Blizzard Bag 3

Academic/Career & Technical Related/Demonstration Lesson Plan
Instructor Amy McQuillen
Date __(blizzard bag 3)__
Program/Class __SCIENCE 202_
Period __8__
State Indicator/Competency:
BIO.912.3c Identify a sex-linked trait.
Instructional Objectives:
Students will be able to define the following terms with 100% accuracy: Punnett square,
genetics, genes, dominant, recessive, genotype, homozygous, heterozygous, sex-linked
trait, pedigree.
Genetics/heredity review page
Pencil/paper or word processor
Method of Instruction:
Students will complete the genetics/heredity assignment.
N/A (blizzard bag)
HW- Genetics/heredity (10 points)
SCIENCE 202- Blizzard bag 3
You may write your answers on a separate document for this blizzard bag assignment.
Directions: Fill in the following sentences with the correct word. HINT- Use your
genetics/heredity notes from first quarter.
1. A _________________ _______________ is a chart that shows possible gene
combinations. (begins with letter “P”)
2. The study of heredity is ___________________. (begins with letter “g”)
3. ______________ contain information about inherited traits. (begins with letter
4. Certain traits that always show themselves over other traits are
________________. (begins with letter “d”)
5. The hidden or masked traits are called ________________. (begins with letter
6. The gene pair for a certain trait in an organism (such as Tt, for example) is called
the _________________. (begins with letter “g”)
7. Organisms that have two like genes for a given trait are called
________________. (HINT- remember, homo means “same”)
8. An organism’s genetic information is stored in the ___________. (HINT- 3 capital
9. The traits controlled by genes in the X and Y chromosomes are called ________--_____________ traits. An example of a sex-linked disorder would be
colorblindness. (begins with letter “s”)
10. A _______________ is a chart that shows how a certain trait is passed from
generation to generation. (begins with letter “p”)