December Newsletter - Sutherland Lodge Surgery

DON’T BE A MUG (Midessex UnderfundinG)
A Campaign for adequate funding for NHS Services in Mid Essex.
Mid Essex (which is where this Surgery falls under) is one of the most underfunded areas
within the NHS. Our Clinical Commissioning Group receives £81 per head of population
which is much less than the national average from the NHS for looking after you.
Our patients are sick and tired of being treated as second class citizens and are doing
something about it. You can help by signing the petition today
Just 10,000 signatures means that the Government will respond to the Mid Essex
patients’ petition – and the response will be published on our website –
100,000 signatures mean that the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.
Posters are up in the waiting room and links are on our website.
This CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) has to save £15.7 million during 2016/17.
Four areas where proposed changes may happen are:
 Prescriptions for Gluten-free food
 Hearing Aids for mild hearing loss
 Vasectomy and female sterilisation
 GP-accessed Physiotherapy
There is currently a consultation process and you can share your views online at
Antibiotics are an essential group of medicines that help treat certain types of infection, but
because they are so effective where they do work, people sometimes think they can treat all
types of disease.
Dec 2015
Many bugs such as the common cold CANNOT be treated with antibiotics at all.
Even more importantly, people using antibiotics incorrectly has led to some bugs adapting,
and there therefore no being affected in the same way. This is called Antibiotic Resistance –
and it is already the biggest threat to health of patients across Europe.
If antibiotics stop working against infections, routine treatments will become dangerous.
Setting broken bones, basic surgery, even chemotherapy and animal health, all rely on
effective antibiotics.
Help us to be Antibiotic Guardians. Help us to combat this MAJOR danger to people in Mid
This Surgery will be closed from 6.30pm Thursday 24th December until 8.00am Tuesday 29th
December 2015 for Christmas and then again from 6.30pm Thursday 31st December until
8.00am Monday 3rd January 2016. There will be an Out of Hours GP available during these
closure times by calling NHS 111. PLEASE do not use A&E for minor ailments. This service is
for Accidents and Emergencies ONLY. Minor ailments will be turned away.
The Partners and Staff would like to wish all our
patients a Happy Christmas and a very Healthy
New Year.
Dec 2015