Bull Test Letter (2015-16)

2015-2016 CSC Bull Tests
The tests are open to all recognized beef brands. The bulls will be fed a complete growingfinishing ration designed to allow maximum growth, but not intended to over-finish fast gaining bulls.
Course grass hay will also be available to the bulls throughout the test. Progress reports will be mailed
following the 56, 84, and 112 day weights.
Important Dates to Remember
Fall Test
Spring Test
Entries Due (all bulls must be pre-entered)
June 5, 2015
30, 2015
Receive Bulls
Official Start
Dec. 10,2015
56 Day Weight
Sept . 17,2015
4 ,2016
84 Day Weight
112 Day Final Weight
Nov. 12, 2015
Mar. 31,2016
Sale Day
April 14,2016
3, 2015
Requirements of Consignor
Our facilities will accommodate 100 bulls; therefore all bulls must be pre-entered. We reserve the
right to limit the number of entries per consignor in case the number entered exceeds our capacity.
Consideration will be given to breeders who routinely test bulls at Connors State College.
Bulls will be received between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on the delivery dates. If a
different delivery date is needed contact the test supervisor. Bulls for the fall test must have been born
in Sept., Oct., or November of 2014. Bulls for the spring test must have been born in Jan., Feb., or
March of 2015. Breeders are encouraged to register their bulls and obtain EPD information as early as
New Requirements
1. Only bulls with an official health certificate that confirms they meet all state and federal
health requirements, vaccination regime is met, and a negative PI test will be permitted to
2. Only bulls that weigh 650 lbs. or above will be eligible for the test.
3. All bulls must be tested and confirmed for BVD persistent infection (PI) negative to be
4. Veterinarian confirmation of vaccination program(Specific list of products used). At least
three weeks prior to delivery.
***** The pen will be increasing to $185.00/hd. This money is used to maintain and improve the
Health Requirements
1. All bulls should comply with state and federal requirements for transporting to the test station.
2. All calves should be pre-conditioned by weaning and have vaccinations for the following
antigens at least three weeks prior to delivery:
a. PI3- Parainfluenza
b. BRSV- Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus
c. IBR –Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
d. BVD types 1&2 –Bovine Virus Diarrhea
e. Leptospira Interrogans
f. Clostridium
g. Mannheimia Haemolytica
h. Pasteurella Multocida
i. Campylobacter fetus
All bulls should be free of warts, ringworm, or mange.
All bulls should be dewormed and treated for grubs and lice before arrival.
Horned bulls need to be dehorned or have their horns tipped.
It is recommended for the fall test that all hairy bulls are slickshorn.
General Considerations
Connors State College and its personnel have no obligation or responsibility to produce
casualty insurance on the test bulls. If the owner thinks insurance is desirable, he/she should
obtain it before the bulls are delivered to the test. Connors State College and its personnel will
not be responsible for loss or injury of any bulls due to sickness, death, injury, fire, theft or any
other cause. State and Federal health regulations will be followed.
**For General Test Questions Please Contact Ron, Blake or Roger:
Ron Ramming-(918)869-7573
Roger Morton-(918)557-4560
Blake Nelson-(918)-441-3433
**For Bull Health Questions Please Contact Dr. Fenton:
Dr. Kevin Fenton- (918)448-0627