ACOSS Board nominations 2015 - Australian Council of Social Service




The President will provide leadership to the Board so that it is visionary, strategic, dynamic, focused and accountable. In general the President will assure the integrity of the Board’s process of representation of ACOSS to outside parties.

The President will: a.

Lead and encourage a strong sense of purpose and cohesion amongst Board members; b.

Chair Board meetings and the Annual General Meetings (AGM), with all the commonly accepted power of that position (for example, ruling, recognising); c.

Ensure that the Board acts in ways consistent with its own rules and compliance with all relevant laws; d.

Ensure that the content of meeting discussion includes only those issues which, according to Board policy, clearly belong to the Board to decide, not the

CEO; e.

Ensure that deliberation is fair, open and thorough but also timely, orderly, and to the point; f.

Provide an oversight role in relation to the CEO at the direction of the Board; g.

Foster a positive and productive working relationship with the CEO through collaboration on strategic, media and planning matters; h.

Be readily accessible to the CEO for support and discussion as required; i.

Make decisions on matters that fall within topics covered by Board policies on

Governance Process and Board/CEO linkage, as guided by Executive, except where the Board specifically delegates portion of this authority to others. The

President is authorised to use any reasonable interpretation of the provisions of these policies, consistent with any direction provided by the Board or

Executive; j.

In delegating any authority, remain responsible for the use of the delegated authority; and k.

Represent ACOSS where appropriate on discussion with the CEO.

ACOSS: The peak body for community and social services and the national voice against poverty and inequality in Australia

Locked Bag 4777 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Ph (02) 9310 6200 Fax (02) 9310 4822 info@ acoss www.



We are looking for a person who has:

An ability to lead key membership and governance change and reforms.

 A strong and demonstrated commitment to the vision and values of ACOSS.

 The capacity to develop strong and collaborative relationships within the

Board and in a broader context.

Public recognition and/or eminence as a considered and measured leader.

 Demonstrated skills in communicating Board positions on its behalf to a diversity of stakeholders.

The capacity to be available to the ACOSS CEO and fellow Board members to discuss strategic issues and risks as needed and/or appropriate.

 A willingness to travel on a regular basis, recognising ACOSS is a national organisation with diverse stakeholders across Australia.

The ACOSS Board currently meets a minimum of face to face 4 times a year for a full day face to face meeting, and have one day to 1 and half day face to face meeting as part of ACOSS Board induction process. In addition all Board members are also encouraged to take an active part in ACOSS functions such as the annual conference and policy forum and to participate in specific purpose subcommittees which report to the Board.

Travel and accommodation expenses involved in Board meeting participation are met by ACOSS.

The President also chairs the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive currently meets monthly via teleconference as well as face to face when the executive deems necessary. Other meetings of the Executive are also convened from time to time and are generally conducted by teleconference.

The time demands on the President will fluctuate over the course of a year but on average the President can be expected to be engaged from a half day per week in activities associated with the role.




The Treasurer is responsible for assisting the Board and Executive to provide effective governance in relation to financial strategy, management and reporting.

The appointment of a Treasurer does not absolve the Board or Executive of any part of either body’s responsibilities. Rather, the Treasurer’s role exists to provide additional support, beyond the responsibilities of the Board and Executive.

The Treasurer is expected to: a.

Liaise with the CEO between Board and Executive meetings, in order to be informed about any changes in the financial situation of ACOSS. b.

Ensure that the Board and Executive are informed of any significant events that may affect the financial viability of ACOSS; c.

Review and provide feedback on draft budgets and financial reports prior to

Board and Executive meetings; d.

Participate in any Board committees established to assist with financial management issues; e.

Facilitate the signing of audited accounts by the ACOSS Board; and f.

Present the annual financial statements to the Annual General Meeting.


We are after a person who has:

 A strong and demonstrated commitment to the vision and values of ACOSS

Experience in the oversight of financial reporting and financial governance in the NGO sector, preferably including grant acquisition and acquittal as well as social enterprise development;

Expertise in providing support to Executive staff with budget preparation, financial planning, financial systems design and appropriate reporting’

 Capacity to lead Board discussions on financial governance including monitoring performance, ensuring accountability, interpreting reports, planning and forecasting, setting targets and risk analysis;

Availability to participate in Board and Executive meetings as well as communication with the CEO and senior staff.


The ACOSS Board currently meets a minimum of face to face 4 times a year for a full day face to face meeting, and have one day to 1 and half day face to face meeting as part of ACOSS Board induction process. In addition all Board members are also encouraged to take an active part in ACOSS functions such as the annual conference and policy forum and to participate in specific purpose subcommittees which report to the Board.

