Lesson 1.2: Learning the Key Terms 1. organ system 2. tissues 3

Lesson 1.2: Learning the Key Terms
Lesson 1.4: Learning the Key Terms
1. organ system
1. D
2. tissues
2. G
3. cells
3. F
4. molecules
4. B
5. organ
5. A
6. homeostasis
6. C
7. homeostatic mechanisms
7. H
8. Negative feedback
8. E
9. Positive feedback
10. Homeostatic imbalance
11. metabolism
12. receptor
13. effector
14. Atoms
15. metabolic rate
16. control center
Chapter 1 Practice Test
25. F
1. Homeostasis
26. F
2. physiology
27. I
3. Net force
28. B
4. statistical inference
29. D
5. metabolic rate
30. C
6. F
31. E
7. T
32. J
8. T
33. H
9. F
34. G
10. F
35. A
11. C
36. Answers may vary. Organ systems work
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. A
16. H
17. G
18. D
19. J
20. I
21. C
22. A
to maintain homeostasis through processes
homeostatic mechanisms. To maintain
all systems must work together and adjust
when the
body’s external and internal environments
37. Answers may vary. Among these are the
size and
direction of the force, the area over which the
force is
23. B
distributed, and the material properties of the
24. E
body tissues.
Lesson 2.1: Learning the Key Terms
Lesson 2.3: Learning the Key Terms
1. A
1. F
2. E
2. M
3. L
3. P
4. C
4. H
5. J
5. E
6. S
6. N
7. Q
7. O
8. B
8. I
9. R
9. R
10. G
10. C
11. F
11. D
12. D
12. T
13. N
13. L
14. H
14. G
15. M
15. A
16. O
16. K
17. I
17. S
18. K
18. B
19. P
19. Q
20. J
Lesson 2.3: Study Questions
elasticity, to tissues.
1. protect the body from physical damage;
9. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to cells
substances entering and leaving the body;
carries away wastes and carbon dioxide. It also
sensory information; and secrete various
2. simple epithelia, stratifi ed epithelia,
epithelia, cubodial epithelia, and columnar
3. the skin
provides transportation, regulation, and
10. Cartilage provides support and fl exibility,
while bone
provides a stronger framework that protects
and supports the body.
4. both face deep inside the body’s cells
11. The fi bers are not all parallel and run in all
5. An exocrine gland secretes its product to the
As a result, irregular dense connective tissue is
good at
world. An endocrine gland secretes its product
resisting stretching forces from a variety of
the interstitial space.
12. the study of cells
6. Glandular organs are large, complex glands,
with blood
13. Answers may vary. Hyaline cartilage forms
the ends
vessels and connective tissue instead of only
of the ribs where they connect to the sternum,
7. connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone,
and blood
breastbone. It is also found in the nose, trachea
8. Collagen fi bers are strong and resistant to
They give tensile strength to tissue. Reticular fi
(windpipe), and larynx (voicebox). Elastic
is found in the external ear and the epiglottis.
Fibrocartilage is found in the discs between
help to provide a structural framework that
and in the discs in the knee joint.
cells in place. Elastic fi bers give springiness, or
14. skeletal
15. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle is striated,
means it has striations, or stripes.
16. smooth muscle
17. glial cells and neurons; Glial cells are
Lesson 2.3: Complete the Chart
1. connective tissue proper
2. cartilage
3. bone (osseous) tissue
4. blood
cells and neurons carry electrical signals to
5. regular
glands, or other neurons, and also receive same
7. adipo
input from other neurons.
8. lympho
6. fi bro
9. chondro
10. chondro
11. osteo
12. osteo
13. erythrocytes
14. leukocytes
15. matrix
16. fi bers
17. collagen
18. elastic
19. collagen
Chapter 2 Practice Test
25. F
1. nucleic acids
26. G
2. neurons
27. J
3. cytokinesis
28. E
4. chondroblasts
29. I
5. Golgi apparatus
30. H
6. F
31. F
7. F
32. A
8. T
33. C
9. F
34. B
10. T
35. D
11. D
36. Answers may vary. Understanding how cells
12. D
work, and how they work together, is important
13. A
for understanding anatomy and physiology.
14. C
Understanding cells and the tissues made from
15. A
16. E
17. D
18. J
is also necessary for understanding diseases and
their treatment. This is especially so now
19. I
modern medicine so greatly depends on
20. C
targeted at cellular processes.
21. B
37. Answers may vary. prophase, metaphase,
22. H
23. A
24. G
Prophase: chromatin condenses to form
Metaphase: some spindle fi bers lock on to the
centromeres of the chromosomes and pull the
chromosomes until they are all positioned along
the midline of the cell.
Anaphase: the enzyme separase cuts each
centromere in half and each chromatid pulls
along the spindle fi ber toward the centriole;
46 chromatids go to one side and 46 chromatids
move to the opposite side.
Telophase: the chromosomes gather around
centriole, where they decondense, or spread
new nuclear membrane forms around the DNA