CH 11 Part1

Notes: CH 11 - The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian
Republic 1800 – 1812
Part 1 pp. 211 -221 “La.”
-Presidential Election of 1800 is considered by many historians to be the 1st
- John Adams, Federalist, and Thomas Jefferson, Democratic-Republicans
(sometimes seen as just Republican or Jeffersonian Republicans BUT this is not the
origin of the Modern Day Republicans…this party is actually the origin of the
Modern day Democratic Party  It changes its name officially with Andrew Jackson
as we will see later in this unit)
- Federalists only elect one President in its history, John Adams in 1796 and begin a
steady decline until disappearing completely after the War of 1812, when a period
of one party rule called the “Era of Good Feelings” begins and the Jeffersonian Party
dominates until the Whig Party is formed in the 1830’s to oppose “King” Andrew
Jackson, as we will see later in this unit. HOWEVER, their ideas live long in the
Judiciary with Chief Justice John Marshall, 34 years…and others who want order.
The Democratic-Republicans were the party out of control through the 1790’s and
it’s criticisms of the New Federal Gov’t were many… now in control for the next 40
years lets see if their policies are consistent with their criticisms…(of course not, it is
a lot easier to criticize than make policy…we know that it because it is just as
difficult today)
Federalist and Republican Mudslingers
-The Federalist Party has some handicaps as the election of 1800 approached… 1st it
was SPLIT (we will see as we continue our study of American History that when a
one of the Two main Party has a schism…it will lose)
- 2nd – We will see the effect of the 3/5th compromise…. And 3rd….Hamilton and
Adams despise each other and with Hamilton’s criticisms becoming public it does
not look good… 4th….the Alien and Sedition Acts passed by the Federalist congress
in 1798…is not as popular, 5th….The action of Adams NOT GOING TO WAR WITH
FRANCE…Yet passing taxes to raise funds for an expanded Armed Services, Adam’s
mockingly becomes known as “the father of the American Navy,” has the citizens
- The Campaign becomes an ugly one in the Press as Jefferson is accused of being
Godless (the author of the Virginia Statutes of Religious Freedom [ disestablishing
the Anglican Church in Va. – his letters to a Baptist minister in Danbury,Conn. are
some of the earliest to use the term “Separation of Church and State, a Lockean
Enlightenment Idea] a Thief of Widows, and a “Cock”. His accusation of having sired
children with his female slaves (yes more than Sally Hemmings) is a mirror on the
Master-Female Slave relationship. (see Examining the Evidence on p 213)
The Jeffersonian “Revolution” of 1800 [Election Results Map p. 214]
A lot of interesting things happening with this election….
1 The Election is clearly affected by the 3/5ths compromise…Jeff does not win
without the additional electoral votes from the South…(as many future Presidents
will benefit in the upcoming 60 years)
2 The development of Urban “Political Machines” – Aaron Burr is said to have
managed the win… using “Tammany Hall” -NYC PM …Burr’s effective control of the
“Boss System” to manage votes in NY State… is the key to the victory and a
development that will play a HUGE role as the USA becomes more and more Urban
as the Industrial Revolution and Immigration grow. NY WAS THE KEY TO WINNING
ELECTION…so Burr got it done for TJ.
