
Open Submission:
September 7 2012
Health Canada Wind Turbine and Health Study
Health Impacts and Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise: People are the Evidence
David S. Michaud, PhD
Principal Investigator
Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau
Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
Health Canada
Email: or
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq
Minister of Health
Dear Dr. Michaud,
I am writing this letter with great difficulty. How do I convey in words the importance of
coming to the only logical conclusion in regards to the building and operations of Industrial wind
A full moratorium must be implemented while the questions and issues identified are being
investigated by research projects such as the Health Canada Study,
My community, my family are facing the imminent construction of over 200 wind turbines that
will encircle my home and farm in the counties of Haldimand Norfolk. My knowledge of the
harm caused by wind projects is both professional and personal. Professionally I am a Primary
Health Care Nurse Practitioner and have used these skills advocating on the behalf of my
neighbouring communities in Norfolk County. I have attached some of my letters and
presentation material for your review.
What I am struggling with is how to contribute to the discussion- not just by adding my voice as
the research project gets underway- but to help create an immediate moratorium for Industrial
wind projects. I have started this letter on many occasions but have never completed various
drafts as all seemed inadequate to express my sense of urgency.
The Health Canada Study is already mirroring the issues of the University of Waterloo study :
narrow hypothesis of causative pathway
 no mechanism for those people impacted to directly shape the research design and
concerns about transparency and bias
and many other issues which I know have been eloquently addressed by other commenters and
researchers as they have shared their letters of comment with me.
My struggle is essentially one of;
“Ethics” How can a researcher continue to study a problem- when it causing such pain and
My knowledge is direct and derived from case histories of clients who I have advocated forfrom observation of the anger, pain, tears of those already forced to endure exposure to wind
project operations.
I support research that gives true knowledge and understanding and I also support the call for a
public inquiry.
Harm is occurring, will continue to occur. It must be stopped.
Listen to the voices of those affected.
The evidence of this harm lies in the testimonies of the
A moratorium must be enacted immediately while research seeks to understand the causation
Linda J Rogers RNEC