
Propaedeutics of pediatrics
Codebook for differentiated test
(For the third year students)
1. Criteria for evaluating the general condition of the child. Features and rules of
gathering history of disease and history of life. Establishment of risk factors.
2. Characteristic of the neonatal period, indicating its time, physiological features and
possible pathologies.
3. Characteristic of breast feeding period, indicating its time, physiological features and
diseases, which appear during this period.
4. Characteristic of the pre-preschool period, indicating its time, physiological features
and diseases, which appear during this period.
5. Characteristic of the preschool period, indicating its time, physiological features and
diseases, which appear during this period.
6. Characteristic of the period of junior school age, indicating its time, physiological
features and diseases, which appear during this period.
7. Characteristic of the period of senior school age, indicating its time, physiological
features and diseases, which appear during this period.
8. Describe the borderline states of the kidney in the neonatal period.
9. Describe the sexual crisis in the neonatal period.
10. Describe the physiological loss of body weight in the neonatal period.
11. Describe the borderline states of the skin in the neonatal period.
12. Describe the borderline states of the gastrointestinal tract in the newborn period.
13. Classification of the newborn by body weight and signs of prematurity.
14. Protein-energy deficiency (hypotrophy): causes and classification, clinical manifestations.
15. Definition of all criteria of psychomotor development.
16. Describe the formation of a child's static.
17. Describe the formation of a child's motility.
18. Describe the formation of a child's sensory reactions.
19. Describe the formation of a child's speech.
20. Describe permanent and righting unconditioned reflexes (indicate their names and
dates of their existence).
21. Describe groups of transitory unconditioned reflexes (indicate their name and timing
of their extinction).
22. Characteristic of parameters of physical development according to the modern
tables-graphs of physical development.
23. Characteristic of parameters of physical development according to percentile tables.
24. Modern rules of care for a healthy newborn child in the maternity hall, their
25. Types of mother’s milk, their features and quantitative composition of the basic food
26. Benefits of breast feeding.
27. Quantitative and qualitative differences of proteins in women's and cow's milk.
28. Quantitative and qualitative differences of fats and carbohydrates in women's and
cow's milk.
29. Contraindications to breast feeding on the part of mother and of the part of child.
30. Phases of lactation and their regulation.
31. Hypogalactation: causes, types, degrees, prevention.
32. Violation of lactation: galactorrhea, lactation and hunger crisis.
33. Rules of breast feeding.
34. Mother’s feeding during the period of breast feeding her child.
35. Weaning: definition and its purpose. Consequences of late introduction of weaning.
Signs of its needing.
36. Foods of weaning (order, times and features of their introduction).
37. Rules of introduction of weaning.
38. Artificial feeding: definition, indications and rules.
39. Mixed feeding: definition, types, indications, rules and methods of introduction of
additional feeding.
40. Requirements of food ingredients and regime of feeding of children during all types
of feeding.
41. Species of adapted milk mixes.
42. Methods of determining the daily amount of food for children during the first 7-10
days of life.
43. Methods of determining the daily amount of food for children after 7-10 days of life.
44. Basic principles of toddler’s nutrition.
45. Major symptomatological disorders of the nervous system in children: convulsive,
meningeal and encephalitic.
46. Normal parameters of spinal fluid and its pathological changing.
47. Symptomatological disorders of the nervous system in children (meningitis,
hydrocephalus, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome).
48. Morphological and functional features of the skin and its derivatives in children.
Symptomatological disorders (changing color of the skin, primary rash elements,
atopic dermatitis).
49. Features of subcutaneous tissue in children. Symptomatological disorders (of
elasticity, thickness of subcutaneous tissue and tissue turgor).
50. Features of the muscular system in children. Methods of examination. Symptomatological disorders (atrophy, muscle hypotonia and hypertonia, hypokinesia and
hyperkinesia, paralysis, paresis).
51. Anatomical and physiological features of the skeletal system in children.
Symptomatological disorders (scoliosis, rickets, and dislocation of the hip joint).
52. The order and time of eruption of primary teeth. Reasons of violations.
53. Pain syndrome and syndrome of appetite disorders in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the major symptoms in various pathological conditions).
54. Dyspeptic disorder as a clinical sign of the gastrointestinal tract (the major symptoms in various pathological conditions).
55. Results of physical examination and superficial palpation of the abdomen in children, interpretation of pathological signs.
56. Results of deep palpation of the abdomen in children, interpretation of pathological
57. The main symptoms of damage of gall bladder and pancreas.
58. Coprogramme, occult blood feces analysis, the test on bacterial flora, diagnosis of
Helicobacter pylori (features of collection, interpretation of results).
59. Differential diagnosis of pylorospasm and pylorostenosis. Symptomatological
disorders of gastrointestinal tract in children with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer.
60. Results of gathering complaints and history of disease, external examination and
palpation during examination urinary system in children.
61. Normal quantitative indicators of urinary syndrome and its features during pathological conditions of renal and extrarenal characters.
62. Characteristics of disorders of urination renal and extrarenal character.
63. Clinical analyses of urine (rules of collection, normal parameters of general urinalysis and analysis by Nechiporenko). Urinalysis for bacteriuria.
64. Functional methods of examination urinary system: Zimnitskiy’s test, assessment of
filtration and reabsorption, functional renal tests.
65. Symptomatological disorders of the urinary system in children. The main clinical
manifestations and laboratory diagnosis (cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).
66. Pathogenesis of renal edemas and renal hypertension.
67. Methods of examination of the blood system in children: gathering complaints and
medical history, physical examination. Results of palpation of peripheral lymph
nodes and lymph nodes of the chest, their characteristics.
