Community Champion Specification

A Fairer Start:
Champion Programme
1. Introduction
1.1. This specification sets out Catalyst Stockton’s requirement for an organisation to deliver
the Fairer Start Champion Programme (FSCP).
1.2. The FSCP is an element of the Fairer Start pilot project that is managed by Catalyst
Stockton and the Fairer Start Steering Group.
1.3. The expectation is that the successful provider will deliver the specification on behalf of
the Fairer Start Steering group in line with wider Fairer Start pilot project.
1.4. Monitoring is required for all participants within the FSCP on a quarterly basis to be
incorporated in the overall Fairer Start project. Provider(s) will also be required to
contribute to the evaluation process as needed; which will be a more detailed,
independent piece of work led by Teesside University.
1.5. Contract award will be based only on assessment criteria described in this specification.
Background & Context
2.1. Through fundamental system change, empowering communities to raise healthy happy
and productive children, A Fairer Start builds on the current community and public
resource to ensure better life chances of 0-3 year olds focusing on the Stockton Town
Centre ward
2.2. There is a strong evidence base that suggests, that investing in early years improves,
social, emotional, physical development of children has an impact on educational
attainment and their health & wellbeing in the long term
2.3. The project fits with several strategic drivers, including early intervention and prevention,
reducing the flow of children into the social care system, and ‘giving every child the best
start in life’ (a key priority of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy).
2.4. The work is led by the Voluntary and Community Sector, through Catalyst, who chair a
multi-agency project board. Partners involved include Public Health, Children, Education
and Social Care, the CCG, midwifery and health visiting colleagues.
2.5. Stockton Town Centre is an area in the Borough of Stockton-On-Tees that is affected by
vast health inequalities the ward has a very diverse population of approximately 6,500
residents. High levels of deprivation, affected by complex issues such as high levels of
substance misuse and with one of the highest rates of domestic abuse it was agreed that
there was potential here to make a difference to the children born in Stockton Town
2.6. The project will develop an evidence based approach to supporting and improving the
health, wellbeing and life chances of 0-3 year olds within the Central Stockton ward. It will
aim to improve a child’s ‘school readiness’, which is a composite measure of a child’s
social, emotional and physical development. There will be a focus on 3 key objectives:
Improving child and maternal nutrition
Improving cognitive, social and emotional development
Improving communication skills and speech and language
2.7. A community engagement and community development approach to Public Health has
been proven to help in building the capacity of local residents so that they are enabled to
work in close partnership with local providers and commissioners to design and develop
local services.
2.8. The FSCP will adopt an asset-based and community development approach to improving
the life chances of children born in Stockton Town Centre and tackling health inequalities.
2.9. A parallel programme of work is underway as part of the Fairer Start initiative, to develop
more integrated working between key public sector services e.g. children’s centres,
health visiting and midwifery. Both the public sector and community development strands
of the initiative are key to its success and are closely linked.
2.10. An initial piece of communication engagement work around intelligence gathering and
consultation was carried out late 2014 to gather the views, opinions and values of
Stockton Town Centre residents related to pregnancy/early years support, norms and
barriers. A total of 356 respondents took part in the consultation, of which 153 expressed
an interest in staying involved with A Fairer Start to include working with Synergy,
Catalyst and Public Sector partners to raise awareness of A Fairer Start in the community
and taking part in the design/delivery of services going forward.
A brief summary of the initial Community Engagement activity carried out by Synergy is
attached to this specification.
3. The Service
3.1. The aim of the Fairer Start Champion Programme is to engage communities in improving
the life chances and wellbeing of children born in the Stockton Town Centre Ward by
developing the capacity of local people to promote health and wellbeing and reduce
3.2. Objectives include:
To co-design the Community Champion model with the community and through
working with the Fairer Start Steering Group and other stakeholders
To recruit and train local residents as Community Champions to work with providers,
commissioners and the community, ensuring Champions are representative of / have
a good understanding of the needs of different population groups that make up areas
such as Stockton Town Centre
To gather insight and community intelligences through residents’ feedback (residents
surveys, insights and market research)
To improve access to local health services, initiatives particularly through proactive
community outreach; contact; information and signposting to local services
To increase Early Intervention, Health Promotion and Behaviour Change through a
Fairer Start and other local services and programmes.
To provide direct advocacy, support and brief intervention / advice on parenting,
general wellbeing and health-related issues, in-line with the training and support /
supervision the Community Champions will receive
To build social capital (building confidence, improving mental wellbeing, reducing
isolation and promoting community cohesion) through community events
To increase skills and competencies of Community Champions through personal and
professional development, training and supporting access to return to work/
preparation for employment where desired
To capture monitoring information as requested by the Steering Group and provide
reports on a quarterly basis.
To contribute to the independent university-lead evaluation of the Fairer Start initiative
4. Outputs
4.1. To produce a model for the Community Champions service, co-designed with the
community and through close working with the Fairer Start Steering Group and other key
4.2. To recruit Fairer Start Champions to the project that represent the range of communities
found in the Stockton Town Centre Ward
4.3. To increase the skills and knowledge of local residents with regards to attitudes towards
pregnancy and early years
4.4. To increase local residents’ awareness , knowledge and access to local services
4.5. To increase Champions knowledge and understanding, skills and competencies in health
promotion and health improvement
4.6. To increase local awareness of a Fairer Start through community events, campaigns,
activities website, social media etc.
4.7. To influence the direction of the Fairer Start project, services and initiatives
4.8. To record monitoring information as requested by the Steering Group and provide reports
on a quarterly basis. This will also include contribution to the independent university-led
evaluation of the Fairer Start initiative.
