Practice Exam Questions

VCE Legal Studies
Practice Exam Questions
Use these questions to help you prepare for your exam. Time yourself as if you were in the exam.
15 min Reading Time
90 min Writing Time
There are more questions here than you will face in your exam. You should aim to complete enough
questions to total 60 marks in 90 minutes of writing time.
Question 1.
Julie has been reading several reports about the use of capsicum spray by Victoria Police and wants
to try to influence the Victorian Parliament to change the law.
a. Outline the structure of the Victorian Parliament.
2 marks
b. Describe one way that Julie could use to try to influence the Victorian Parliament to change
the law.
2 marks
c. After an individual has been arrested, identify one right of that individual and one police
power that could be used.
2 marks
Question 2.
Brandon has been found guilty of culpable driving and sentenced to 150 hours of community service.
a. In which court is it most likely that this case would have been heard?
1 mark
b. Who would have handed down Brandon’s sanction?
1 mark
c. Identify and describe one other criminal sanction that could have been imposed on Brandon,
and explain one of its purposes.
3 marks
Question 3.
Explain one way in which the Commonwealth Constitution restricts the Commonwealth Parliament’s
law-making powers.
2 marks
Question 4.
Explain the role of a jury in a criminal trial in Victoria. Do you support the retention of juries in
Victoria? Give reasons for your answer.
8 marks
Question 5.
a. A member of parliament recently declared that parliament has no weaknesses and should
be the only lawmaker in Australia.
Critically evaluate parliament as a law-maker. In your answer describe one aspect of the
relationship between parliament and courts in law-making.
10 marks
b. A Supreme Court Judge recently declared that the adversary system of trial should no longer
be used in Victoria.
Critically evaluate the use of the adversary system of trial. In your answer describe one
possible improvement to the adversary system.
10 marks
10 marks
Question 6.
Explain one characteristic of an effective law.
2 marks
Question 7.
Explain the role of the Upper House in the Commonwealth parliamentary system.
3 marks
Question 8.
Identify and explain one reason why we have a hierarchy of courts.
2 marks
Question 9.
Describe one sanction available to a court in a criminal case and explain two of its purposes.
3 marks
Question 10.
a. i. Explain how the law-making powers of the Commonwealth Parliament and the State
Parliaments are divided under the Commonwealth Constitution. In your answer explain why
the Commonwealth Parliament and the State Parliaments are sometimes able to make laws
in the same area.
ii. Outline two restrictions imposed by the Constitution on these law-making powers.
6 + 2 = 8 marks
b. Parliament alone cannot meet society’s law-making needs. Although the courts have faults
as law-makers, it will always be useful for them to have a law-making role.
Explain how courts make law. Discuss this statement indicating the extent to which you
agree or disagree with it.
5 + 7 = 12 marks
Question 11.
a. i. Taking part in a street demonstration is one way that people try to influence a change in
the law. Explain two other ways individuals and groups can attempt to influence a change in
the law.
ii. Explain two reasons why subordinate authorities are given a law-making role. Outline one
way parliament checks this law-making process.
4 + 4 = 8 marks
b. A weakness in Australia’s system of law-making is that both parliament and courts can make
law. It would be better if law-making was left to parliament alone.
Discuss this statement indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Justify
your conclusions.
12 marks
Total 20 marks
Question 12.
Annie has just been charged with armed robbery and will appear in the Magistrates’ Court today for
a bail application.
Explain two possible outcomes of this bail application.
2 marks
Question 13.
‘The operation of the doctrine of precedent relies upon the existence of a hierarchy of courts.’
Explain the above statement.
2 marks
Question 14.
Andy is facing a term of imprisonment after he was found guilty of culpable driving. Andy was driving
a car which was involved in an accident and his passenger was killed. Andy’s blood alcohol reading
was well over the legal limit and the car was travelling at excessive speed.
a. Who would have decided whether Andy was guilty or not, in this trial?
1 mark
b. If Andy wished to appeal, which court would hear this appeal?
1 mark
c. Outline, and explain the purpose of, two pre-trial criminal procedures which might have
taken place in this case.
4 marks
d. Discuss how the adversary system of trail might have helped to ensure that Andy received a
fair trial.
6 marks
Question 15.
Stefani has just become an Australian citizen and is interested in learning more about the Australian
legal system. She is particularly interested in the way laws are changed.
a. Outline the role played by the Crown in the law-making process.
1 mark
b. Explain one reason why laws may need to be changed. Provide an example to illustrate your
2 marks
Question 16.
Describe one function of the Coroner’s Court.
2 marks
Question 17.
The police strongly suspect that Sara, aged 40, has committed a criminal offence and wish to
interview him at the police station.
Explain one individual right that Sara has and one power the police have in this situation.
4 marks
Question 18.
The following scenario contains several errors in the way this trial has been conducted.
Ghi Ni, aged 30, was charged with murder and her case went directly to the Supreme Court. A
magistrate today in the Supreme Court thanked the jury of 12 for their time. With a majority verdict,
the jury found Ghi Ni guilty of murder and sentenced her to 15 years imprisonment. One of the jurors
knew Ghi Ni’s brother very well from work.
Identify three errors in the above scenario and explain the correct process or procedure which
should have occurred.
6 marks
Question 19.
‘Two strengths of parliament as a law-maker are that it makes laws which reflect the views of the
community and can make laws whenever the need arises.’
Critically examine these two strengths.
6 marks
Question 20.
‘The use of the adversary and jury systems in Victorian criminal trials ensures that we have an
effective legal system.’
Discuss the above statement and indicate the extent to which you agree with it, giving reasons for
your answer. Include in your answer an explanation of two elements of an effective legal system.
10 marks
Question 21.
Outline one role of the lower house of the Commonwealth Parliament.
1 mark
Question 22.
Jocelyn has been charged with manslaughter. At the conclusion of the committal hearing, she was
committed to stand trial, and she was refused bail.
a. Explain the purpose of a committal hearing.
2 marks
b. Outline one reason why bail can be refused.
1 mark
c. Outline one purpose of one criminal sanction which could be imposed if James is found
guilty at his trial.
1 mark
Question 23.
Identify two features of the relationship between courts and parliament in the law-making process.
2 marks
Question 24.
Rosa, aged 18, has been charged with breaking into a house and stealing a plasma television. She
has decided to plead ‘not guilty’ to the charge and have it heard in the Magistrates’ Court.
Her friend, Danny, tells her that
Rosa could have this case tried in another court if she wanted to; and
If Rosa is convicted in the Magistrates’ Court, there is more than one possible appeal
available to her.
Do you agree with Danny’s advice? Give reasons for your answer.
3 marks