curriculum standards for 2009-2010

Middle Level Education Plan:
STRATEGY: We will implement a rigorous, relevant, world-class curriculum and strategically organize professional
development so that teachers and staff are prepared to consistently apply best instructional and assessment practices.
SPECIFIC RESULT: Design and implement a rigorous and cross-disciplinary curriculum that ensures meaningful and real life
learning for all students.
Purpose: To provide training and support so that all middle school teachers understand and use Backwards Design to
create and implement relevant, world-class curriculum that is integrated across the four academic content areas.
MLEP Strategy #2 Highlights: Collaborative planning; Service Learning; Technology Integration; Authentic
Assessment that Drives Instruction; Embedded Professional Development; Cross-Curricular Unit Planning
All middle schools will provide training in Backwards Design curriculum planning using Wiggins & McTighe’s
Understanding by Design.
All middle schools will provide embedded staff development time (PLCs) for:
Horizontal Teams (same subject teachers within each grade level that collaboratively plan a Curricular Unit)
Cross-Curricular Teams (core content area teachers within each grade level that plan Integrated Curricular Units).
All middle schools will support Horizontal Teams in their development of Curricular Units with the following
Desired Results
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
TEKS Data Analysis (High-Stakes TEKS)
Determine Acceptable Evidence (Pre-Assessment; During; Culminating) including Technology Integration
Essential Questions (Unit & Daily)
Instructional Strategies/Activities
Differentiated Instruction
All middle schools will support Cross-Curricular Teams in their development of Integrated Curricular Units
with the following components:
Universal Concept
Common Vocabulary
Cross-Curricular Common Assessment (Problem-based Learning/Service Learning)
Cross-Curricular Essential Questions
Instructional Strategies/Activities
Differentiated Instruction
All middle schools will implement Universal Themes to include:
Order vs. Chaos
All middle schools will participate in training that includes:
Understanding the process of a PLC (horizontal & cross-curricular)
Backwards Design Process (Understanding by Design framework)
Components of a quality lesson design (AIMS3 template or CU/ICU template)
Focus on Marzano’s Building Academic Vocabulary & Erickson’s Conceptual Lens