5. Outcomes
5.1. More parents access services on a regular basis for the benefit of their child during
pregnancy and in early years.
5.2. Children are given a better and fairer start in life as measured by School Readiness at 5
years of age and improvement in the three key outcomes: nutrition, cognitive
development and speech and language
5.3. Fairer Start Champions recognise their own worth and the important role they play in their
communities regarding health promotion by supporting individuals and families within
their own community.
5.4. Local residents and communities have increased understanding and knowledge of
pregnancy and early years issues to improve and make positive changes in the lives of
children born in the Stockton Town Centre Ward
5.5. Residents take an active role in their communities and have a mechanism in which they
can influence how services are developed in their area.
5.6. Services have improved engagement with ‘hard to reach’ communities
6. The Service
6.1. Staff Structure
It is envisaged that 1.5 FTE staff will be recruited to develop and support the Community
Champion Programme with additional management support. The staff will:
Actively and continually build on the initial engagement and co-production work
Further engage members of the community and other stakeholders
Be actively present and ‘seen’ in the Stockton Town Centre Community, building on
current assets and establishing relationships with residents, VCSE and other groups
Work with Town Centre agencies to recruit Community Champions to the project
Support, train and develop the Community Champions together with the relevant
professional leads e.g. Public Health, midwifery, health visiting, Children’s Centres
Support champions to work with the Community Engagement Task & Finish group to set
priorities based on A Fairer Start Outcomes and their perceived community need
Support Community Champions to develop a Community Plan to achieve agreed
outcomes which fit with A Fairer Start
Coordinate Community Champions and act as an intermediary between champions and
Promote key agreed messages amongst the Stockton Town Centre Community
Collect and present monitoring data and information to demonstrate the work of the
Community Champions
6.2. Location, Delivery & Accessibility
The successful provider of the FSCP is required to operate within the Stockton Town
Centre Ward but does not need to have existing premises within the ward –
accommodation could be offered within Stockton Children’s Centres where appropriate.
The provider of the FSCP will engage with the provider for the Fairer Start Community
Engagement project to support the successful recruitment of the Champions.
6.3. Recruitment & Participation
The provider will be required to link in with the Fairer Start Community Engagement
Provider, Voluntary Sector Organisations, Children Centres, Residents Groups, their own
networks and other services to recruit Champions.
The Provider must ensure they effectively engage the target group to achieve the
outcomes and targets set by the commissioner
The provider must ensure that Fairer Start Champions are fully engaged and supported
in the project
6.4. Fairer Start Community Champion Training
All Community Champions will undertake appropriate training, including but not limited to
Health Improvement, safeguarding children/vulnerable adults and soft skills. A Fairer
Start Champion Competency Framework will be developed and agreed in conjunction
with the Fairer Start Operations Group. Support will be needed from professional groups
e.g. Public Health, midwifery, health visiting, Children’s Centres in the training and
support to Champions.
6.5. Promotion & Communication
The provider will be required to promote the FSCP in line with Fairer Start
Communication & Marketing Plan
The provider will utilise various channels for communications and engagement and
record engagement activities
6.6. Whole System
The commissioner will ensure the provider of the FSCP is part of the Fairer Start project
and will complement and support the delivery of the project
The provider will develop and maintain relationships within the whole system as outlined
in Figure 1.
6.7. Resources & Charges
The provider will be responsible for providing all resources needed for delivery of the
The provider will be expected to cover all costs for the delivery of this piece of work. This
may include but is not limited to, venue hire, printing of resources, refreshments, publicity
& training
6.8. Feedback & Evaluation
The provider will be required to collect monitoring information and feedback for the
duration of the contract.
The provider will be required to engage with the wider Fairer Start evaluation process.
6.9. Safeguarding
The provider must have clear safeguarding children and vulnerable adult’s policies which
clearly link to Tees-wide protocols and comply with Stockton Local Safeguarding Children
Board procedures (
The provider will work within statutory guidance on making arrangements to safeguard
and promote the welfare of Children under Section11of the Children Act 2004 as
referenced in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013.
The provider must ensure that all staff who deliver the services under this agreement
have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training as identified by the AFS Steering
Group and are supported to fulfil their duties under current legislation.
6.10. Performance & Monitoring
The provider will be required to complete the monitoring report to be agreed at the pre
contract meeting.
The commissioner may request additional information to evidence data submitted and/or
request a meeting with the provider after receipt of each report.
If a provider fails to meet is contractual obligations; or is not achieving outcomes to the
individual or to the desired quality or timescale; or is subject to unacceptable level of
complaints the commissioner will discuss these issues with the provider at the earliest
opportunity. If this issue(s) are not resolved to the satisfaction of the commissioner the
contract will be terminated.
7. Financial Arrangements
7.1. Payments will be made on a quarterly basis
7.2. The provider will submit an invoice for the first three quarterly payments of each financial
year, dated the 1st day of the quarter to which the payment relates
7.3. Payment for the final quarter of each financial year will be released after the
Commissioner has received all service reports
7.4. All payments of funds are subject to performance and compliance to the contract
The Fairer Start System
The Fairer Start System is a way of working, agencies and communities working together to
improve outcomes for Children born in Stockton Town Centre
Community Health
Services, Children
Centres, Schools,
VCS Organisations
Fairer Start
Stockton Town Centre
The System includes: The Voluntary Community Social Enterprise Sector, Midwives, Health Visiting,
Children Centre’s, GP’s, School Nursing, Schools, CAF Team, Housing, Early Years Providers (this is not
an exhaustive list).