Head to Hoof Workshops - Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners

Head to Hoof Workshops
Half the day dedicated to the hoof, half the day dedicated to what’s between the ears!
With Lauren Fraser and Christina Cline
Saturday, July 27, 9am to 4pm
Hoof: We will have a thorough discussion of hoof anatomy, compare healthy and pathological hoof
specimens, demystify x-rays a bit, and Christina will dissect a hoof.
Head: Horse Behavior 101: Let's look at the world through our horse's eyes. Who is the horse? Why does
the horse behave the way he does? How do his senses differ from ours, and what does that mean for
how he perceives his environment and what happens in it? Come out for an informative presentation
on learning “who” the horse really is, what his species-specific needs and wants are, and how
understanding and respecting his nature can lead to fewer problems in training and handling.
Saturday, August 17, 9am to 4pm
Hoof: Presentation on how to recognize a healthy hoof and common hoof distortions. Discussion on
how external hoof form affects internal structures.
Head: Understanding the Science Behind Horse Training Part 1: A recent study of professional,
accredited Australian riding coaches revealed some surprising findings: The majority of the 800+
coaches could not correctly explain even the basics of what's known as learning theory - the scientific
understanding of how all animals learn. Now you might ask, why does this matter? Well, understanding
the science of how we train horses is important: it allows us to enhance the welfare of the horses we are
training; it reduces the chances for causing behavioral conflict in the horse; it increases the chances of
achieving positive results in training, using methods that are humane, and in the horses's best interest.
This two part presentation will introduce you to the science of training and learning, allowing you to
understand how to shape any behavior, and get the results you want from your horse training. You will
also be able to 'demystify' what some people call horse whispering, and be able to assess any training
method for yourself.
Saturday, September 21, 9am to 4pm
Hoof: Presentation of common hoof ailments, how to recognize them, and how they are treated.
Head: Understanding the Science Behind Horse Training Part 2: see above for a teaser for this
Cost: $80 per workshop
Location: Aldergrove, BC at www.silverstarstables.com
To Sign Up: contact Christina at minimitts@yahoo.com or 425.761.1402/604.835.1700
Lauren Fraser believes that true understanding of behaviour is both an art and a science. As such, she
has studied both the work of master horsemen and the science of learning theory and training methods.
Lauren has studied and practiced natural horsemanship since 1999, and devotes countless hours
annually to attend clinics, study, and ride with the best horsemen and scientists in their fields. She rides
with and appreciates the work of such horseman as Buck Brannaman, Martin Black, Richard Caldwell,
Mark Rashid, and Mike Bridges, and studies the work of their mentors - Ray Hunt, the Dorrance brothers
and more. Her passion for natural horsemanship lead her to seek a deeper understanding of not just
how, but why it works for the horse. This desire lead her to become an Associate Certified Horse
Behavior Consultant with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is the first
horse-specific behavior consultant in North America to pass the rigorous screening to become a member
of the IAABC. A background working in animal welfare and veterinary clinics, and her Equine Studies
education from the University of Guelph round out her knowledge base. Her personal horsemanship
interests include endurance riding, and the Vaquero traditions of developing horses from the hackamore
to straight up in the bridle. Lauren operates Good Horsemanship and offers behavioral consultations,
foundation training, horsemanship lessons and clinics.
Christina Cline became a certified trimmer through the American Association of Natural Hoof Care
Practitioners in 2004, and has trimmed professionally ever since. She has mentored directly with Pete
Ramey, Cindy Sullivan and Jaime Jackson, all leaders in the natural hoof care movement. Christina has
attended continuing education workshops with Dr Robert Bowker, Dr Debra Taylor, Brian Hampson PhD,
Dr Kerry Ridgway, Katy Watts, Cindy Nielson DVM, Dr Tomas Teskey, Dr Deb Bennett, and saddle maker
Dave Genadek among others. She also received a certificate in Equine Massage from the Northwest
School of Animal Massage in Redmond, WA. She is an instructor with the Equine Sciences Academy, a
mentor with Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners, and is on the Board of Directors with the American Hoof