Unit 6 Module 10 Lesson 1 (Day 2) Exit Slip

930 Module 10 Lesson 1 (Day 2) Exit Slip
Exponential Functions
Name:______________________ Period:__________
1. Use two points to write an equation from each function.
2. Write an equation for the given function.
3. Write a function for the thickness of folding a piece of paper in half that is 0.2 millimeters
thick, and determine the thickness after 3 and 7 folds.
Equation: _______________________________
3 folds:
7 folds:
4. A pharmaceutical company is testing a new antibiotic. The number of bacteria present in a
sample 1 hour after application of the antibiotic is 50,000. After another hour, the number of
bacteria present in the sample is 25,000. The number of bacteria remaining r(n) is an exponential
function of the number of hours since the antibiotic was applied n. Write an equation for the
number of bacteria remaining after n hours.
1. f(x) = (0.5)x
2. f(x) = 3(3)x
4. r(n) = 100,000(0.5)n
3. t(n) = 0.2(2)x; 1.6 mm; 25.6 mm