Ink and Toner Cartridges Copy

Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
The California Department of General Services (DGS) has negotiated two mandatory statewide
contracts that offer environmentally preferable ink and toner cartridges as well as free recycling
services for empty cartridges. State employees, local governments and other public agencies in
California can use these contracts to purchase remanufactured, high-yield, and recycled-content
toner and ink cartridges at discounted prices. Doing so protects the environment and saves
contract users money. For more information about the benefits of environmentally preferable
toner and ink cartridges, see the Buying Tips section of this webpage.
The California Department of General Services offers environmentally preferable products on
two mandatory statewide contracts for new and remanufactured ink and toner cartridges. These
contracts also offer take-back programs that ordering agencies can use to ship empty cartridges
to remanufacturing or recycling facilities free of charge. Below is an overview of the
environmentally preferable products offered on each contract, vendor contact information,
warranties, and ordering as well as recycling instructions.
State of California Contract Administrator
Carol Loscutoff, California Department of General Services
Phone: (916) 375-4540
Contract users should contact the contract administrator only if they are unable to resolve their
issue with the State-approved vendors.
Any toner or ink cartridge found to be defective will be replaced free-of-charge regardless of the
amount of toner or ink remaining in the cartridge. The State reserves the right to cancel the
contract if the toner/ink cartridge defect rate exceeds three percent (3%) of all cartridges utilized
within any six (6)-month period. This applies to both OEM and remanufactured toner and ink
New (OEM) Toner/Ink Cartridges
Contract Name: New Toner/Ink Cartridges, Mandatory
Contract number: 1-10-75-60A
Expiration Date: July 6, 2012
Vendor: Technology Integration Group (TIG)
OEM Contract Contact
Name: Carlos Velazquez, Technology Integration Group
Telephone: (916) 449-3902
Address: 770 L Street, Suite 950, Sacramento, CA 95814
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
The New Toner/Ink Cartridges Statewide Contract offers two types of environmentally
preferable products: high-yield cartridges and those with post-consumer recycled content.
High-yield toner and ink cartridges offered on this contract are often easily identifiable
on the Contract Pricing Spreadsheet (link). For example, Hewlett Packard (HP)-brand
high-yield toner cartridges have an “X” after the product number (e.g., HP 11X) and
“High Yield” in the item description. HP-brand high-yield ink cartridges are labeled with
“XL” after the product number (e.g., HP 78XL) and “High Yield” in the item description.
Other brands of high-yield toner and ink cartridges offered on this contract are sometimes
listed as “High Yield” or “Extra High Yield”. (Note: there are more high-yield toner and
ink cartridges listed in the vendor’s catalog than on the Contract Pricing Spreadsheet.)
Manufacturers sometimes list the percentage of recycled content (including postconsumer recycled material) in the product description or on the product packaging).
Ordering Instructions
Technology Integration Group (TIG) has created a hard-copy catalog that lists only the items
(OEM toner and ink cartridges) that are offered on the State contract. TIG is required to
distribute (at no charge) a hard-copy contract catalog to State employees, local governments and
other public agencies in the state that sign up to use this contract. Contract users can also receive
the catalog by email or fax, upon written request to the vendor. They can place orders for new
(OEM) toner and ink cartridges (including high-yield and recycled-content products) by mail,
fax or email – but not by phone (see table below). There is currently no online ordering system
for these products. Procedures for properly filling out purchase orders are described in detail in
the Contract User Instructions, which can be accessed here. [ADD LINK]
U.S. Mail
Technology Integration Group
(916) 449-8276
770 L Street, Suite 950
Sacramento, CA 95814
The New Toner/Ink Cartridges Statewide Contract 1-10-75-60A is mandatory for use by all
State of California departments except when the “SB/DVBE Off-Ramp” provision is utilized.
The “SB/DVBE Off-Ramp” provision allows a State department to, at its option, purchase
contract items from a certified Small Business (SB), including “microbusiness” (MB), or a
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) in accordance with the rules outlined within this
Collection and Recycling of Empty Cartridges
Under the State’s contract with Technology Integration Group (TIG), this vendor “offers a takeback system for returning spent toner and ink cartridges at no cost to the State, by means of a
collection bin provided to each delivery location.” The contract requires recycling boxes for
toner and ink cartridges to be provided to each agency when they place an order. Once the box is
full, the ordering agency should seal the box and call Karl Zack at (858) 566-1900 x 4310 or
email to arrange for pick-up and replacement with an empty recycling box
or to obtain a free shipping label that can be affixed to a box of the agency’s choice.
