Document 6833144

Leadership - Mr. McCarrick
Course Information Syllabus - 2015-2016
Howdy! Welcome to my Leadership class! Through the examination and application of
leadership theory and leadership methodology, the student will learn the cognitive and noncognitive skills necessary to be successful in leadership roles. Through the use of hands-on
learning activities, students will develop an awareness and appreciation for the role and
responsibilities of effective leadership within their lives, community and society.
Required Materials (**** indicates must-have)
● Highlighters****
● Pencil or Pen
Digital Citizenship
● This class makes extensive use of internet resources for our exploration exercises.
While utilizing digital resources, it is understood that the student will responsibly manage
their time wisely.
● Board Policy 2363 - During exploration assignments, students may use their own
technology (smartphone) instead of school laptops provided that:
● It is understood there is no access to the Wireless network, so any data usage
the student voluntarily assumes is their responsibility
● It is understood that the student is to remain on task while utilizing their own
technology. Games, Music, Social networking and messaging apps are NOT
approved by the Manville Board of Education for the purposes of educational
technology integration
● It is understood that a student’s online activities reflect their own personal speech
and online conduct must conform to the same guidelines as in-school speech.
Unit Structure:
1. Leadership Philosophy
2. Leadership in History
3. Communication
4. Communal and Government Leadership
5. Advocacy
Community Service:
● Community service hours are a required component of the Leadership Course and is
worth 20% of your final grade in this class each marking period. You are required to
participate in 10 hours of community service of your choice before the end of the
semester. You are responsible for keeping track of your own hours and submitting proof
with supervisor signatures.
Grading Policy
● Projects and Tests 30%
○ Examples: Unit Essay Tests, Unit Objective Tests, SOLE Projects
● Writing 25%
○ Examples: Reflection Essays, Journals
● Community Service 20%
○ Proof of service required
● Participation 15%
○ Examples: Essential Question Discussion, Class Presentations, In-Class
● Homework 10%
○ Examples: Short Take-Home readings w/ Questions
Classroom Conduct
The following rules of conduct apply to everyone in the classroom including the teacher:
1. Respect Yourself
a. Public education is a means to an end-- that end is your success in life. Work
hard every day to ensure your own success!
2. Respect Each Other
a. Every person in the class has the same opportunity as you to succeed. It falls on
each of us to ensure we work hard to build each other up and make the
experience fun and productive!
3. Respect Your Environment
a. For over 60 years, Manville High School has served your community. For many,
it is an enduring positive symbol of the town and the corridor through which its
most precious assets enter the working world. Each person should work hard to
leave the classroom and school environment better than they found it.
Late Work Policy
At the time an assignment is due, a student may request an extension of the due date. Each
day the assignment is late, it will receive a cumulative 10% penalty in total points after it has
been graded. Unsubmitted assignments will become 0’s at the end of the marking period.
Electronic Submission Policy
Some assignments must be submitted electronically through Google Classroom. In this case,
an assignment marked with a due date will automatically be flagged as late by the system if the
submission isn’t on time. I provide ample time and opportunity to submit electronic assignments
in school. It is up to you to find a way to access technology after school hours by using your
own computer at home, or logging on at the Manville Public Library (which is free to all Manville
residents). The Late Work Policy above applies to any late assignments submitted
Contact Information
● Email
● Voicemail - 908-231-8500
● Before School - 7:15am until First Bell
● After school - Last Bell until 3:00 pm
● Conferences as requested by appointment
Cut below and return to Mr. McCarrick for a Homework Grade
Student Name (Printed):
(10 points)
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________
(20 points)
Parent / Guardian Name (Printed):
(20 points)
Parent / Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________
(45 points)
Parent / Guardian Email Address: _________________________________________________
(Bonus +5 points)
(5 points)
Total Score ________________ / 100