Travel and accommodation expenses involved in Board meeting participation are met by ACOSS.

The Treasurer also forms part of the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive currently meets monthly via teleconference as well as face to face immediately prior to each quarterly Board meeting. Other meetings of the Executive are also convened from time to time and are generally conducted by teleconference.



(including Special Assembly Board Members)


The collective responsibility of Board members is to:

Policy a.

Oversee the development, implementation and review of all governance policies consistent with the objects and purposes stated in the Constitution.

Planning b.

Determine and oversee the implementation of, and monitor the achievement of the organisation’s strategic directions, including the adoption of a Strategic

Plan for the organisation.

Compliance c.

Adhere to the relevant standards of effective governance. d.

Approve budgets for, and oversee the management of funds subject to the requirements of any relevant funding authority. e.

Oversee all financial operations and accounting procedures, and ensure that proper records and books of account are kept. f.

Determine compliance policies and monitor performance in relation to

Government, taxation and other legal obligations. g.

Provide an annual report, auditors’ report and audited financial statements of the organisation to the ACOSS membership. h.

Prepare and publish an annual report on the activities of the organisation and conduct an annual public meeting where the report is presented.

Accountability i.

Ensure on-going good governance by obtaining and considering reports on the management and operations of the organisation. j.

Implement procedures for the evaluation of services and programs of the organisation to ensure good practices in service provision. k.

Ensure transparency in decision making so that the organisation can follow and understand the decision making process and the rationale for particular decisions made. l.

Ensure the organisation meets the expectations and standards required by legislation, ACOSS membership and its full bodies.



Conduct risk management reviews of the organisation. n.

Ensure good information and communication processes so that the organisation membership is kept informed.


We are after people who have:

A strong and demonstrated commitment to the vision and values of ACOSS.

 An understanding and experience/training in governance responsibilities.

 Effective communications skills required to fully participate in Board discussion and decision making.

Experience in stakeholder engagement and a willingness to communicate with key population or membership groups

 Have connections and relationships that can help build ACOSS influence and sustainability in the community sector and beyond.

The ACOSS Board currently meets a minimum of 4 times a year for a full day face to face meeting, and have one day to one and half day face to face meeting as part of

ACOSS Board induction process. In addition all Board members are also encouraged to take an active part in ACOSS functions such as the annual conference and policy forum and to participate in specific purpose subcommittees which report to the Board.

Travel and accommodation expenses involved in Board meeting participation are met by ACOSS.





Any person can be nominated. Nominations must be in writing, endorsed by the nominee and received by the ACOSS office no later than 5pm (AEDT), 9 October 2015. Nominations may be made by a Member, an Affiliate or an Associate

(including organisation associate members and individual supporters), except in the case of Special Assembly representatives, where the nominator must be a member of the Special Assembly.

I nominate (Name) ________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________

City/Suburb ______________________________________________ Postcode ________________

Phone ____________________ Mobile ___________________ Fax _____________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________ for the following position on the ACOSS Board of Governors

 President

 Board member for election by NMOs, other than Special Assembly

 Treasurer

 Board member for election by NMOs who are members of the Special Assembly

Please tick one box if nomination is for President or Treasurer only, more than one box if nomination is for Board member as second preference (i.e. if not elected as President/Treasurer). You may also opt for election by both the

Special Assembly and NMOs (i.e, if not elected by Special Assembly you then go into the ballot for election by NMOs).

Nominated by (Name)

Organisation _____________________________________________________________________

 ACOSS Associate/Affiliate Member  National Member Organisation

 Special Assembly  Individual Supporter

Address _________________________________________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________ Date / / 2015

I accept the above nomination for election to the ACOSS Board of Governors

Signed ______________________________________________ Date / / 2015

Candidates are invited to forward a statement, no more than 300 words in length, excepting that in the case of nominations for President these may be up to but no more than 600 words, to be submitted in standard Word format.

Each statement should address the criteria outlined in the 2015 ACOSS Board candidate pack.

Nomination received at ACOSS Date / / 2015

Acknowledgment to nominee Date / / 2015

Please return this form to Returning Officer, c/- ACOSS, Locked Bag 4777, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 by 5pm (AEDT),

9 October 2015. You may fax or email it in order to reach us by the due date but an original must be posted .

Fax 02 9310 4822 email


ACOSS: The peak body for community and social services and the national voice against poverty and inequality in Australia

Locked Bag 4777 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Ph (02) 9310 6200 Fax (02) 9310 4822 info@ acoss www.