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
Remanufactured Toner and Ink Cartridges
Contract Name: Remanufactured Toner/Ink Cartridges, Mandatory
Contract Number: 1-11-75-60B
Expiration Date: January 26, 2013
Vendor: Midtown Stationers Office Products
The Remanufactured Toner/Ink Contract Contact offers a wide range of remanufactured
toner and ink cartridges that can replace both standard- and high-yield cartridges made by
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The remanufactured toner and ink cartridges offered
on this contract are guaranteed to meet OEM performance criteria. While the vendor offers a
standard one-year warranty, Printing Technology, Inc. (PTi), the firm that remanufactures the
cartridges offered on this contract, warrants each cartridge to be free of defects for a period of
two years after the date of purchase. They will replace any cartridge found to be defective at no
While all of the toner and ink cartridges offered on this contract are remanufactured, some offer
additional environmental and cost benefits because they are also “high-yield” products. Although
there is no standard method of labeling high-yield toner and ink cartridges, the contract catalog
lists high-yield cartridges with the following notations under Machine Compatibility: “High
Yield”, “Extra High Yield”, “Extended Yield”, “HY” or “Jumbo”. Some of the toner and ink
cartridge item descriptions also indicate the product’s page yield.
Ordering Instructions
California DGS has contracted with Midtown Stationers Office Supplies, a local vendor that
offers an extensive line of discounted toner and ink cartridges, which PTi, a California-based
company remanufactures in the United States. A copy of Midtown Stationers’ catalog for this
State contract, which includes discounted pricing, can be found here.
State agencies and other contract users may place orders for remanufactured toner and ink
cartridges (including high-yield products) by contacting Midtown Stationers by mail, fax or
email – but not by phone. See contact information below. There is currently no online ordering
system for these products. Procedures for properly filling out purchase orders are described in
detail in the Contract User Instructions document, which can be accessed here.
U.S. Mail
Midtown Stationers
(415) 626-8205
944 Market Street, Suite 415
San Francisco, CA 94102
Collection and Recycling of Empty Cartridges
Empty toner and cartridges (both OEM and remanufactured) can by shipped directly to the toner
cartridge remanufacturing firm, Printing Technology, Inc. (PTi) free-of-charge, where they are
remanufactured to extend their usable life or recycled into new products. State contract users can
obtain free UPS shipping labels for their empty cartridges by calling Shannan Mockler, PTi’s
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
Empties Collection Program Coordinator at 800-332-7306, ext. 3325 or by emailing or ca-empties@ptiimaging,com. PTi urges contract users to ship
multiple empty cartridges simultaneously to reduce transportation costs and environmental
impacts. It also emphasizes that its product take-back program helps keep its remanufactured
cartridges prices low.
Alternatively, contract users can also receive a shipping container for their spent cartridges by
contacting Midtown Stationers by fax or email (see contact information above).
All products offered on the State’s contracts for new and remanufactured toner and ink cartridges
must meet stringent performance and environmental specifications including, but not limited to
the following:
This State requires all new as well as remanufactured toner and ink cartridges offered on
these two contracts to “match and inter-member to the intended printing equipment and
meet or exceed Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) specification requirements for
form, fit, function and performance.” A description of the standards that must be met by
the contractor is detailed in the State of California Bid Specifications for Toner and
Ink Cartridges, DGS 3610-1081 Toner and Ink Cartridges (1/12/10), which can be
accessed at
Packaging for the toner/ink cartridges must be constructed to enable users to re-package
spent toner/ink cartridges for return. Packaging must also comply with the State’s Toxics
in Packaging Prevention Act.
Products may not contain lead, cadmium, mercury or chromium VI “as constituent parts”.
In addition, they may not contain more than 0.01% of the following toxic flame
retardants: penta- and octa-brominated diphenyl ether.
