Discipline sheet DISCIPLINE SHEET: Bachelor thesis research 1

Discipline sheet
DISCIPLINE SHEET: Bachelor thesis research
1. Information about the program
1.1 Higher education institution
Babeș-Bolyai University
1.2 Faculty
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
1.3 Department
Department of Management
1.4 Field of study
1.5 Study cycle
1.6 Specialization/Program of study
2. Information about the discipline
2.1 Discipline title
Bachelor thesis research
Discipline code
2.2 The holder of the course
Associate Prof. dr. Roxana
2.3 The holder of the seminar
Associate Prof. dr. Roxana
2.4 Year of study
III 2.5 Semester
2.6 Type of assessment EC
2.7 Discipline regime
3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching)
3.1 Number of hours per week
3.4 Total hours of curriculum
30 From which: 3.2 course
3.3 seminar/laboratory
From which: 3.5 course
3.6 seminar/laboratory
Time distribution
Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes
Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field.
Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports.
Others activities...................................
3.7 Total hours for individual study
3.8 Total hours per semester
3.9 Number of credits
4. Preconditions (if necessary)
4.1 Of curriculum
The knowledge of concepts, theories and practice for the disciplines of the management
Has proofed during bachelor studies to have the next competences:
4.2 Of skills
Literature review;
Establishing and implementing a research plan;
5. Conditions (if necessary)
5.1. For conducting the
5.2. For conducting
According to the disciplines’ plan, this subject has no seminars, but laboratories which
are organized as meetings between students and their thesis supervisor. These consulting
meetings should be established as a common agreement between students and
6. Specific skills acquired
Professional skills
Bachelor thesis research is useful for the development of the next competences related to the
Management bachelor program:
The development and the implementation of firm’s managerial system and its subsystems
(resources allocation and activities implementation);
The development and the implementation of organizational strategy and policies;
Applying the principles, the norms and the values of professional etic within own work,
professional and responsible.
Bachelor thesis research is useful for the development of the next transversal competencies, related to the
Management bachelor program:
1. The use of the doctrine and the professional deontology while performing complex and
Transversal skills
interdisciplinary tasks;
2. Increased interest for valuing long life learning opportunities and for improving personal
professional performances;
The development of the bachelor research can lead to the development of the next complementary
1. The development of research skills, as research, documentation, developing a review, or a
research article;
2. The knowledge of elaborating and presenting a research paper;
3. The knowledge of bibliography sources and their access.
7. Course objectives (arising from grid of specific skills acquired)
7.1 General objective of the
The course has as main goal the coordination of student independent research
activity, composed by documentation, empirical analysis and the
establishment of valuable conclusions.
7.2 Specific objectives
Choosing the concepts and build hypotheses according to the theory
learned during the Management bachelor program;
The analysis and the interpretation of data using specific software;
Making conclusions and taking decisions based on the quantitative
and qualitative analysis, according to the relevant economic theory for the
field of research;
The knowledge by students of the scientific rigor within business and
The knowledge by students of the international research interest for
their field of research.
8. Contents
8.1 Course
Teaching methods
8. 2 Seminar/laboratory
Teaching methods
Establishing the research area.
Discussions between students and
1 meeting
supervisors, presentations related to the stage
of the research, applicative seminars during
supervisor-student meetings
Literature review of the relevant bibliography Discussions between students and
proposed by the supervisor
3 meetings
supervisors, presentations related to the stage
of the research, applicative seminars during
Literature review of the relevant bibliography supervisor-student meetings
considered by the student
The identification of the relevant data and information Discussions between students and
3 meetings
useful for the empirical study and the sources for supervisors, presentations related to the stage
these information
of the research, applicative seminars during
supervisor-student meetings
Performing the empirical research, the elaboration of Discussions between students and
the bachelor thesis
2 meetings
supervisors, presentations related to the stage
of the research, applicative seminars during
supervisor-student meetings, discussions
concerning instructions for writing the thesis,
for extracting original conclusions and
valuable information
The simulation of the bachelor thesis presentation
Discussions between students and
supervisors, presentations related to the stage
of the research, applicative seminars during
supervisor-student meetings, presentation
1 meeting
Bryman, A. (1999): Qualitative research, SAGE Publications Ltd.
Chelcea, Septimiu, Cum redactăm o lucrare de licenţă, o teză de doctorat, un articol ştiinţific în domeniul
ştiinţelor socioumane, Bucureşti, comunicare.ro, 2007.
Constantinescu, N.N., Probleme ale metodologiei de cercetare în ştiinţa economică, Bucureşti, Ed.
Economică, 1998 (sau ediții mai noi).
Florescu, Stela Margartea, Managementul cercetării ştiinţifice, Bucureşti, Ed. ASE, 2006.
Lumperdean, Ioan, Matiş, Dumitru, Mustaţă, Răzvan, Ghid privind elaborarea şi prezentarea lucrările de
licenţă şi disertaţie, www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/informaţii...FSEGA.pdf.
Popescu, Constantin, Ciucur, Dumitru, Răboacă, Gheorghe, Iovan, Daniela, Metodologia cercetării
ştiinţifice economice, Bucureşti, Ed. ASE, 2006.
Scandura, T. A., Williams, E. A. (2000): Research methodology in management: current practices, trends,
and implications for future research, in: Academy of Management journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 1248-1264.
Westhaus, M. (2005): Research methodologies in supply chain management, Springer.
Wodak, R., Meyer, M. (2009): Methods for critical discourse analysis, Sage Publications Limited.
10. Zaiţ, Dumitru, Spalanzani, Alin, Cercetarea în economie şi management. Repere epistemologice şi
metodologice, Bucureşti, Ed. Economică, 2006.
9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic
community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative
employers of the corresponding program.
The discipline covers the necessary elements for students in order to write and present their bachelor thesis. It is in
the same time the point of departure for students who would like to follow a scientific career, to have a master or a
PhD program in the future. The discipline shall be performed according to international best practices concerning
research methodology, quantitative and qualitative research practices and rules concerning plagiarism. It is a
discipline which opens the road for individual and team work concerning business and economics research.
10. Evaluation
Type of activity
10.1 Evaluation criteria
10.2 Methods of assessment
10.4 Course
10.3 Share in
final grade
10.5 Seminar/
The capacity to perform a relevant synthesis Students shall present during their
of research results, relevant for the field of
meetings intermediary versions of
their work, concerning:
The ability to launch relevant hypotheses and
questions related to the field of research
The performed literature
The ability to collect, analyze and interpret
The analysis and the
main conclusions;
data and information, and the ability to draw
relevant conclusions of the performed
Bachelor thesis versions;
Bachelor thesis
The writing of the bachelor thesis
These elements shall be analyzed
The presentation of the bachelor thesis.
by the supervisor.
10.6 Minimum standard of performance
The elaboration of the bachelor thesis and its presentation.
Date of completion
Approval date by department
Signature of the course holder
Signature of the seminar holder
Associate Prof. Roxana Stegerean
Associate Prof. Roxana Stegerean
Signature of the Head of the Department
Prof.dr. Răzvan Nistor