68. Normal features of erythrocyte in children of different ages and their pathological
changing (number, sizes, shapes and osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, reticulocytes,
hemoglobin, color index and hematocrit).
69. Normal features of leukocytic formula in children of different ages and their pathological changing (physiological decussation of leukocytes, leukocytosis and leukopenia, a shift to the left and to the right, leucemic gap).
70. Primary hemostasis: mechanism, clinical-laboratory tests and their significance.
71. Secondary hemostasis: mechanism, laboratory tests and their significance during
diseases of the hematopoietic system (hemophilia).
72. The main clinical symptoms and clinical-laboratory diagnosis of diseases with
disorder of vascular component of primary hemostasis (Henoch-Schonlein purpura).
73. The main clinical symptoms and clinical-laboratory diagnosis of diseases with
disorder of platelet component of primary hemostasis (idiopathic thrombocytopenic
74. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nose, paranasal sinuses,
pharynx, larynx and trachea. Semiotic of their disorder.
75. Anatomical and physiological features of the bronchi in children. The main clinical
manifestations of acute bronchitis in children.
76. Anatomical and physiological features of pulmonary tissue in children. The main
clinical manifestations of acute pneumonia in children.
77. Results of gathering complaints and anamnesis of respiratory diseases in children.
Respiratory insufficiency and its stages.
78. Results of general and local physical examination at examining the respiratory
system in children. Assessment of respiratory movements: frequency, depth, rhythm
type. Kinds of dyspnea.
79. Evaluation of the results which are obtained by palpation of the chest in children.
80. Evaluation of the results which are obtained by topographical and comparative
percussion of the chest in children.
81. Normal parameters and interpretation of blood analysis on liver function.
82. The main normal auscultative types of breathing in children and during diseases.
83. Clinical characteristic of additional auscultative sounds (rales, differential diagnosis
of crapitation and pleural friction rub).
84. The main differential clinical manifestations of dry and exudative pleuritis.
85. Characterization of data of palpation cardiac thrust in children. Characteristics of the
pulse and its features. Ratio between breathing and pulse rate in children.
86. Age features of relative heart dullness in children.
87. Points of auscultation of the heart in children. Age features of sounds. Semiotics
violations of the heart sounds.
88. Classification of murmurs of the heart in children. Differential diagnosis of functional
and organic murmurs.
89. Age parameters of blood pressure in children. Functional tests of the cardiovascular
90. Elements of a normal ECG. Age features of ECG in children.
91. Semiotics of violation of cardiac rhythm in children (tachycardia, bradycardia,
respiratory arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia).
92. Features of protein metabolism in children. Symptomatological disorders (protein
dystrophies, food allergy).
93. Features metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in children. Symptomatological
disorders (cyclic vomiting syndrome; hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia).
94. Symptomatological disorders of water and mineral metabolism (exciccosis, hyperand hypokalemia, hyper- and hypocalcemia).
95. The mechanism of development and main clinical signs of types of left ventricular
and right ventricular failure.
96. Symptomatological disorders of the cardiovascular system, which are installed at
the external examination of the child.
Head of Department of Pediatrics № 1 prof. ______________ O. Yablon
Propaedeutics of pediatrics
Practical skills
(For the third year students)
1. Gathering of antenatal anamnesis.
2. Gathering of obstetric anamnesis.
3. Gathering of history of allergy.
4. Gathering of epidemiological anamnesis.
5. Gathering of anamnesis of disease.
6. Gathering of anamnesis of life.
7. Determine the periods of child’s life.
8. Assessment of the physical development of children older than 3 years by percentile
9. Assessment the physical development of healthy children up to 3 years by graphtables.
10. Conduct anthropometric measurements.
11. Rate psychomotor development of the child.
12. To check meningeal symptoms in children.
13. Conduct inspection and palpation of skin and subcutaneous tissue, give conclusion.
14. To conduct palpation on frontal fontanel with conclusion. Identify abnormal spinal
curves with conclusion.
15. To conduct inspection of joints, and give conclusions. Identify strength and muscle
tone, and give conclusion.
16. To conduct external examination and superficial palpation of abdomen with
17. Conduct deep palpation of the abdomen, dates conclusions.
18. To do percussion of liver by Kurlov and give conclusions.
19. Identify the symptoms of pathology of gall bladder and pancreas.
20. To conduct palpation of kidneys using all known methods and give conclusions.
21. Check Pasternatsky’s symptom and percussion above the pubis.
22. To conduct palpation of the lower edge and percussion of the spleen.
23. To conduct palpation of peripheral lymph nodes, and to give characteristics.
24. To do examination of the condition of the lymph nodes of the chest.
25. Assess respiratory movements and to get information of the fauces.
26. External examination and palpation of the chest, give conclusion.
27. Determine the lower limit of the lung and evaluate excursion lower border of the
28. Determine the upper limit of the lungs and width of Kronig’s area.
29. Conduct comparative percussion of the lungs and give conclusion.
30. To do palpation of the pulse and characteristics.
31. To measure blood pressure in children and characteristics.
32. To do external of neck and heart area. To conduct palpation of the heart area. Give
33. Define the border of relative cardiac dullness and the transversal heart distance and
evaluate them.
34. To do auscultation of the heart, and give conclusions.
35. To define orthostatic test of Martinet, give conclusion.
36. To define Shalkov’s and give conclusion
Head of Department of Pediatrics № 1 prof. ______________ O. Yablon