More detailed environmental requirements for products on this contract can be found on the State
of California Environmental Bid Specification for New and Remanufactured Ink and Toner
Cartridges (DGS 1-10-75A New and Remanufactured Ink and Toner Cartridges), 6/1/10, which
can be accessed at
There are several laws and regulations that direct State employees to purchase recycled-content
and other environmentally preferable goods and services, including remanufactured and
recycled-content toner and ink cartridges. In addition, several policies influence the types of
products and packaging that can be offered for sale to State agencies. See details below.
Public Contract Code (PCC) §12400—Environmentally Preferable
established by AB 498 (Chan, Chapter 575, Statutes of 2002), requires “the
procurement or acquisition of goods and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on
human health and the environment when compared with competing goods and services
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
that serve the same purpose. This comparison shall consider, to the extent feasible, the
product’s associated impacts from the product’s raw materials acquisition, production,
manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, disposal, energy
efficiency, product performance, durability, and safety as well as the needs of the
purchaser, and cost.”
 PCC §12200-12217 establishes State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) to carry
out the State’s intent to “pursue all feasible measures to improve markets for recycled
products.” The further requires: “If fitness and quality are equal, each state agency shall
purchase recycled products instead of nonrecycled products whenever recycled products
are available at the same or a lesser total cost than nonrecycled products.” It also directs
each state agency to ensure that at least half of its “reportable” products are recycled.
PCC §12156 prohibits the State’s contractors from offering toner and ink cartridges that
have restrictions on their ability to be remanufactured or recycled.
PCC §12404 requires all vendors that contract with the CA Department of General
Services to certify in writing that the environmental claims they make about their
products and services comply with the Federal Trade Commission's Guidelines for the
Use of Environmental Marketing Terms.
The Toxics in Packaging Prevention Act (Health and Safety Code (HSC) §25214.1125214.26) requires all packaging on products sold in the state to be devoid of lead,
cadmium and other metals of concern. The contractor’s Certificate of Compliance must
be provided upon request to the State contract administrator. For more information, go to
HSC §108922 prohibits the sale of products that contain more than 0.01% of certain
highly toxic and persistent flame retardants (penta- and octa-brominated diphenyl ether).
CA Code of Regulations, Title 8, §5194 requires all vendors of products that contain
hazardous substances to provide a Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to customers.
Accordingly, CA DGS Contractors must send a MSDS for ink and toner cartridges by
email or facsimile a (MSDS) to any ordering agency (upon written request) for any
product that contains hazardous materials as defined by California State regulations.
I-ITC Standardized Test Materials Committee (STMC) Certifications
Printing Technologies, Inc., the company that supplies remanufactured ink and toner cartridges
on the California State contract (1-10-75-60B), is certified by the International Imaging
Technologies Council (I-ITC) Standardized Test Materials Committee (STMC), which ensures
that it follows the proper procedures – including the use of standardized test methods – when it
manufactures its toner cartridges. For more information, please visit
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The International Imaging Technologies Council (I-ITC) is a nonprofit imaging supply industry
trade association that has created an international standard for testing print quality, cost-per-page
yield and packaging integrity of OEM and remanufactured toner cartridges. The STMC standard
requires a series of standardized tests including ASTM 1856 and F 2036, ANSI IT2.17, and
When comparing the environmental and cost benefits of toner and ink cartridges, buyers
should look for high-yield remanufactured cartridges. If none are available, standardyield remanufactured cartridges are the next best, followed by high-yield OEM
cartridges. If none of these options are available, look for OEM toner cartridges that
contain post-consumer recycled material.
Environmentally preferable ink and toner cartridges can save users money. A review of
the products offered on the State’s contract by the Responsible Purchasing Network
revealed that high-yield ink and toner typically save 20-30%, remanufactured ink and
toner cartridges typically save 40-60%, and high-yield remanufactured cartridges
typically save about 75% on a cost-per-page basis compared to equivalent, standard-yield
OEM cartridges. To see RPN’s breakdown of cost savings that can be achieved by
purchasing environmentally preferable toner cartridges, please click here.
Remanufactured toner and ink cartridges reuse existing cartridges that have gone through
a careful remanufacturing process before filling them with new toner or ink. Purchasing
remanufactured cartridges:
Conserves natural resources because it avoids the use of virgin plastic, metal and
rubber needed to manufacture a new toner cartridge.