3 The original method of electing Presidents, created during the Constitutional
Convention, does not account for Political Parties…there were none… so in this
election the DR electors do not want a repeat of 1796… so each DR elector puts TJ
AND Burr on their Ballots.. 73 each… (Adams receives 68) According to the
Constitution… with a TIE… the election is decided in the House of Rep’s…where the
‘LAME DUCK” {this will also become an issue later with Adams appointments of the
“Midnight Judges”..} Federalists have the Majority until March when newly elected
officeholders are inaugurated… so… it becomes a problem when Burr attempts to
take the presidency working with the Federalists… However, cooler heads prevail…
(Hamilton, in control of the Feds in congress actually does not trust Burr and
supports TJ) this eventually leads to a lot of problems for Burr who is now seen as
untrustworthy and this impression is played out later in this chapter {Burr kills
Hamilton in a DUEL… and is Charged with Treason, acquitted, in an attempt to take
the Southwestern states out of the USA and form a separate country}
4 The Federalist party dies a slow and agonizing death to oblivion (by 1816)… with
a brief flicker of life during TJ’s 2nd term in opposition to the Embargo Act of 1807…
and a strong opposition to the War of 1812…. For the most part from a national
perspective after the War of 1812… the Federalist Party ceases to be a Factor after
the War due to the perception of treasonous behavior especially in NE and its
opposition to western expansion.. which brings about the Era of Good Feelings
(discussed later in the Unit)
5 Is the Election of 1800 Revolutionary? Not necessarily as far as massive
immediate change is concerned… certainly BUT TJ certainly believes so.. and it is
unique in the world at this time that POWER CHANGED HANDS WITHOUT
PEACEFULLY BY THE NATIONS PEOPLE. Of course TJ believed that the Federalists
were focused too much on the Wealthy and the Elite.. and he believes he has
returned the Federal gov’t to the focus of the revolutionary goals protecting the
average person and beginning to limit the power of the federal gov’t and return
more power to the States…(let’s see how he does  )
Responsibility Breeds Moderation
At this point you need to begin to look for examples of Jefferson’s consistent
inconsistencies… before he became Pres. He said or did this…and after he
becomes Pres. He contradicts himself…
-Jefferson becomes the 1st President to actually govern from the new federal city,
Washington DC…(no white house yet, though it is coming) he walks to his
inauguration and gives what many believe is one of the best speeches in our
history…”a classic statement of democratic principles.” ( interestingly the
foundation of “Liberal” American philosophy.
Quotes from TJ’s 1st inaugural:
“the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail…BUT…. that will to be
rightful MUST be reasonable; the MINORITY possess their EQUAL RIGHTS; which
EQUAL LAW must protect, and to violate would be oppression
“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”
“honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”
Each of these quotes can be applied to situations that occur in TJ’s presidency and
many others we will study… They are influential.
-Jefferson as Pres. attempted to separate himself from the perceived “aristocratic”
flair of the Federalists who proceeded him… by; Pell Mell seating at official dinners,
receiving callers in casual attire and slippers, and by sending his state of the union
address in writing rather than in person…
- the “spoils”…today when one party takes over the Executive branch from the other
thousands of people lose and gain jobs… “to the victor goes the spoils”…TJ, however,
does NOT fire the Federalists in jobs and keeps most, if they were good at what they
Jeffersonian Restraint
- TJ does allow the Alien and Sedition Acts to expire and supports a new law in
congress, the New Naturalization Law of 1802, that reduced the years of residency
required to wait to become a citizen from 14 years to 5.
- TJ has congress repeal the EXCISE TAX from Hamilton’s Plan (the only part he
ends) which cost the Gov’t about a million dollars a year.
-He appoints James Madison as Secretary of State ( a position that becomes a
stepping stone to the Presidency in early 18th century America) and Albert Gallatin
as Secretary of the Treasury… where they keep most of Hamilton’s Financial Plan in
place…Funding, Assumption, and even a stronger national bank…YET attempt to
reduce the debt and balance the budget…
These actions described above…restrained to be sure… are said to be part of the
explanation of a “revolution” in that the moderation shown by TJ shows that a
change in parties/power between conflicting ideologies need to be disastrous, thus,
cementing the TWO-PARTY tradition that becomes a major characteristic of
American Politics throughout our history.
