Lesson Plan (Week six)

Lesson Plan Week Four
Name: Samantha Kitzul and Nicole Steernberg
Date: March 17th
Grade: 5/6 classroom
Subject: Social Studies
Lesson Length: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Content: Saint Patrick’s Day
Teaching Strategies:
 Direct Instruction: Lecture
 Group Discussion: brainstorming and class involvement
 Teamwork: scavenger hunt and team challenges
Learned Objectives
Outcome: IN6.4: Explore aspects of cultural change over time, including:
 reasons for cultural change
 examples of cultural change
 how cultural change affects youth
 how youth respond to cultural change
Indicator: a.  Delineate ways in which cultures might change over time.
Assessment: Scavenger hunt where students will use information given during lecture to
complete tasks/challenges/team goals
Multiple Intelligences:
 Visual diagrams on boards (word webs)
 Orally given instructions and lecture
 Kinesthetic scavenger hunt to get students moving and active
Pre-requite Learning:
 Minor understanding of St. Patrick’s day (word web)
Lesson Preparations/Materials:
 Laptop (PowerPoint)
 Clue cards
 Answer keys for teachers
 White boards/markers (word web)
 List of predetermined groups
 Gold candy coins
Set: 5 minutes
 Tell the students that there will be a scavenger hunt and that they will have to listen in
order to do well
 Ask students what they know about St. Patrick’s day word web to generate ideas and
class discussion
Development: 20 minutes
 Explain the original context of saint Patrick day: It was to celebrate the arrival of
Christianity in Ireland and also celebrates Irish culture and heritage in general
 It was established in 1903  already over 100 years old
 Unofficially, it has been around since the 9th or 10th century: mass in the morning and
then a day of feast (meat and drink)
 Focus in on St Patrick’s day originally in Ireland:
o St. Patrick was not Irish  British who was kidnapped at 16
o He escaped but returned to Ireland to become a missionary  used the three leave
clover to explain the trinity
o Originally, it involved going to mass, being in prayer, and reflecting on the teachings
of St. Patrick (pubs had to be closed up until the 1970s)
o Died on March 17th which is why we celebrate it on that day today
 Focus in on St Patrick’s day now in Canada:
o First parade held in honor of St Patrick ’s Day took place in the united states in 1762
on March 17th. It was held by British soldiers.
o Involves music, dance, parades, celebrations, patronage in unites states and Canada
with Irish people.
 United states:
o Similar in celebration to Canada (Irish immigrants)
o Every year the Washington House fountain has been dyed green for St. Patrick’s
International Space Station:
o Astronauts have dressed in green to celebrate the occasion
Great Britain
o Every year, London holds a parade
Scavenger Hunt: 20-30 minutes
 Student will be divided into teams and will be given a few minutes to create a team name
 One teacher will be with each group to distribute clues and evaluate whether answers are
correct or not
 The first clue will be given to students and the scavenger hunt will begin
o Students will receive a clue, answer it, and be given the destination of the next
clue by the teacher where one student will retrieve it. The teachers will have
answer keys in order to know/judge whether the answers the give are correct or
not. This process will repeat until the scavenger hunt is completed.
Closure: 5-10 minutes
 Students will all be given a candy for completing the scavenger hunt/assessment
 Students will be asked what was something new they learned about St Patrick’s day
during the lesson
Classroom Management Strategies:
 Hand must be raised for any classroom discussion
 Students will be told that there will be a scavenger hunt so they will listen to details
during the lecture
Adaptive Dimension:
 PowerPoint during lecture will give students both audio and visual elements
 Students will work in teams for the scavenger hunt
Professional Development plan/Target:
Target: Time management
1. Ensure that the small components of the development in the lesson plan are being
met on time
2. Extra time during the lesson has been allotted for organizing students into
groups/class discussion
3. Extra activities are available in case there is extra time
Data Collection:
1. Was there an appropriate pacing of the lesson? Did parts have to be sped
up/slowed down to fit the allotted time or did the lesson run smoothly from
start to finish? 1 2 3 4 5
2. Did the teachers have and appropriately use a timekeeping device? (Checking
it often?) 1 2 3 4 5
3. Was there enough time for classroom discussion and questions? 1 2 3 4 5
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