Saves energy because the process of manufacturing a new toner cartridge is
highly energy-intensive, consuming approximately three quarts of petroleum per
cartridge. Less energy is needed to produce remanufactured cartridges than to
make new ones from “virgin” materials.1
Cuts the amount of plastic waste going to landfills. According to Recharger
Magazine, over 300 million plastic toner and ink cartridges are sent to landfills
every year.)2
“Remanufacturing Is a Superior Choice: Save Money, Save the Environment With
Remanufactured Cartridges,” Recharger Magazine, April 2011.
“Frequently Asked Questions on the Cartridge Remanufacturing Industry,” Recharger
Magazine, February 2, 2003;
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
Strengthens markets for empty cartridges that have been collected in commercial
and residential recycling programs.
Helps State employees meet their State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign
(SABRC) compliance requirements. State law requires State agencies and entities
(such as State universities) to purchase at least a certain amount of products
containing recycled content. For example, it requires at least 50% of the plastic
products (including toner and ink cartridges) procured by State entities to contain
at least 10% post-consumer recycled content.
Helps all contract users earn “green” building credits under the US Green
Building Council’s LEED standard for existing buildings.
Saves users money: 40-60% on a cost-per-page basis compared to “virgin”
cartridges made by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Creates jobs for remanufacturing firms that are located in California, which
contributes to the state’s tax base.
“High-yield” ink and toner cartridges usually contain about twice as much ink and toner
as an equivalent standard-yield cartridge, which translates into more printed pages per
cartridge. Choosing these longer-lasting products:
reduces the environmental impacts associated with the manufacture and shipping
of multiple replacement cartridges; and
typically saves users 20-30% on a cost-per-page basis compared to equivalent
standard-yield cartridges and reduces shipping costs as well.
The most environmentally preferable and cost-effective choice, when available, is highyield ink and toner cartridges that are also remanufactured. High-yield remanufactured
cartridges typically save about 75% over their OEM (virgin), standard-yield equivalents
on a cost-per-page basis, according to an assessment of toner cartridges offered on these
two California State contracts that was conducted by the Responsible Purchasing
Recycled-content ink and toner cartridges made with at least 10% post-consumer
material – typically recycled plastic – qualify for “green” building credits” and are
If your department/agency has a high demand for ink and toner, take advantage of bulk
shipping options, such as dual packs, if available. Buying in bulk saves money and
reduces pollution associated with transportation.
Order your toner cartridges in advance to avoid the need to have them shipped by
overnight air delivery, which releases more pollution than ground transportation.
Buying Green website copy by Responsible Purchasing Network, 03/07/12 DRAFT
Toner and ink recycling services offered on these two State contracts make it easy for
employees in State agencies and other public agencies to return empties to
remanufacturing and recycling companies free of charge.
Use the take-back programs detailed in the “contracts” section to reduce waste by
ensuring that empty cartridges are returned so they can be remanufactured into new
cartridges or recycled into other products. Both of the State contracts – for new and
remanufactured ink and toner cartridges – offer free “take-back” programs for empty
cartridges. By utilizing these recycling services, State employees, local governments, and
other contract users can prevent empty cartridges from being landfilled and, thereby
lower their disposal costs. Cartridges can be often be remanufactured several times by
replacing worn components. When they are no longer usable, remanufacturers typically
disassemble the cartridges and recycle over 95% of the components by weight. Returning
spent cartridges to remanufacturers enables components to be reused, which, in turn,
helps the vendor keep the cost of remanufactured toner cartridges on this contract
relatively low.
Using “draft” settings to produce readable non-final printouts can minimize toner use.
Standard printing/copying settings can be used for final printouts.
Using relatively thin and small fonts can reduce toner and ink use.
Only print documents when necessary to reduce ink, toner and paper costs. (See
information on CA State contracts for multi-functional devices that can scan and email
documents on the DGS Buying Green website at
CalRecycle State Agency Buy Recycle Campaign (SABRC) Program
Remanufactured Toner Cartridge Fact Sheet from
“Remanufacturing Is a Superior Choice: Save Money, Save the Environment With
Remanufactured Cartridges,” Recharger Magazine, April 2011 (
RPN Purchasing Guide: Toner Cartridges (Membership/purchase required)
Washington State Department of Ecology, Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Fact Sheet:
Remanufactured Toner Cartridges, August 2009,