
IABC Saskatoon board meeting
May 7, 2014 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Front Room, Congress Beer House
215 2nd Avenue south, Saskatoon SK
Present: Chelsea Fleischhacker, Kerilyn Voigt, Kelsie Fraser, Maeghan Carstairs, Alisha Edgelow, John Allen, Daniel Ramage, Shaun Dyer, Julie
Barnes, Evilyn Zhang, DeeAnn Mercier, Natasha Hnidy, Brooke Klassen, Desaree Larsen. Guest: Elise Truscott (incoming Finance Chair)
Regrets: Cam Zimmer
Call to order – Chelsea
Approval of the agenda – Chelsea
Julie motioned the agenda be
approved as presented. DeeAnn
seconded. Motion Carried.
Approval of the minutes from previous meeting – Chelsea
Chelsea motioned the minutes
from last meeting be approved as
presented. Shaun seconded.
Motion Carried.
Review of action items from April meeting -- Chelsea
Many items moved to portfolio updates, as most were included in
o Chelsea to send a policy regarding the group discount rate to Alisha DONE
o All board members to let Chelsea know if they are attending the
World Conference in June and interested in attending the AGM.
DONE Cam will be attending the World Conference. Chelsea had
previously asked Ivan M to be the chapter delegate at the AGM.
Tanya Turner, award winner, cannot attend the World Conference but
Chelsea to inquire on Cam’s
interest in attending the Gold
Quill Awards Gala and
accepting the award on
SIAST’s behalf.
was hoping someone could accept the award on her behalf (BF).
President report – Chelsea
o AI: Chelsea to follow-up with the portfolios impacted by the budget
revisions. DONE Kindly accepted.
o AI: All board members to submit their report for inclusion in the
annual report to Chelsea by April 15. DONE
o AI: Date on the emailed documents is incorrect; Chelsea will resend
all AGM documents in a few days with the correction. Thanks to all
for contributions.
o AI: Chelsea to send the succession guide template to Alisha, John
and Kelsie. DONE
o AI: Chelsea to inquire with international on the distribution approach
to the Leader Letter (Is it through LinkedIn? Do you need to opt in to
view it?). DONE
o AGM script: Chelsea is working on the script, people are assigned to
make motions so the meeting goes quickly. Chelsea will send out
the script before the meeting.
o Feedback on IABC brand: survey questions – How do we want IABC
to be perceived? What would be on your chapter’s wish list?
o More exciting marketing materials, more engaging and
vibrant/fun language describing who we are. Current materials
are too formal. Look at what we represent as a profession – not
a long business document. Current materials make us look old,
dry and stuffy. Networking is our strength and that needs to be
fun. Need to address/sell the different career pillars so it is
targeting multiple interests. Social media improvements?
Commchats on Wednesday mornings. Toolkits are also
improving, e.g. GoldQuill. (Aside: where would the budget for
printing these new materials come from? Printing sponsors –
Globe or MisterPrint. Natasha could recommend names for
print sponsors - BF)
o Membership survey: Chelsea to touch base with membership before
end of May for survey to be sent in June – would like to analyze data
for planning meeting in July.
o AGM: printed materials will not be available as they are circulated by
email and on the website.
o Welcome Elise, the new Finance Chair, to begin July 2014.
All board members to let
Chelsea know if you are
uncomfortable where your
name is listed to speak.
Chelsea to complete the IABC
brand survey on the board’s
behalf, using the feedback
Chelsea to touch base with
membership before end of
May for survey to be sent in
Vice-President report – Alisha
o AI: All board members to inform Alisha if interested in attending
the Dare to Lead Conference in May. DONE
o AI: All board members to let Alisha know if they have any
suggestions for a ‘save the date’ for D2L 2015 DONE
o Open positions on D2L planning committee – all positions are filled
with the exception of sponsorship – looking for someone to work with
and support DeeAnn. Desaree created a volunteer tab on the
website – position descriptions are available there. Lori Sly is the
Chair, and Alex Stang and Kelsie Fraser are also on the committee.
o Six board members are going to D2L 2014 in Winnipeg.
o Our chapter is to provide a ‘save the date’ at D2L this year because
we are hosting next year’s conference. We will be showing the
Saskatoon YouTube video (Alex will make a condensed version with
an edited ending), and Saskatoon Berry chocolates will be handed
Operations report – Maeghan
o AI: Maeghan to send feedback on the AllPaperless application to zu.
o External hard drive is with Maeghan for back-up. Kerilyn has
documents from Jodie Robulak she will look through for archiving.
DeeAnn will send sponsorship contracts for archiving.
Financial update – Kelsie
o AI: All board members to send accounting contacts to Kelsie
o AI: Natasha and John to contact accountants to inquire on their
interest in auditing our books by April 17 for $150. DONE
o AI: Kelsie to look into Chelsea’s financial questions regarding the
event summary reports. DONE
o Audit: Our chapter is no longer required to provide an audit annually,
however it is strongly recommended that an audit be completed
every time there is a new Finance Chair. An audit every two years
makes chapter financially responsible. Kelsie has a contact from
Natasha with a quote of $500 to $1000, they think. Kelsie has
another contact for $1500 and $2000. A financial review is $800.
Kelsie will continue to work with Natasha’s contact, unless anyone
All board members to reach
out to their networks to see if
anyone is interested in a 5month project-based
opportunity for D2L 2015.
