Sample memo from Administrators to Staff about carton recycling

All faculty and staff
From: [School Administrator]
New Carton Recycling Program in Cafeteria
I’m pleased to announce that during the week of [date for the launch], [school name] will
launch a cafeteria milk and juice carton recycling program to show our green pride! At
[lunchtime]/[breakfast and lunch], students’ milk and juice cartons will be collected separately
from other meal waste and there will be a greater emphasis on recycling all cafeteria materials.
Common Cafeteria Recyclables (Clean & Empty)
milk cartons
juice cartons
paper lunch bags
yogurt/dessert cups
plastic beverage bottles
plastic cups
take-out containers
aluminum foil
metal cans
paper lunch trays
recycle cartons?
BPS spends close to $1million dollars annually on trash
hauling; carton recycling can help reduce this cost and put
money back into the schools. Clean and green pride has a
positive impact on student behavior and our school’s
culture. Recycling in our school is required by law, and our
participation in reducing, reusing, and recycling means
positive impacts on our city and planet.
A Team Approach for Success
In order for this initiative to be a success, we need everyone involved. Here’s how you can help:
1. Contact our school Recycling Coordinator to be more involved in this program- [insert
name and email of coordinator]
2. Review Cafeteria Recycling with your classroom prior to lunch.
3. If you work in the cafeteria during meals, make sure the equipment and signage is set
up properly. Help monitor a station to educate the students about the process.
4. Encourage students to complete their Recycling Pledge card and turn it into the main
office. We are striving for 100% participation as there are prizes for the most pledges
Stay tuned for updates as we approach the launch date. With your help, [school name] will be
the top recycler in the district and a much greener place to work and learn. You can learn more
about recycling resources, curriculum lessons, etc –
Thank you for your cooperation,
[School Administrator Signature]