УДК 735.29
Golevko E.,
Language supervisor Anastasova E.
Siberian Federal University.
Nanotechnology is the use of very small particles of material either by themselves or
by their manipulation to create new large scale materials. Nanotechnology is not a new
science and not a new technology. It is rather an extension of the sciences and technologies
that have already been in development for many years and it is the logical progression of the
work that has been done to examine the nature of our world at an ever smaller scale.
Last few years nanotechnology has become a part of a breakthrough in many areas of
life - from telecommunications to medicine. They are also used in construction. Almost a fifth
of construction companies in advanced countries use materials produced with nanotechnology
in their work. The latest building technologies and materials can offer significant advantages
in the construction industry for many projects. The application of nanotechnology will make a
revolution in industrial and civil construction. The fact that it can be used not only to improve
the quality and properties of various materials, but also to create entirely new substances,
unprecedented in their characteristics and methods of using, which also will be safe for
human health and the environment. In the near future we will be able to make building
materials, which will be resistant to fire and water. Materials produced with nanoengineering
and new fiber and structural technologies are characterized as "extra". They are heavy-duty
and superconductive. Preliminary results based on special calculations guarantee that
construction projects based on nanotechnology will become three - five times stronger and
more stable so descendants will see them in five centuries.
It is interesting to analyze the nanotechnology used by developers in other countries
and the applications of these innovations in the construction industry. As one can see at the
bar chart, global leaders in science, technology and the degree of industrial development of
the nanotechnology are the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea. The level of
nanotechnology development in the UK, China and France is a bit lower. The most fastgrowing and promising is the Asia-Pacific region. Russia is behind the world leaders in this
field because we began developing the nanotechnology 7-10 years later than our competitors.
Russia, 5% 3%
South Korea
other countries
Fig.1. The volume of nanotechnological projects.
Long-term work of scientists in the field of nanotechnology in construction has
already given its results. Nanomaterials which greatly improve the quality of construction
have been created High-strength concrete, high-strength steel, composite structures, nanocoatings, innovative membrane, nanocomposite pipe, fiberglass composite rebar are the
examples of such materials. Currently new projects of buildings with unusual designs are
being developed. Such buildings are self-reacting to climate change: the power of the wind,
the temperature change and the time of day. In some countries (Israel, the United States,
Vatican City, Sweden and others.) there already are well-functioning buildings. A good
example of the application of innovative technologies is a National Center for the Performing
Arts in Beijing. Transparent surface of the building made in the shape of a sphere was built
using the latest innovations in the field of nanotechnology. The technology with a beautiful
name «lotus effect» was used for building it. The basic idea is that the surface becomes like
the lotus leaves with a unique structure, allowing them to stay clean, and nanocovered dome
over the building is resistant to dirt. This is achieved due to high density of particles which
makes water drops and dirt roll away from it.
In construction the most popular materials are self-cleaning nano-coverings and
paints for walls and fences, which have a long and excellent durability to climate extremes
and also have the ability to strengthen themselves over time. In China (Shanghai)
nanomembranes appeared on the windows of houses. They were able to accumulate energy
from the sun during the day and give it out as free and economical lighting at night. In
Shanghai Museum of Science builders covered walls with nanomembrane, providing
"thermos effect". Energy-saving ability of nanomembrane was overwhelming and it was
decided to distribute this method further to construction companies.
Innovative technology is a system of integrated approach to the construction and
reconstruction of buildings, based on effective thermal insulation, use of alternative energy
sources, organization of smart lighting systems and so on. Such systems have been used
worldwide for a long time. Though Russia is not at the first position in the implementation of
nanotechnology in construction, our scientists are trying to catch up with their European
counterparts, offering new developments. And in recent years the authorities focus on the
development of applied nanotechnology and investing in new projects.
Good examples of the use of nanotechnology in the construction industry in Russia
are the Olympic facilities in Sochi. During the construction of the stadium "Fischt" a variety
of innovative solutions which made the Olympic Games comfortable, safe and
environmentally harmless were used. For example:
Heat Mirror energy-saving glass, which was used at the construction of
Stadium, has an increased strength and provided the 30% economy of thermal energy.
Bactericidal paints, which contain nanoparticles of silver, reduce the
level of infectious effects in crowded places.
LED lighting system which allows to reduce the cost of coverage by
half due to increased serviceability and low power consumption.
System of cleaning and decontamination, which is able to clean the air
from all types of microorganisms, even from viruses.
In Russia, nanotechnology is used not only for the construction of the worldwide
import objects, but also in civil engineering. Aluminum composite panels from plant
"KRASPAN" of Zheleznogorsk were used for the installation of some facade systems.
Ventilated facades with their physical qualities are the most effective multi-layered systems
having wind and rain barrier. Being produced with advanced technology they provide longterm functional reliability of buildings. Fitness center "Excellent", business center
"Panorama", educational building of the Reshetnev SibSAU, SFU student dormitories can be
examples of such buildings.
The popularity of the use of nanotechnology in construction increases. The
development and production of such materials bring profit due to their unique properties. And
today these innovations should be implemented in the construction industry in Russia.
Nanotechnology is our way to development and success.