IAFNR.C.1.LP.1.0 - NAAE Communities of Practice

United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
This lesson fulfills the standards of the IAFNR Careers Domain. Students will be introduced to
thinking about a future career in agriculture. Class discussion will help students understand the role
that Agriculture plays in the economy and society and what they can start doing to prepare for a
career. Students will have the opportunity to explore careers in Agriculture, design their own
résumé, and learn about the structure and processes of a business. The lesson ends with
independent career exploration and research by the students to be shared during a Career
Presentation at the end of the Careers Domain.
A. Indiana State Standards
1. IAFNR: Domain: Careers
Core Standard 1 Students examine the scope of career opportunities in and
the importance of agriculture to the economy.
IAFNR 1.1 - Define and explore agriculture and agribusiness and their role
in the economy.
IAFNR 1.2 - Evaluate and explore the career opportunities in agriculture.
IAFNR 1.3 Identify how key organizational structures and processes affect
organizational performance and the quality of products and services.
IAFNR 1.4 Demonstrate those qualities, attributes and skills necessary to
succeed in, or further prepare for, a chosen career while effectively
contributing to society.
B. Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
1. LS.2: Key Ideas and Textual Support> Grade 9-10
Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s
explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept;
provide an accurate summary of the text.
A. My students will be able to
1. Describe Agriculture’s Role in the US Economy and Society
2. Research a selected career in agriculture
3. Develop an individualized résumé
United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
123Test. Team Roles Test. http://www.123test.com/team-roles-test/index.php
123Test. Work Values Test. http://www.123test.com/work-values-test/
Agriculture Council of America. Careers in Agriculture.
Faucon, K. 2013 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Enrollment and Employment Outlook.
MNB. Retrieved from http://media-cacheak0.pinimg.com/originals/18/b3/bd/18b3bda10f347df8adeb90e6f07b63cb.jpg
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc).
Pathways to College and Career Readiness Career Clusters.
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc).
Pathways to College and Career Readiness Career Clusters: Agriculture, Food and Natural
Resources. http://www.careertech.org/Agriculture
Olsen, A., & Brizee, A. (2010 April, 25). Quick Formatting Tips for Cover Letters. Retrieved from:
Olsen, A., & Brizee, A. (2010 April, 25). Quick Content Tips for Cover Letters. Retrieved from:
Olsen, A., & Brizee, A. (2011 December, 14). What is a Cover Letter? Retrieved from:
Layne, A. & Anglei, E. (2011 September, 30). The Interactive Résumé. Retrieved from
Ritholtz, B. (2012 Aug 24). Resilience of American Agriculture. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan and Attachments
o PowerPoints/Prezi Presentations
o Infographics
o Ag Careers Lists
o Presentation Rubric
o Résumé skeleton worksheet
Composition Book
Writing Utensil
Computer Cart w/ Internet Access
United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
A. Bell-Ringer
1. Day 1-Word of the Day: Occupation
2. Day 2-Word of the Day: Résumé
3. Day 2-Bell-Ringer Activity
a. Brainstorm what things you would need for a job application or interview?
i. Discuss the importance of being prepared and professional
4. Day 3-Bell-Ringer
a. Who is the most important person in a company or organization? Explain
your answer in a few sentences.
5. Day 4-Bell-Ringer
a. How did you prepare for today’s presentation?
B. Motivation:
1. Day 1-Careers Intro
a. Introduce person students are familiar with that works in Agriculture
b. Introduce Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster
i. The Production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and
development of agricultural commodities and resources including
food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other
plant and animal products or resources.
c. Why study careers in class?
C. Day 1 Procedure:
1. Class Career Discussion (IAFNR.C.1.PP.1)
a. What are your Career goals?
b. What skills does it take to get a job?
c. What education level does your career require?
