the dollars you receive for your scrap metal!!

Why hire TTC to manage your
scrap metal recycling?
Talking Trash
Consultants, LLC
Because every dollar increase in the
amount you receive for your scrap metal
goes to your bottom line profit!
Our business is increasing the
dollars you receive for your scrap
 We are independent consultants.
 We are not metal recyclers.
 We work for you!
We increase your profit by
increasing the dollars you
receive for your scrap metal.
We increase your profit by
providing on-going invoice
review and contract support to
ensure that these savings are
actually being realized.
We increase your profit by
freeing up staff to focus on your
core business.
When we increase your profit
we increase ours. It’s a win-win
Hiring TTC requires:
 No funding
 No budgetary review
 No capital outlay, and
 No risk.
 You pay nothing unless we
increase your scrap metal
price/pound. Then you pay us
out of the increased returns!!
 We Present
 You Approve
 We Implement
1937 Cabernet Place, Suite 100
Easton, PA 18045-5400
484.894.7591 Robert Johnson
301.983.1410 Ed Franceski
Can you sell your scrap metal
for more?
ANALYZE—We thoroughly analyze
your current operations to fully
understand how scrap metal is being
Stop losing money on your
scrap metal recycling.
IDENTIFY—We identify savings by
defining areas in which scrap metal is
being mishandled or being sold at too
low a price.
financial analysis that details price
increases that you can expect to achieve.
If you are like the majority of businesses
we work with, you are selling your scrap
metal at too low a price. We can help you
substantially increase (25-30%) the dollars
you receive for your scrap metal!!
Let Talking Trash Consultants review and
analyze your current operations. With
over 50 years of hands-on experience in
metal recycling, waste disposal and
contract management, we will increase
your returns or you don’t owe us a penny!
Talking Trash Consultants will ensure that
you receive top dollar for your scrap
metal, AND your employees can focus on
your core business.
RECOMMEND—We prepare effective
and comprehensive recommendations
that are easy to implement and result in
immediate increased returns.
utilize data from our analysis to develop a
plan tailored to your specific operation
and once approved we implement the
plan. Obtaining your approval is critical
to the process.
MONITOR—We monitor all payments
and work directly with the recycler to
correct any errors/under payments.
REPORT—We submit a monthly report
showing actual results of your new scrap
metal management system.
Our process is proven to increase you
return. Call or e-mail us today to set
up a no obligation appointment.
We don’t mind if you talk a
little trash with us!!
484.894.7591 Robert
301.983.1410 Ed