Registration form - BritSocial Bucharest - Winter 2016

Skills for life. Conversation in English.
BritSocial Club – Winter Term
You can register for the winter term workshops until 12 January 2016, during our Bucharest office working hours.
Registration is completed by filling out this form and paying the fee in full, after passing the admission interview or
providing proof of your English level. The fee can be paid in cash, by card or by bank transfer (IBAN: RO07 CITI 0000
0008 2601 2005), within the registration period.
BritSocial fees
New members
Old BritSocial club members
6-session workshop
300 RON
250 RON
Within the winter term you can register for one or two BritSocial workshops, held on different days (Saturdays or
Mondays). Each workshop consists of six 2-hour sessions held at the British Council Bucharest.
BritSocial – winter term
Saturday series, 16.00 – 18.00
Monday series, 19.00 – 21.00
16 January – 20 February
18 January – 22 February
Prior to the first BritSocial club session, you will receive an e-mail with administrative details about the rooms and the
starting time of the workshops.
Each BritSocial club member benefits from a 25% discount for the Standard or Youth @British library
subscriptions. The discount can be used anytime during the term, within our library’s working hours.
A group can consist of minimum 8 and maximum 16 students. If the minimum number of participants is not met for a
workshop of your choice, you will have the possibility to transfer to another workshop or withdraw from the winter term of
the club.
Please fill in with capitals:
Family name
First name
Date of birth
Mobile phone
E-mail address
Within the winter term you can register for one or two 6-session workshops (max. 1 workshop from the Saturday series
and 1 workshop from the Monday series). Please list below the workshop(s) you wish to register for.
Each workshop is comprised of six 2-hour sessions (12 hours total).
Saturday workshop
Please write the name of the Saturday series workshop you wish to register for, if applicable:
Monday workshop
Please write the name of the Monday series workshop you wish to register for, if applicable:
>> overleaf
Skills for life. Conversation in English.
The British Council BritSocial club Data Protection Notice and Acknowledgement of the Terms and Conditions
Under the terms of the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act, 1998*, the British Council is required by law to manage
any personal information you give to us about yourself or your child securely and only for the purposes we have
specified. For the information you will provide, these are as follows: To maintain records on our students; to maintain
accurate financial records; to be able to cater for any special needs our students may have; to provide attendance
records to the Club’s sponsors, where applicable.
Also British Council might use your photograph(s) for the purpose of promoting British Council activities. This may
include placing your photograph(s) in our publications, on our websites and in our promotional materials. In addition we
may also pass your photograph(s) to any of our overseas offices, where necessary, for the above purpose. By signing
this form, you agree to The British Council’s collecting and processing this information for the purposes specified above,
which may involve the transfer of your data to another British Council office.
* A copy of our data protection policy is available on request. For this, or any other data protection queries, please
contact our Data Protection Officer at 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN, or by e-mail at
Withdrawal and transfer policy
If you wish to withdraw from the Club, due to altered circumstances, the following rules will be applied:
 If you inform us in writing, before the term starts, you will be refunded the full term fee, minus an administration
fee of 10%.
 If you inform us in writing, after the beginning of the sessions, you will receive the amount paid, except for the
cost of sessions held and a 10% administration fee (of the initially paid fee).
 Withdrawals are not permitted after the second session of the term
Transfers from one workshop to another are permitted only before the second session of the workshops. Transfers are
made on a first come, first served basis and can only be completed if the minimum and/or maximum number of
participants for all the workshops involved is met.
 Recommendation from a friend
 British Council flyers
 British Council website
 British Council newsletter (InBrief)
How did you find out about the BritSocial club?
 Web search engine
 Facebook
 Facebook Ads
 Other activities of the British Council
 Others/ other website (please
specify) …………………………………………………………
British Council might use your photograph(s) for the purpose of promoting British Council activities. This may include
placing your photograph(s) in our publications, on our websites and in our promotional materials.
If you DO NOT WISH for your photo or any materials created by you to be used by the British Council for any of the
activities mentioned above, please tick this box 
From time to time, we may wish to contact you to make you aware of our relevant services and events.
If you DO NOT WISH to receive this information, please tick this box 
The signature confirms that you have read and understood this terms and conditions of registration/refunds policy.
For office use only
Date of payment
Payment method