BP14 Application Process. Read these pages carefully and at least

BP14 Introductory information pages
Welcome to BP14 Application Process. Read these pages carefully and at least twice.
Three steps
there are three steps in the BP14 application process
during these steps you will need to use – and if necessary learn – a number of skills in presenting
information, formatting documents and using English language. If you do this successfully you will
already have made a very good start to your BP14 experience.
you will need good and regular computer and Internet access (at least two times a week) and an
English dictionary.
you will also need access to a webcam (see Step 3, below).
if you do not have these, there is no use continuing these steps.
Step 1
1. the Step 1 questionnaire is accessed by link from the Marist Training web site Home Page:
2. complete the questionnaire carefully, clearly and fully. If you are not clear and complete, this may
indicate that you do not have good enough English to begin BP14.
3. attach the questionnaire to an email addressed to the Marist Training director:
4. if your Step 1 questionnaire is completed successfully, you will be invited to take the next step of
the application process: the Step 2 questionnaire
5. if your Step 1 questionnaire is not completed successfully, it is possible that you will be asked to ‘fix
& re-send’ after consulting a former BP-er (see BP14 Step 1 questionnaire: ‘F&R’)
Step 2
1. the Step 2 questionnaire will be emailed to you. This will seek further information about yourself
and evidence of your ability to begin BP14.
2. if your Step 2 questionnaire is completed successfully, you will be invited to Step 3 – a Skype video
Step 3
1. Step 3 is a Skype video interview with the MTR director.
2. you will need access to a webcam with your computer.
3. after this interview you will be sent an email message advising you whether or not you have been
accepted into BP14.
E-1: Email
1. There should be a simple message in the email you send with your attached Step 1
2. Begin with a simple opening address (eg Dear Fr Ron)
3. Include a short message.
4. End courteously (eg. Thank you or Good bye or God bless you etc, etc.)
5. Put your name (eg Htoo Free)
6. Then your email signature (see below)
E-2: Email ‘signature’
1. Include a ‘signature’ at the end of the email to which you attach this questionnaire (see example,
below). Use your signature on every email you send during BP14, including the application
2. Example of email signature: (hint: include the dotted line)
Saw Htoo Free
House 99, Section 1; Zone A, Mae La Refugee Camp, Tak Province, Thailand
Tel: (+66) 08 3333 9999
Email: htoofreebp@gmail.com
Skype ID: htoofree96
Facebook ID: htoofree96
E-3: Email subject line
1. When sending your email be sure to complete the ‘subject line’ in the following way:
2. Your name to BP, Date: [space] Subject of the email
For example:
Htoo Free to BP, Apr 10:
My Step 1 questionnaire
3. Use this format in all emails regarding BP.
Fix & re-send (F&R)
1. If your Step 1 questionnaire has not been completed satisfactorily, it is possible that it will be
returned to you with the message ‘F&R’ (= fix and re-send)
2. If this happens you may seek the help of a former BP-er (BP11-12 or BP13) then re-send your Step 1
3. a list of available former BP-ers will be sent to you
4. they have been encouraged to help you but not do your work for you.
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When you have read these pages at least a second time and carefully,
go to the Step 1 questionnaire…
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