Social Innovation and Psychology of Poverty

“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
PSY 443 | Social Innovation and the Psychology of Poverty-Spring 2016 |
Contact Information:
Lectures: Tue/Thur 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM,
Casey A. Dexter, Ph.D.
Cook 110
337 Cook Hall
Office hours: MW 9-11, 2-3; T/Thur 12-2;
Office phone: 706.378.2871
by appointment!
Expectations of Students
Expectations of Instructor
Be on time to class
Come prepared to learn
Turn assignments in on time
Be enthusiastic, try to enjoy the course
I will start class on time
I will come prepared to help you learn
I will grade assignments in a timely fashion
I will be enthusiastic and will enjoy teaching
If at any time you feel that you might need
assistance with the material in this course,
please see me. If you cannot meet with me
during my listed office hours, I will do my very
best to make an appointment with you that
works for the both of us. Please keep in mind
that the earlier in the semester that we address
any potential issues, the better the chances are
that your performance in this class is to your
Course Description
This course explores the emerging field of social innovation and entrepreneurship.
Social innovators and entrepreneurs are “changemakers” that find creative and
sustainable solutions to the world’s problems. Just as entrepreneurs in a more traditional
sense create approaches and business solutions to target needs/gaps in their respective
industries, social entrepreneurs leverage their resources to target needs/gaps in society.
These sustainable solutions have the potential to create social value (capital), which can
effect long-term societal change.
We will examine the opportunity for social change through the lens of social
science, particularly from a psychological perspective. Theoretical frameworks
examining the deleterious effect of poverty from a psychological viewpoint will be of
particular emphasis. We will also spend a considerable amount of time grounding this
theoretical understanding in the local community.
Given the growing social, economic, and environmental challenges of our times,
understanding and practicing social innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset are
becoming increasingly important. In addition to creating sustainable solutions to pressing
problems in the local community, a substantial part of the course will focus on your selfexploration as a “life entrepreneur”. To help you realize your potential as a social and
life entrepreneur, this course will place a particular emphasis on equipping you with the
tools, experiences, and support necessary to maximize your capacity as a social change
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
Course Objectives
Develop a deeper sense of self as an entrepreneurial leader in one’s professional
and personal life;
Acquire the introductory skill sets and frameworks necessary to act as change
agents through social innovation
Strengthen evaluative, critical thinking, and planning skills as social
entrepreneurs/innovators to address important social problems
Learn from community members to understand areas of need and opportunities
for entrepreneurial growth in the local community
Required Readings
How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas
David Bornstein
ISBN: 9780195334760
Life Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives
Christopher Gergen & Gregg Vanourek
ISBN: 978-0787988623
Additional readings will be assigned throughout the semester either in class or posted on
VikingWeb. You will be responsible for keeping up on the assigned readings as outlined
in the course schedule and discussed in class.
Course Requirements
Come to class 100% prepared. This will require you to complete all
readings beforehand and bring your textbook/readings to class whenever
Participate. Attend class regularly and on time. The very nature of this class
requires a class-wide critical analysis of the content in order to gain a deeper
understanding of what it means to be socially innovative. The quality of the
class will be largely dependent on your contribution and willingness to engage
in meaningful dialogue with your classmates. This will also require a certain
level of respect for your classmates as a class environment in which thoughts
and ideas are not respected is an environment that is not conducive to what we
are trying to accomplish. In order to encourage participation and thoughtful,
meaningful, and respectful dialogue, you will be asked to complete the
following assignments:
o Summary. Write one-page summaries of assigned readings.
Guidelines for what is expected in writing a summary will be
distributed during one of the first few class sessions. These summaries
will be due at the beginning of the class period in which we will
discuss those readings.
o Muddy Cards. Every class meeting in which we go over new material
will require a response from you pertaining to that reading. At the
beginning of each of these classes, you will submit a 4x6 “Reading
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
Muddy Card” in response to that class meeting’s assigned reading. This
card needs to include the following: 1. What was the most important
point in the reading? 2. What was the muddiest point? 3. What would
you like to learn more about? These “Reading Muddy Cards” are due
prior to the start of each class, and will not be accepted once class has
begun; you need to leave them with me when you arrive.
o Spark Conference 2016. You will be required to attend the 2016 Spark
Conference held at Berry College. This typically is held the last
weekend of February and will consist of activities Friday evening
(usually 2 hours) and most of the day Saturday (roughly 5 hours).
Registration cost for Berry Students is $15. As this is a required class
activity taking up a considerable amount of time, certain course meeting
dates throughout the semester will be cancelled.
Complete all other assignments:
o Exam. There will be one mid-term examination, which will consist of
essay question, with a list of possible essay questions distributed in
advance. The exam will be based on required readings and class
o Entrepreneurial Life Plan. Over the course of the semester, each
student will complete weekly exercises in their Entrepreneurial Life Plan
Workbook. Each student will submit an electronic and physical copy of
their completed Entrepreneurial Life Plan.
o Entrepreneur Report. Each student will be responsible for preparing
and presenting a brief 1-2 page report on a social entrepreneur during the
semester. Your presentation should take the form of a powerpoint/prezi
presentation that can be disseminated to the class as a whole.
