Textbook selection policy

16 Week vs. 8 Week Instructional Material Selection
Each college bookstore manager collects the online course textbook information for all
consortium shared, fully online eCourses that their college originates for that given
semester (section 1 of a course)
In cases of multiple 16 week course sections taught by instructors from two or more
colleges, the college who retains first rights for that course (teaching section 1)
determines the book(s) for ALL sections of the course.
If a particular course is also offered in both the 16 week and 8 week course term, the
college who retains the first rights for that course in the 16 week course determines the
book(s) for ALL 16 week & 8 week sections.
If a particular course is offered in the 8-week term and not offered in the 16-week term,
the college who retains the first rights for the 8 week course determines the book(s).
It is strongly encouraged all instructors for courses with multiple sections participate in
conversations concern selection, addition or changes for that course. Coordination of
that conversation may be facilitated by the Distance Learning Director for that college or
by Kathy Cornwall, Staff Generalist.
All sections of the same course will always use the same textbooks (and all of the
textbooks listed) Distance Learning Directors will communicate with faculty of multiple
sections that their respective instructors must use the required text chosen by the
originating college for the shared eCourse.
Communication Process
Distance Learning Directors will communicate with faculty of multiple sections that their
respective instructors must use the required text chosen by the originating college for the
shared eCourse.
Title Change Process
When an instructor for the first rights college changes to a different book, they must
communicate this in advance to their bookstore manager and Distance Learning
Director. Recommended steps in this process:
 Consult with instructors of multiple sections
 Discuss rational for the change
 When possible, come to consensus on textbook selected
The Bookstore Manager will then enter the new textbook information onto the interface
and select “Yes” when asked “Edition/Complete Textbook Change.” Once the
information is updated, an e-mail is generated and automatically sent to all Distance
Learning Directors and Bookstore Managers. This only happens with recurring, duped
courses; not new courses being offered in a given term. Distance Learning Directors are
then to relay that information to instructors at their school who may be teaching a
multiple section of that course.
New Edition Process
Likewise, if the publisher announces an edition change to a textbook, the Bookstore
Manager for the originating college will enter the new edition information onto the
interface and select “Yes” when asked “Edition/Complete Book Change”. Once the
information is updated, an e-mail is generated and automatically sent to all Distance
Learning Directors and Bookstore Managers. Distance Learning Directors are then to
relay that information to the instructors at their college who may be teaching a multiple
section of that course.
Bookstore Managers are often aware of the edition changes before faculty and are
required to communicate this information to first section instructors. When a new
textbook edition is scheduled to be released, it is important that all bookstores
and instructors are aware of the change.
Adoption of the new edition should strongly be considered as soon as possible.
The availability of books for all locations is a problem when using older editions.
Other considerations which may also alter adoption date include instructor
supplements, other course supplements, etc. which are not yet available.
Therefore, courses requesting old editions will be reviewed on a case-by-case
In the event that all course supplements and new edition are available but
instructor requests the old edition, approval from the home college Dean or
Distance Learning Director is requested for the bookstore. The home college
bookstore will then communicate this information to all other consortium
Due to the time required to update and/or change an online course, when
changing editions, communication must occur at least 2 months before the start
of the semester.
Instructors must move to the new edition as soon as possible while still leaving
the 2 month time span to provide time for other instructors to update their
course. In order for instructors of multiple sections to make the changes to their
courses, instructors for the originating college teaching section 1 must
communicate this as follows:
Spring semester change->notification of change must be made
September 1st of the previous year.
Summer change-> notification of change must be made by February
1st of that year.
Fall semester change-> notification of change must be made by April
1st of that year.