Cells Exam Review `13-`14


1. How are plant cells different from animal cells?

2. What cells are prokaryotic?

3 What function or process is common to all living things?

5 Who discovered the cell? Name the 3 Cell Theory statements and who made them.

6 Which organelle stores DNA and acts as a control center for the cell?

7Which part of the cell produces ribosomes?

8 What does algae, bacteria, animals and flowering plants all have in common?

9 What types of organisms have cells with very large vacuoles?

10 Describes the function of mitochondria?

11 The cell organelle responsible for providing energy for cell processes in plant and animal cells is the

12Which organelle provides energy for all cell functions?

13 Organelle that produce proteins

14 Function of the Golgi body

15 Function of the cell wall

16 Which organelle stores hereditary material and coordinates the activities of the cell?

17 Function of chloroplast

18 Function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

19 Materials must pass through a cell's semi-permeable membrane from higher concentration to lower concentration in order for energy to be utilized. What is the process called?

21 Describe the function of the vacuole.

22 Types of cells, which has the highest concentration of mitochondria?

23 A cell with a 25% salt concentration is placed into a beaker that contains a 50% salt concentration. In which direction will the water molecules move. Draw the beaker and the cell. Use arrows to represent the movement of the water.

24 Which part of the cell controls the movement of substances?

26 Which structure of the cell has selectively permeability?

27 Active transport vs passive transport?

28 We placed an egg in vinegar to dissolve the shell. After the shell dissolved, only the semipermeable membrane of the egg remained. Explain what happen when we place the egg in syrup. Distilled water?

29 Which structures are common to both plant and animal cells?

30 The white blood cells destroy bacteria. Which type of active transport does it use?

31 Which part makes a plant cell different from an animal cell?

33 Compares a plant cell to an animal cell. Which structure will the student find ONLY in the plant cell?

34 Structures in a plant cell allow a plant to make food?

35 Which function makes a plant cell different from an animal cell?

36 Animal cells obtain energy by…

38 How are plant cells different from animal cells?

39 What do a bacteria and a human have in common?

41 The basic units of structure and function for both plants and animals are…

42 Which of these cell structures converts nutrients to energy for cell functions?

43 An athlete is running a race. The athlete’s body needs energy. Which organelle(s) in the athlete’s cells supply the energy for cellular functions?

44 The process of cell division is called

Which cell organelle contains the genetic material for reproduction?


45 What is the main role of lysosomes?

46 Which statement describes a primary function of the cell wall of a plant cell?

47 What is the main function of the chloroplasts in plant cells?

49 Which cellular structure allows nutrients, water and other materials to enter and leave a cell?

50 Which of these processes makes it possible for cells to take in water?

51 Which organelle in a plant cell captures sunlight and converts the energy into food?

Label the cells.
