our latest newsletter, with the clocks move forward we will all be

Issue 5 March 2014
Welcome to our latest newsletter, with the clocks move forward we
will all be hoping that the wet weather of recent months will soon
be a distant memory, and that warm, sunny days will be the norm
from now on.
The last two terms have as always been busy in the school, both
for pupils and staff in the classroom there has been a lot of
teaching and learning, and out of the classroom lots of other fun
activities - Class trips, sports relief, pancakes, Boccia tournament,
taster sessions in table tennis. World Book Day, School Disco and
a Fashion Show.
It is now nearly 15 months since Ofsted gave its judgement 'requires improvement'.
This grading means that the school will be re-inspected within a 2 year period. Mrs Thorne and all her
staff have been working very hard to ensure that teaching and learning within the school is consistently
good. As part of this process, a number of things have been done, staff have been on a number of
courses associated with teaching, have worked with peer mentors, and had their lessons filmed for
positive feedback from Mrs Thorne and her Leadership team. The school is also being supported by
two external head teachers.
In February, the chair of governors, was able to observe lesson observations and was shown pupils
books in class, she was able to see clear learning and teacher feedback to the pupil. This enabled her
to report back to the rest of the governing body both lesson observation and book scrutiny process.
Last week at one of the regular governor days in school, governors spent a morning in school where
they spoke with staff and pupils, heard pupils read to them and watched lessons in science, literacy,
numeracy and P.E. Some governors visited the Oasis and EYFS. These areas are now safe and secure
for the pupils and have more resources for the complex pupils to access.
Mrs Jarman provided input to us with regards to her role in Behaviour, Autism and Safeguarding, all
relevant training in these areas is given in the Induction Pack for all new staff, and annual refresher
training is given to all staff.
Miss Leighton has responsibility within Teaching & Learning for Talk for Writing across the school. A
new statutory curriculum comes into force in September with core subjects being English, Maths,
Science and P.E. Two governors met with her and this gave them the opportunity to see the new
curriculum and to ask questions.
School pupil progression data is also presented to us at these meeting and this illustrates to us how
well children are progressing in core subjects. We are able to ask questions and challenge the data if
some weaknesses are highlighted, in order to ask what interventions are in place to raise the levels of
attainment in these areas.
In the afternoon a governing body meeting is held and within the agenda governors are able to share
what they have seen and feedback to Mrs Thorne, all governors noted that behaviour was excellent,
displays around the school are good and celebrate pupils achievements and provide important learning
prompts. It was a pleasure to speak with many students all of whom said that they loved being at school
and that they were happy in their classes.