Asthma Action Plan - Horace Mann Middle School

Asthma Action Plan
Student Name ___________________________________________________________________________ DOB ________________
Parent/Guardian ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________________ Work ____________________________ Cell _____________________________
Asthma Health Care Provider_______________________________________________________ Phone _______________________
Severity Classification
□Mild Intermittent □Moderate Persistent
□Mild Persistent □Severe Persistent
□Colds □Smoke □Weather
Pre-Medication (how much/when):
□Exercise □Dust □Air Pollution
□Animals □Food
Exercise Modifications: ____________________________
□Other ________________________ _______________________________________________
GREEN ZONE: DOING WELL_________________________________________________________________________________________
Control Medications: Take these every day
Breathing is good
How much
No cough or wheeze
Can work/play easily
Sleeping at night
YELLOW ZONE: GETTING WORSE___________________________________________________________________________________
Use rescue (fast-acting) medicine:
It’s hard to breathe
How much
Cough, wheeze or chest tight
Problems working or playing
Waking coughing at night
School staff directions:
Notify school health office.
Remove student from any obvious trigger and escort student to health office, if possible.
DO NOT leave the student alone.
Sit student comfortably leaning forward. Do not insist they lie down.
Give initial treatment of rescue medicine and allow for rest. Improvement from bronchodilators is usually
seen within 5-10 minutes after use of inhaler. If no improvement after _______ minutes, give:
How much
Contact parent/guardian to make aware of asthma episode and effectiveness of treatment.
An asthma emergency is indicated by no response to initial treatment or worsening of symptoms.
RED ZONE: ASTHMA EMERGENCY__________________________________________________________________________________
Use rescue (fast-acting) medicine NOW:
Lots of trouble breathing
How much
Cannot work or play
Nostrils open wide
Ribs are showing
School staff directions:
Pale and/or sweating
Call parent/guardian NOW regarding severity of student’s asthma episode and urgent need for evaluation
Medicine is not helping
by a medical doctor.
Trouble walking or talking
Parent/guardian/emergency contact must arrive within 10 minutes to take student to medical facility or
Lips or fingernails are gray or blue
911 will be called for medical evaluation of the student and possible emergency transport to an emergency
medical facility. A copy of this Asthma Action Plan must be given to transport personnel.
Student may/may not carry and self-administer rescue medicine at school with approval of the school nurse.
(It is recommended that back-up medication be stored in the school health office.)
Practioner’s signature directs the above medication administration and indicates willingness to communicate with staff who administers
Health Care Provider Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________
Effective Date: ____________________ to ___________________
I hereby give permission to school staff to give the above medication to my child according to the instructions stated above and further authorize
them to contact my child’s physician, if necessary.
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________
Nurses/policy asthma action plan
Drafted Jan. 1993; Adopted Oct; rev. May 2013