The “Dead Clutch” of the Judiciary
Marshall serves for 34 years, all under “Dem-Rep.” Presidents and Congresses… Yet
is able to preserve the STRONG POWERS OF THE FEDERAL GOV’T…due to his and
the other Federalist judges majority on the National Courts…
SINGLE PERSON IN OUR HISTORY.” (YOU will be responsible for knowing many of
his cases…there will be a separate handout with this information coming soon, it is
detailed in an upcoming chapter in this unit) one VERY SIGNIFICANT case though is
described in this chapter:
Marbury V. Madison, 1803*****
Federal Judges serve for life… so as Adams serves his “Lame Duck” period as
President, (Lame Duck refers to the period after an election when the candidates
who have lost are still in office and have power – in these times it is from November
until March of the next year) Adams takes action….to preserve the influence of the
heavily defeated Federalist Party in Gov’t …what better way than to appoint judges
that serve for life…
Midnight Judges ….Adams on his last days creates 16 new judgeships…and appoints
strong Federalists to all…Congress gives him this opportunity by passing the
Judiciary Act of 1801, previously…TJ is upset by Adams actions… so he influences
the new congress to repeal this act…So steps in William Marbury, appointed to be
the justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia by Adams…
Madison refuses to deliver his appointment, so Marbury sues to have the Supreme
Court issue a writ to force Madison to deliver his appointment….. (this is the issue
upon which Marshall and the Supreme Court declare the Judiciary Act of 1789
Unconstitutional… According to the Constitution the Supreme Court would not have
original jurisdiction to hear this case immediately… thus Marshall declares this part
act , the Judiciary Act of 1789, that gave the court this power, Unconstitutional.
by TJ in his KY. Resolution) THUS… the power of JUDICIAL REVIEW is solidly now
within the Supreme Court and not the states for FOREVER…THIS RULING INSERTS
state law) ruled unconstitutional does not occur for 54 years..”The hugely significant
“Dred Scott Case.”
-TJ and Madison angered at being fooled by Marshall attempt to gain revenge by
IMPEACHING associate Supreme Court Judge Samuel Chase and removing him from
Impeachment – means “to accuse” and is based on whether or not an officeholder
has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors,” (this was established at the
constitutional convention in philly in 1787, Madison’s notes on this discussion are
still used today to determine exactly what crimes or actions constitute a “high crime
or misdemeanor”)
*****Chase is impeached by the House of Representatives…(like a grand jury, they
decide if the accused actions meet the “TEST” of “high crimes and misdemeanors”
and if there is enough evidence to put him on trial in the Senate) at this point the
officeholder is not guilty yet.. the evidence has to be presented at a trial …which the
Chief Justice runs and the Senators vote on the Guilt or Innocence of the accused…it
takes a SUPER MAJORITY 2/3rds vote of the Senate to find the person guilty and
remove them from office… (two presidents have been impeached, Andrew Johnson
after the Civil War and William Jefferson Clinton, but both were not ruled guilty by
the Senate so both stayed in office) Chase is not found guilty by the Senate and
stays in office…THIS PRECEDENT is claimed to be good for our country due to the
fact that no officeholder should be removed by this process for political
reasons….and it protected the independence of the judiciary branch and the
separation of powers among the three branches of Gov’t*****
Jefferson, A Reluctant Warrior
-TJ is a Pacifist. He distrusts a large standing Armies and Navies due to its threat to
the liberty of the people and its huge cost. He immediately reduces the # of
permanent Army force to 2500.
- TJ builds the 200 strong…“Mosquito Navy,” a precursor to the Coast Guard, small
ships that patrol our coasts.
_ TJ believes in “Peaceful Coercion,” the idea that the USA unilaterally should not
use military force around the world and use our economic trade as a way to
influence Foreign Policy…
Inconsistency…TJ is forced to confront the BARBARY PIRATES…Map p. 220…
The USA during previous administrations had paid bribes to
Mediterranean Pirates who were attacking our merchant shipping (Algiers), In 1801
the PASHA OF TRIPOLI, cuts down our Flag at our embassy… a sign of War… TJ
sends our Navy and Marine Corp to FIGHT… (INCONSISTENT)
Our Military is successful in saving our hostages (captured American sailors were
sold into slavery) and forcing a treaty upon the PASHA… it cost 60,000$.... Stephen
Dacatur becomes a national hero…
End Part 1 Notes 