All board members to let
Maeghan know if they have
any important documents to
Chelsea/Kelsie to add the
member benefit account
amount to the 2013 annual
else has a contact that could do it for less. Natasha to send another
contact to provide another quote (A1 Cost Less Accounting). Since
this expense is not budgeted for, a motion will take place via email
with a confirmed accountant and cost. It was mentioned that since
we exceeded gross revenues of $30,000 due to the FUZE
Conference we are now required to register for a GST number.
Kelsie has received the budget for the FUZE Conference; each
organization will receive $7,380.17.
Update on March statements – report was circulated.
Any spend down initiatives in the future could be allocated from the
member benefit account. Something to consider in planning for next
year. Chelsea clarified the two separate accounts and how money is
budgeted. Idea was shared to rename the account as a savings
account, rather than a member benefit account. BF
Membership report – Julie/Shaun
o AI: Julie/Shaun to draft an invitation for the AGM. DONE
o AI: All board members to indicate the main highlights from their
portfolio for mention at the AGM. Chelsea will complete this.
o Overview of AGM agenda and RSVP numbers: Event will start with
the AGM followed by a presentation by Matt Kruchak. The event is
sold out at 47 registered guests; there was a wait list of 8 people.
Professional Development report – Jacqueline/Natasha
o AI: All board members to send ideas for a speaker for next year to
Jacqueline and Natasha for mini-FUZE and other events. Ongoing
o AI: Natasha to share survey results from each event. BF
Leadership Development report – Desareé
o AI: Desareé to send an email to the board with a detailed proposal
and a quote for the new BizzyWeb website template. This was
discussed and voted on in the meeting.
AI: Desareé to send John information on the volunteer who receives
the gift card so he can send out a tweet. Desaree to resend the
information to John; she will award the Q1 and Q2 volunteers at the
same time. Could be announced at the AGM next week.
o BizzyWeb website recommendation: The purpose of the $350
expense is for the development of a new website with BizzyWeb
using a theme they have created. The $350 includes a $300
Kelsie to notify Elise and
Chelsea when an accountant
has been selected. Motion to
be circulated by Kelsie to the
board for voting purposes.
Kelsie to send change of
signatures to Chelsea and
development fee and a $50 transaction fee (pending payment
option). An update is long overdue considering our website is the
most important online presence to have members easily access
information. A simpler and better laid out website can use imagery
and present IABC as a fun and vibrant organization. If it takes place
over spring and summer it will allow for time to test placement and
overall how things are working for the program year in the fall. Won’t
interrupt our users. Desareé is working with Lesley on the site. If
board members want to be involved they are to connect with
Desaree and Lesley. The board will have a preview of the site before
it is launched.
Desareé motions to spend $350
to update the chapter website.
Kerilyn seconds. Motion carried.
All board members
interested in being involved in
the website update are to
contact Desareé.
Student Representative report – Brooke
o AI: Brooke will prepare a one-page document about the benefits of
IABC for students and present it to the board. (Student recruitment
materials draft to be presented) DONE
o AI: Chelsea to send Brooke the link to the student brochure
available online DONE
o Brooke designed a postcard size hand-out after looking at what was
available and getting feedback from Jacqueline and Desaree,
showing the benefits of IABC.
o BF: Each board member is to review the title and description for their
position and ensure it accurately reflects their responsibilities. Other
chapters ask board members to provide position descriptions
annually to update recruitment documents.
Brooke to refer to brand guide
on IABC website for font and
colour for the document.
Communications report – John/Evilyn
o AI: Chelsea, Desaree and Evilyn to connect about options for an
email account. DONE Cvent has been selected to distribute emails.
o AI: All board members to inform John of the volunteers to be
recognized and he will promote it on social media. DONE/ONGOING
o AI: Jacqueline/Natasha to add the copy for the Facebook ad to the
publicity form template. BF
o AI: John to send one promotional message on Facebook and
Twitter regarding the Sask Comm Forum. COMPLETE IN MAY
Jacqueline/Natasha to add
the copy for the Facebook ad
to the publicity form template.
Sponsorship report – DeeAnn
o CNW sponsorship agreement – CNW had sponsorships with other
chapters in previous years and now decided to provide a consistent
Brooke to send one-pager to
Alisha so she can share with
All board members to make
note of portfolio duties for
future position description
John to send one promotional
message on Facebook and
Twitter regarding the Sask
Comm Forum.
strategic plan across Canada. It consists of a cash grant of $750 for
each chapter for the calendar year of 2014. Our chapter needs to
decide/propose how to spend the money, including in-kind services
for a webcast. We are able to host one annual CNW-sponsored
professional development event that aligns with their objectives and
ours. A CNW representative would attend with a brief speaking role.
CNW sponsorship funding could be used as an opportunity for the
member kick-off event.
Other business?
o Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance has been purchased for our
o Anti-spam legislation will likely affect the way we communicate to our
members about events. It will be important to discuss this at our
planning meeting in July. How are CWR and International
addressing this change? Can it be added to the membership form?
Adjourn – Chelsea
Next meeting – to be announced
All board members to
provide ideas to DeeAnn by
June 30 to use sponsorship
Jacqueline, Natasha, Alisha
and DeeAnn to meet to
arrange a proposal for CNW
regarding the use of
sponsorship funds.
Daniel to draft an email for
Chelsea to send to Savana
Cheer at IABC inquiring on
their approach to the antispam legislation. CWR is to be
copied on the