Presentations should last roughly 10-15 minutes allowing for questions.
o Team Promising Idea Proposal. You will be divided into teams of 2-3
students each to work toward a ‘Promising Idea’ for social change. This
promising idea must be directed toward social change within the local
community. Each student team will develop, research, write up, and
present their final promising idea. Details for this assignment will be
issued later in the semester.
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
Mid-Term Exam: 20%
Entrepreneurial Life Plan: 20%
Entrepreneur Report: 10%
Team Promising Idea Proposal: 30%
Participation: 20%
Your grade will be based STRICTLY on the following scale:
93% and higher
90% - 92%
87% - 89%
83% - 86%
80% - 82%
77% - 79%
73% - 76%
70% - 72%
67% - 69%
60% - 66%
59% & below
Course Schedule and Assignments
January 12—Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Leadership
 Assignments
o Read syllabus
January 14—Discussing the local community and the psychology of poverty
 Assignments
o Read Haushofer & Fehr (2014). On the Psychology of Poverty, BrooksGunn & Duncan (1997). The effects of Poverty on Children.
January 19—Discussing the local community and the psychology poverty
 Assignments
o Review South Rome Fact Sheet
January 21—Discovering Core Identity & Values
 Assignments
o Read: Life Entrepreneurs: Introduction - Chapter 3
o Complete: Life Entrepreneurs Assessment
o Review: Entrepreneurial Life Plan (ELP) workbook and final assignment
January 26—Understanding and Mapping Personal History
 Assignments
o Complete: Self-History assignment in ELP workbook
o Read: Bennis & Thomas (2002). Crucibles of Leadership
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
January 28—Connecting Passions, Strength, & Purpose
 Assignments
o Complete: Passions, Strengths, and Purpose assignment in ELP workbook
(bring with you to class)
o Watch: Ken Robinson
February 2—Creating Vision
 Assignments
o Read: Gergen & Vanourek: Ch.’s 4-5, Brooks (2010). The summoned self.
February 4—The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship
 Assignments
o Read: Dees (1998). The meaning of social entrepreneurship; Martin &
Osberg (2007). Social Entrepreneurship: The case for definition.
February 9—The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship
 Assignments
o Read: Bornstein, Ch. 1—Restless People, Ch. 8—The Role of the Social
February 11—The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship
 Assignments
o Read: Bornstein, Ch. 18—Six Qualities of Successful Social
Entrepreneurs, Ch. 10—Are They Possessed, Really Possessed, by an
February 16—Entrepreneur Reports
 Assignments
o Read brief bio’s of entrepreneurs that will be profiled in class
February 18—Entrepreneur Reports
 Assignments
o Read brief bio’s of entrepreneurs that will be profiled in class
February 23—Entrepreneur Reports
 Assignments
o Read brief bio’s of entrepreneurs that will be profiled in class
February 25—Guest speakers: local entrepreneurs
 Assignments
o Review websites and mission of guest speaker businesses
February 26 & 27—Spark Conference
 Assignments
o Attendance at Friday (evening) and Saturday conference (morningmidday) is required
March 1—Exam Review
 Assignments
o Review possible exam questions on VikingWeb
March 3—Mid-Term Exam
March 8 & March 10—Spring Break, No Classes
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
March 15—Vision
 Assignments
o Read: Reis (2011). Lean Startup Part 1: Vision
March 17—Promising Idea Creation
 Assignments
o Read: Guclu, Dees, & Anderson (2002). The process of social
entrepreneurship: Creating opportunities worth of serious pursuit
o Read: Bornstein Ch.’s 11-13
o Be prepared to discuss 2-3 promising ideas for social change in the local
March 22—Developing Social Enterprises
 Assignments
o Read: Bornstein Ch. 12—In Search of Social Excellence, Ch. 16—Four
Practices of Innovative Organizations
March 24—Goals & Strategies/Time Mapping
 Assignments
o Start Time Mapping Exercise
o Complete Entrepreneurial Life Plan Goals and Strategies & Sections
o Read: Life Entrepreneurs: Ch.’s 6-7
o Review Opportunities Matrix from ELP & bring to class
o Be prepared to discuss promising ideas as they align with personal goals &
strategies with time map
March 29—Opportunities
 Assignments
o Read: Life Entrepreneurs: Ch. 8-Conclusion
o Complete Opportunities Matrix from ELP and bring to class
March 31—Entrepreneurial Life Plan Exchange
 Assignments
o Bring to class: Complete Entrepreneurial Life Plan
April 5—Testing Assumptions/Best Practice Analysis
 Assignments
o Bring to class: Best Practice Analysis
o Read: Colby, Stone, Carttar (2004). Zeroing in on impact
o Read: Jolin (2007). Investing in Social Entrepreneurship and Fostering
Social Innovation
o Be prepared to discuss best practice analysis and current assumptions
about promising ideas
April 7—Pitching Promising Ideas to Community Partners
 Assignments
o Create a brief 3-5 minute idea pitch to present to community partners
April 12— No Class, Student Symposium on Student Scholarship
April 14— Pitch Feedback
 Assignments
o Based on interaction with community partners, adjust your promising idea
as necessary and be prepared to discuss this in class
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
April 19—Steer
 Assignments
o Read: Reis (2011). Lean Startup Part 2: Steer
April 21—Promising Idea Presentations
 Assignments
o All teams submit via email to the whole class your Team’s Promising Idea
o First set of teams: Present a 10-minute promising idea overview
o Be prepared to provide feedback to teams on their presentations
April 26—Promising Idea Presentations
 Assignments
o Second set of teams present
o Be prepared to provide feedback to teams on their presentations
Communicating with the professor:
 Do it respectfully and professionally, just as I will do so with you. “Hey Prof”
is not a good way to start off an email…
 There is a common illness that sweeps across college campuses as semesters
near completion, this illness is called #IThinkIDeserveABetterGradeitis. A
great way to avoid commonly reported symptoms of this illness is to work
diligently throughout the semester so that you do not spend the last week
begging your professor for a grade that you did not earn. Put another way, do
not email me regarding: “boosting your grade”, “bumping your grade up”, or
“is there anything I can do to get an extra point?” These emails will not be
 I like to start class on time. If you are late on
occasion, it’s no big deal. However, if for any reason
you know you are going to be late on a regular basis,
please tell me so that I understand your situation.
