Ancient Egypt Project 2013


Ancient Egypt Project

Due Date: _______________________

You will be using the information you have learned about Ancient Egypt to design your own pyramid and what your “soul” will need for the afterlife.



A Cover for your project. Decorated and colorful. It must include your name and number and “My Pyramid Project” as the title.


On a map, label where your pyramid will be built. Think specific - do not just circle a country, label the city where your pyramid will be built. If you need more than one map to zoom in on a country, state, city, etc. please do so. If you need copies of maps, please let me know. It does not need to be built in Egypt.


A drawing of your pyramid’s external structure (the outside) and the floor plan (the inside). Look at page 51 to help give you an idea of this. Remember, this is your home for your afterlife so design it how you wish and have the outside be a location that you choose. On your floor plan you need to label the rooms and mark where your coffin would be. The outside drawing should be colored, but the inside does not have to be. You can have a variety of types of rooms, more than a typical pyramid described in the book would have, think about rooms you would want if you could pick anything.


Canopic jars were used by the Egyptians to store the organs that had been removed from the mummy. (You have seen examples of these). Design 4 canopic jars, and their special lids, that you want your organs to be put in. This needs to be colored. It might be a good idea to name the jars, like the Egyptians had certain names for theirs. (organs should be the same as the ones the Egyptians saved)


Design 2-3 amulets, which were magical charms used to help protect the body in the afterlife, that you would have wrapped in your bandages. (You have also seen examples of these). This needs to be colored.


The ancient Egyptians buried the dead with a copy of The Book of the Dead to help guide and protect the soul for its journey to the underworld. Choose 2-3 Bible verses you would want in your pyramid to help guide and protect your soul.


Choose and draw (or find pictures of) 4-6 things you would want buried with you.


Write a typed composition that explains the project you created, in much detail! Each paragraph (4-5 sentences) will deal with 1 of the topics listed below. Each paragraph needs to fully explain why you made the choices you did (ex: Why you like something so much and why you think it is fun) and how they will help your ba (personality) and ka (soul) to be happy and safe in the afterlife. a.

The location of your pyramid b.

Rooms/design of your pyramid c.

The design of your canopic jars d.

The design of your amulets e.

The Bible Verses you chose f.

The items you chose to be buried with
