for improvement
 an assessor observation of the candidate delivering work skill instruction
Assessment Task 4
 Responses to questions 1-14 see Knowledge marking guide and
assessment record below.
Overall performance
Comments / feedback
Assessor name
Assessor signature
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
Marking Guide and Assessment Record – Task 5 – Written Questions
Record of questions
please initial if
What are the roles and responsibilities of both the trainer and learner?
Trainer is responsible for ensuring that the learning is valid, effective, engaging and safe.
The learner is responsible for being an active participant in undertaking learning activities and
following safety instructions
Assessor comments
What are your WHS roles and responsibilities as a trainer? What are the WHS
responsibilities of your learners?
Ensure the learning environment and equipment is safe. Ensure learners wear appropriate PPE and
are aware of safe handling procedures. Learners must follow instructions for safe handling
including wearing PPE and ensuring the safety of others in direct vicinity. All responses must be in
line with organisational policy and procedures
Assessor comments
Explain how you determine the suitability of learning resources and materials for the
particular individual/s
Version control, matching learning styles print matter font size (reasonable adjustment
Assessor comments
Outline how you would locate resources and materials relevant to the training
SOP/SWI/STP manuals for machines, enterprise training resources)
Assessor comments
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Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
If you identified any WHS hazards in the learning area before starting the training, how
would you respond?
Implement a risk analysis in line with organisational policy procedures to inform severity,
elimination options and substitution options. If risk is too severe to modify/adapt environment
then candidates need to be removed from the environment and an alternative venue must be
Assessor comments
How effective were your delivery plans in helping you to cover all your objectives? What
could be improved?
Consideration of timing of activities, range of activities, variety of learning modes, learner needs
Assessor comments
How did you go about making your learners feel comfortable and motivating them to
participate fully in the training? What could create barriers to an effective training
Ensure that each participant has an opportunity to participate, maintains group cohesion;
encourages rapport between group members; manages group dynamics; facilitates discussion and
group interaction, varies activities and presentation modes
Assessor comments
Give examples of three learning principles and how you implemented them in your
training in Task 1-3
Actively engage draw on previous experience reflect on learning, give people a choce and make
Assessor comments
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Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
How did you cater for individual learning styles when doing your training in task1-3.
Visual pictures video powerpoint handouts, cds explanations. discussions, pair work ,simulated
activities where movement is required doing the skill.
Assessor comments
Which training techniques worked best?
What coaching techniques did you use in your training and why did they work?
One on one demonstrate, model ,explain, set clear goals/outcomes, motivate /mentor/ check and
support. practice and test ,watch and do - VET learners prefer ‘hands-on’ skills based learning
therefore opportunities for skills practice after demonstration of skill and then feedback to allow
learners to modify practice.
Assessor comments
Give two examples of how you have recognised and responded sensitively to individual
differences and diversity among your trainees.
Examples of catering for individual differences that are due to cultural, social, learning preferences
or intellectual factor. Provision of support mechanisms such as provision of support materials such
as text readers, interpreters, LLN in class tutorial support. In class strategies such as variety of
delivery modes, opportunities to work along or in groups, provision of advance organisers and
repeating information in different ways.
Assessor comments
What are some important aspects of providing constructive feedback?
Feedback should be constructive, clear, concise, timely and sensitive. It’s a good idea to start with
a positive, then negative and finish with a positive – ‘feedback sandwich’
Assessor comments
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
How could you determine the success of the training you have provided and ensure the
people you train consistently demonstrate their competence in the workplace?
Ample opportunity to practice skills with feedback provided in the training session. As a trainer you
need to observe the performance of the skill multiple times. Success would be determined by
learners ability to apply learning in a range of work contexts under workplace conditions.
Assessor comments
Give two examples of how you have recognised and responded sensitively to individual
differences and diversity among your learners
Examples of catering for individual differences that are due to cultural, social, learning
or intellectual factor. Provision of support mechanisms such as provision of support materials such
as text readers, interpreters, LLN in class tutorial support. In class strategies such as variety of
delivery modes, opportunities to work along or in groups, provision of advance organisers and
repeating information in different ways.
Assessor comments
How do you record training outcomes and store training records in your workplace?
Check with record keeping expectations in the workplace who has access who maintains updates
etc According to workplace policy and procedures
Assessor comments
All questions answered correctly
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
Evidence and Outcome Record for TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
In order to be deemed competent the candidate must have satisfactorily completed the following
 Task 1 – Demonstrate delivery of work skill instruction (includes observation by Assessor)
 Task 2 – Demonstrate delivery of work skill instruction (includes observation by third party)
 Task 3 – Demonstrate delivery of work skill instruction (includes observation by third party)
 Task 4 –Knowledge questions
Provide work skill instruction
Not yet competent
Assessors comments
I confirm that the candidate is workplace competent in this unit.
Assessor name
Assessor signature
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Business Management NNW Commercial State-wide
Assessment Tool– TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction
version 1.1 23072014