2. Present information in Agcareers.com 2013 Outlook
a. Top Ag Majors at Two-year and Four-year Institutions (pp. 7, 10)
b. Job Opportunities in Agriculture (pp. 11-12)
c. Perceptions of Agriculture Careers (pp. 17-27)
3. Discuss Agriculture’s role in US Society and Economy
a. Use Infographic
4. Introduce Career Exploration Activities
a. Present Access to Work and Team Roles Quizzes
i. http://www.123test.com/work-values-test/
ii. http://www.123test.com/team-roles-test/index.php
b. Offer students Agriculture Career Lists for exploration
i. http://www.agday.org/education/careers.php
c. Pass out rubric and explain project expectations
d. Allow students to perform activities and create presentations
5. Career Interview Project (Ask Ms. Lord-Alternative to Career Exploration)
United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
a. Introduce Project and Requirements
b. Due
Day 1 Closing:
1. Exit ticket (A question or check for understanding measuring how well students
understood the topic or lesson. Usually written on a scrap or small piece of paper
and turned into the teacher as students leave the classroom.)
a. Explain how today’s lesson could be useful in your future decisions?
2. Reminder of Career Exploration Presentations on Friday
Day 2 Procedure
1. Quickly revisit what was discussed in previous lesson
a. Let students know they will have time after today’s lesson to work on the
Career Exploration projects
2. Résumé Building (IAFNR.C.1.PP.2)
a. Students will follow along the presentation on their skeleton Résumé
worksheet and will develop their own Résumé on the computer as an
b. When appropriate in presentation check for understanding with these
i. Would anyone be willing to share what he or she wrote (on their
ii. What is a great way to describe (school, activity, organization) on a
iii. Which is a better word to use on a résumé (present two examples of a
3. If extra time, allow students to work on résumé assignment and career exploration
Day 2 Closing:
1. Exit Ticket
a. Fill in the blank: I would like to learn more about ____________?
2. Reminder that résumé due in class tomorrow
Day 3 Procedure
1. Quickly revisit what was discussed in previous lesson
a. Let students know they will have time after today’s lesson to work on the
Career Exploration projects
b. Remind students that résumés are due in class today
2. Organizational Structure (IAFNR.C.1.PP.3)
a. Generate discussion with class and fill in text boxes on interactive slides
3. If extra time, allow students to turn in résumé assignment and work on career
exploration project
Day 3 Closing
1. Exit Ticket
United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
a. Write down one thing you learned today on a scrap piece of paper and
discuss it with a partner.
2. Reminder that presentations will be given in class tomorrow
a. Students need to time their presentation and practice before class
I. Day 4 Procedure
1. Summarize how you would like students to set-up, begin, and end presentations.
a. Reminder that presentations need to be 2-3 minutes, no longer/shorter
b. Answer any last minute questions students may have.
2. Begin viewing and evaluating presentations.
3. When all students have given presentations allow them to work on past assignments
or work from other classes if time allows.
a. Continue presentations to next school day if there is not enough time in one
class period.
J. Day 4 Closing
1. Exit Ticket
a. Of all the careers you learned about today, which interested you the most?
2. Let students know when they can expect to know their Presentation grades
3. Wish students a great weekend!
A. In-Class Career Discussion
a. Check for understanding through participation
b. Résumé skeleton worksheet
B. Career Exploration Project
a. Students will choose one career and develop a 2-3 minute presentation about the
career and how if they would/ would not like to pursue this career as well as why/
why not they would be good working in this area. Students should include the results
of their Work and Team Roles quizzes
b. Presentations will be given on Friday and graded with a rubric
C. Career Interview Project (Alternative to Career Exploration)
a. Get more info from Ms. Lord
D. Résumé
A. IEP’s
1. Reading Disability
a. Teacher, Aid, or Student to assist in reading or pronunciation of words
unfamiliar to student
b. Use of computer for research
United States Department of Agriculture
Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12
Classroom Challenge Grants Program (SPECA)
Dr. Allen Talbert and Sonya Lord
STAR Academy at Arsenal Tech High School, Indianapolis, IN
2. Speech Disability
a. Alternative Assignment to the 2-3 minute presentation
1. 2-3 page Essay following same guidelines as presentation
3. Extra assistance with skeleton during PowerPoint
a. Aide, student helper, or additional observation by instructor
B. G&T
1. Include short cover letter with Résumé assignment
a. Provide an extra handout with cover letter tips