 I make every effort to be courteous,
respectful, and approachable. You might even peg
me as “laid back.” However, I expect courtesy and
respect in return. That means arriving to class on
time and observing norms for orderly and civil
engagement in a classroom. It also means obeying
FAA regulations for take-off and landing:
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
 Technology can be very useful, but there is no
need to communicate with anyone outside of class or
to transmit/receive data while you are in it. Much
experience has shown this can only serve to distract
you and worse, those around you (including me). As
such, any device which can access the outside world
must be silenced and removed from sight while class
is in session.
 Should it be necessary for you to miss a
class session, it is your responsibility to get
from a classmate the information that you
missed. I do not provide class notes except
during class sessions. If you have questions
about such material after reading through the
notes you received from a classmate, please let
me know and I will do my best to clear up any
Early and late exams are NOT GIVEN. I do not give makeup exams except in
the most extraordinary of circumstances. These circumstances include illness
(verified by a doctor), verified personal emergency, or verified college activity in
which you are representing Berry College. In such cases, you will need to contact
me BEFORE the exam. If not, you will receive a ‘0’ like all others missing the
exam. Makeup exams will be of the same format as the regularly-scheduled
 As
community, Berry College is
firmly committed to honor
and integrity in the pursuit of
knowledge. Therefore, as a
member of this academic
community, each student
acknowledges responsibility
for his or her actions and
commits to the highest
standards of integrity. In
doing so, each student makes a covenant with the college not to engage in any
form of academic dishonesty, fraud, cheating, or theft. In this case, vigorous
action will be taken against those of you who decide to engage in practices
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” Mahatma Gandi
such as cheating on exams or quizzes, plagiarism, misrepresentation, or
fraud. If you give or receive unauthorized aid on a quiz or test, or plagiarize
a paper, you are in violation of Berry College’s Standards for Academic
Integrity. These standards can be found in the Berry catalog and Viking
code. The penalty for academic dishonesty of any kind will be, at a
minimum, a zero on the exam/quiz/assignment. The penalty for a second
offense will be an automatic F in the course. All instances of academic
dishonesty will be reported to college officials. Please familiarize yourself with
Berry College’s Standards for Academic Integrity and/or talk with me if you have
ANY questions about cheating or plagiarism. Not knowing the definitions of
“cheating” or “plagiarizing” is not an excuse. In short, if you put an idea,
statistics, or quote in your paper that is from another source, absolutely cite the
source. If you have questions about how to cite properly, please see me! I’m glad
to help. Moral of the story, cite and reference your work excessively.
If you are learning, sensory, or physically disabled and need assistance in meeting
the course requirements, please let me know as soon as possible. I will help in any
way that I can and will hold all matters in strictest confidence. Students at Berry
College who have a physical, medical, learning or psychiatric disability, either
temporary or permanent, may be eligible for reasonable accommodations at the
college as per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act. Students can contact the Academic Support Center in the
Memorial Library, 1st Floor (Ext. 4080).
The Berry College Writing Center, located on the
second floor of the Memorial Library, offers free support
to students writing in any discipline. The center is staff
by trained peer tutors who have taken a three credit
course in the theory and practice of tutoring
writing. Sessions are usually 20-40 minutes and usually focus first on higher
order concerns such as understanding a writing prompt, generating ideas, logical
development and connection of ideas, and format/organization; they then move to
later order concerns on the sentence level such as grammar, punctuation, tone,
style, and correctness. In general, sessions are hands-on, and tutors ask students to
help themselves by developing and practicing concrete revision strategies. While
students are welcome to drop by the Writing Center without an appointment,
appointments do receive priority service. To make an appointment, and to see the
Center's regular hours, go to
Last, but not least, let’s have some