Spelling Lesson Plan

Houston Baptist University
Department of Education and Kinesiology
Lesson Plan Format
Subject: Spelling
Unit: Word Analysis
Grade Level: 5
Time Estimate: 30 min
Topic: Latin Roots
Goal(s): Use spelling patterns to determine spelling.
TEKs Objective(s): 5.22.B.2 Spell words with Latin roots. 5.22. D.1 Use spelling
patterns to determine correct spellings.
Materials/Resources/Technology needs:
Let’s Practice pg.278
Reading and Writing Workbook pg. 353
Daily Fix it #3-4
Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event: Daily Fix It # 3-4:
3. My grandfather is proud that hes from Pensylvania.
4. When they reached ten feet the boys stoped digging.
Teaching/ Learning Procedures: Develop Concept: Latin Root
Point out to students that the words scribble and prescribe share the same Latin
root: srib
Write bankrupt and eruption for students to identify the Latin root that the words
share (rupt)
The rule: knowing the Latin roots will help you to spell the English word.
Teaching /Learning Procedures: Guided Practice:
Have spelling words displayed so that everyone can see.
Call various students to come underline the Latin root in each word.
Students will count the number of words that include the same Latin root. (ject4;
scrib/script, 6; spect, 5; rupt, 5)
Formative Check (ongoing or specific):
1. What is a Latin root? How do you know?
Independent Practice
Students will read and complete Lets Practice pg.278.
Reteach (alternative used as needed): Small group. Lets practice- Latin Roots
Review Latin Roots. Students will give examples of.
Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Students will complete Readers and
Writers notebook page 353.