3rd Grade Writing Prompts

3rd Grade Writing Prompts
Through classroom instruction and assessment, teachers will find a need for additional
practice in certain genres of writing. Many of the following prompts can be adjusted to
provide for supplementary practice in opinion, narrative, or informative/explanatory
writing. This can be accomplished by changing the last sentence of the prompt to change
the focus of the writing style.
Unit 1.1: Experiencing new people, places, and things can make you nervous. Think
about something new you have experienced. Write to describe something new you have
experienced. (Narrative)
Unit 1.2: Communicating with family and friends far away can be challenging. Think
about different ways you can keep in touch with those far away. Write to share your
opinion on the best way to keep in touch with relatives and friends living far away.
Unit 1.3: A community is full of many different places, people, and animals. Think
about people taking over animal habitats. Write to inform your reader about protecting
animal habitats in a community. (Informative/Expository)
Unit 1.4: Antarctica is a cold, icy, and fierce place. Think about what it would be like to
live on Antarctica. Write to describe what it would be like to live on Antarctica and how
you would survive. (Narrative)
Unit 1.5: Satisfying the needs of a pet can be challenging. Think about some of your
favorite pets. Write to share your opinion on what is the best kind of pet and how to take
care of this pet. (Opinion)
Unit 1.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.
Unit 2.1: Performing in front of an audience can be exhilarating. Think about some
performances you have been in or would like to be in. Write to tell about a performance
you have been in or would be like to be in. (Narrative)
Unit 2.2: A wolf is a splendid and dangerous animal that lives in the wild. Think about
the qualities of a wolf and what it would like if a wolf was loose in your neighborhood.
Write to tell about what it would be like to have a wolf in your neighborhood. (Narrative)
Unit 2.3: Many predictions have been made about the future. Think about what the
future might be like. Write to share your opinion about what the future will be like.
Unit 2.4: Our solar system is a fascinating sight to see and explore. Think about what
you have learned about the solar system. Write to explain about the interesting things you
have learned through studying the solar system. (Informative/Explanatory)
Unit 2.5: A talented author can bring a lot of excitement and useful information to their
readers. Think about your favorite book and why it is your favorite. Write to explain your
opinion about why your favorite book is the very best. (Opinion)
Unit 2.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.
Unit 3.1: The smell and sight of food can make your mouth begin to water. Think about
your favorite kinds of foods. State your opinion about what is the best food and explain
why it is the best. (Opinion)
Unit 3.2: A fairy tale can ignite your imagination and enjoyment of reading. Think
about fairy tales you have heard or read. Write to tell your own version of a fairy tale you
have read or heard about. (Narrative)
Unit 3.3: Ecosystems are communities of plants and animals. Think about what you can
do to help ecosystems. Write to explain the various things you can do to help ecosystems.
Unit 3.4: There are many interesting places to travel and events that can happen while
traveling. Think about places you have traveled to or read about. Write to tell about a trip
you have taken or want to take. (Narrative)
Unit 3.5: Illustrations can tell a story without words. Think about your favorite
illustrations that you have seen in books. Write to share your opinion about what qualities
or characteristics are necessary to make the best illustrations. (Opinion)
Unit 3.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.
Unit 4.1: There are many steps to making favorite food dishes. Think about your
favorite dish to make. Write to explain how to make your favorite food.
Unit 4.2: Arguing and quarreling can hurt friendships. Think about someone you have a
hard time getting along with. Write to describe how you can solve this problem and be a
better friend to this person. (Narrative)
Unit 4.3: There are problems that occur in every community. Think about a problem in
your community. Write to share your opinion about the best way to solve the problem.
Unit 4.4: Volunteers are people who work for something they care about without getting
paid. Think of a time you have volunteered for something in your community, school, or
family. Write to tell about what you did and how you felt about the experience. (Narrative)
Unit 4.5: Children like to create places of their own such as huts, clubhouses, and
hideaways. Think about your dream hideaway. Write to share your opinion about what
type of hideaway is the best and why. (Opinion)
Unit 4.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.
Unit 5.1: Earning money takes a good idea and hard work. Think about something you
can do to earn money. Write to tell about how you will start up your new business and earn
money. (Narrative)
Unit 5.2: There are people all around us that make a difference and change people’s
lives. Think about a person who has made a difference in your life or community. Write to
describe how that person has changed your life or community. (Narrative)
Unit 5.3: There are many historical buildings and places in our community and state.
Think about the historical buildings or places you have seen, heard about, or visited.
Write to share your opinion on why it is important to preserve these sites. (Opinion)
Unit 5.4: A hero is someone who shows courage or strength. Think of a hero in your life
or a hero that you have heard about. Write to share your opinion on what a person needs to
do or the qualities that a person needs to have in order to become a hero. (Opinion)
Unit 5.5: Animals create many different types of homes. Think about your favorite
animal home that you have learned about. Write to compare and contrast the way the
animal home is built and the way your home was built. (Informative/Explanatory)
Unit 5.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.
Unit 6.1: Neighbors are an important part of our communities. Think about qualities
that make a great neighbor. Write to state your opinion about the qualities that a person
should have to be a good neighbor in your community. (Opinion)
Unit 6.2: Animals can do all sorts of amazing and unusual things. Think about the most
unusual thing you have seen an animal do. Write to describe what the animal did and how
you reacted in the situation. (Narrative)
Unit 6.3: Good citizens are people who do their share to make our community a better
place. Think about what it means to you to be a good citizen. Write to state your opinion
about what it takes to be a respectable citizen in your school or community. (Opinion)
Unit 6.4: We can accomplish so much more when we work together with others. Think
of a time when you have worked with others to accomplish something. Write to describe
what you did and how working together helped in that situation. (Narrative)
Unit 6.5: Animals take a lot of time and attention to care for properly. Think about
another animal that you would like to raise and take care of. Write to explain the steps you
would take in raising and taking care of this animal. (Informative/Explanatory)
Unit 6.6: Complete the Informative/Explanatory writing project found in the unit
opener and closer.