Foreign Language Workshops

Foreign Language Workshops
All workshops are held in the Language Lab (4-104)
SPN1120 Workshops
The Verb "ser”: Review the verb to be.
The verb “Tener”: Review the verb “to have”
Conversation Hour: Come practice what you have learned in a fun and friendly environment
Regular -er and -ir and -ar verbs: Deciphering the difference between the ending letters and what they
Stem-changing verbs (e→ie; e→i, o→ue): How to properly conjugate stemchanging verbs. Don’t forget your boots!
The verb estar with prepositions
Ser and estar: What is the difference between “to be” and “to be”? - learn when to use
“ser” and “estar”
Saber and Conocer: What is the difference between “ to know” and “to know”?
Final Exam Review Session: Come learn how to Ace your test!!
SPN1121 Workshops
Changing Verbs in the Preterite: Don’t forget your shoes!!
Por and Para: For vs. For. Which do you use?
Conversation Hour: Come practice what you have learned in a fun and friendly environment
The imperfect: Let’s describe history!
Object Pronouns: Direct and Indirect
Preterite and Imperfect: What the difference between the two past tenses?
Formal and Informal Commands: What is the best way to get things done?
Relative Pronouns: Confused with Que and Quien?
Final Exam Review Session: Come learn how to Ace your test!!
*SPN1120 Workshops are every Tuesday from 1:00 - 2:00pm
*SPN1121 Workshops are every Thursday from 1:00pm - 2:00pm