Napoleon - Wilson School District

Project #11 – Napoleon: Hero or Tyrant?
Many have praised Napoleon as a brilliant leader, a talented lawmaker, and a military genius.
Others have argued that he was a tyrant, a dictator, and only concerned with his own power
and glory. As a result, there are thousands upon
thousands of books, articles, diary entries,
paintings, and so on about Napoleon, all
presenting him in a different light. Your job
will be to decide how you see him – a hero, a
tyrant, or something else entirely.
1. First, you must conduct some more research
about Napoleon and his strengths and
weaknesses to get a better understanding of the
2. Then you must decide what, in your opinion,
stands out most about Napoleon.
3. Then you will use one word to describe him and place that title somewhere on your portrait.
4. You must then create a portrait of Napoleon as you see him (in other words, the title of your
portrait should match how you present him).
5. On the back of your portrait, explain your opinion of Napoleon (at least 10 sentences)
1. You may create your portrait in any way that you like (pencil, marker, crayon, paint, clay,
cement, computer, etc.).
2. You may use any word to describe him that you want (school appropriate).
1. One word title of your portrait that sums up your opinion of Napoleon – 25 points
2. Detailed, complete, original portrait of Napoleon that clearly illustrates your opinion of him
– 100 points
3. 10 sentences on the back clearly explaining your opinion of Napoleon – 50 points
4. Your portrait demonstrates significant effort and an attempt at creativity – 25 points
Due Date:
1. The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
Many émigrés returned to France – supported by devout Catholics & citizens tired of revolution
Elections of 1797 put many constitutional monarchists into legislature (majority)
Put own supporters in legislature, imposed censorship, & exiled some enemies
As in 1795, Napoleon had saved the day for the government
Napoleon Bonaparte was born 1769 to poor family of lesser nobles in Corsica
France had annexed Corsica 1768, so Napoleon went to French schools
He favored the revolution & was a radical Jacobin
1793, he helped recover port of Toulon from British –
During Thermidorian Reaction, his defense of new regime won him command in Italy
Early Military Victories
1795, French army & politics had destroyed First Coalition
Invasion of Italy meant to take Austria’s Italian province of Lombardy (wealthy)
With series of quick victories, Napoleon crushed Austrian & Sardinian armies
1797, Napoleon returned to France a hero –
He believed it was impossible to invade England at the time
Instead, he decided to attack British interests in Mediterranean by capturing Egypt
Soon, France dominated all of Italy & Switzerland
Trying to draw British fleet away from Mediterranean, cut off their communications
with India, hurt British trade, and threaten the British Empire
Napoleon easily overran Egypt – but invasion was failure
Europe’s leaders began to worry about France
1799, Russians & Austrians defeated French in Italy & Switzerland & threatened to
invade France
This would convince Ottoman Empire to reform if it was going to resist other invaders
The Constitution of the Year VIII
Economic problems eroded Directory’s support
Author of What is the Third Estate? – wanted executive body independent of electoral
When Napoleon heard, he (without orders) left his army in Egypt & returned to France
He joined Sieyes & his troops guaranteed success of the coup
Sieyes thought he could use Napoleon & then get rid of him – wrong
Proposed constitution divided authority among three consuls
Appeared to champion democratic principles and checks & balances
Directions: After reading the background information about Napoleon’s rise, create a mini timeline featuring all of the
main dates and explanations of their importance. Worth 14 points
Directions: Read the information above and complete the questions about Napoleon that go along with it. Worth 10
1. Why did some people think it strange that the French people accepted Napoleon as their new Emperor?
2. How do Napoleon’s words in the official version of the coup (Source 1) contradict the scene pictured in Source 3?
3. Does Source 2 support or criticize the coup? Explain.
4. Identify the people marked A, B, C in Source 3. Why might we not trust this painting completely?
5. What overall impression of Napoleon do you get from all of these sources? Explain.
2. The Consulate in France (1799-1804)
The End of the Revolution
Leaders of the Third Estate – officials, landowners, doctors, lawyers, financiers – had achieved
most of their goals by 1799
Abolished hereditary privilege
Careers opened to talent allowed them to achieve wealth, status, & security for their
Had gained land & destroyed feudal privileges
New dominant classes did not want to share their new privileges with lower classes
Napoleon seemed like the person to give them security
Suppressing Foreign Enemies and Domestic Opposition
Throughout 1790s, pressures of war (especially conscription) caused most of France’s instability
Russia left Second Coalition
Campaign in Italy brought another victory over Austria, taking them out of the war
Napoleon also restored peace & order at home
He issued general amnesty & employed men from all kinds of political groups
He required only their loyalty
Men from Reign of Terror & Louis XVI’s monarchy now again had high political offices
Set up centralized government, employed a secret police, & stopped royalist rebellion in west
1804, assassination plot gave him excuse to attack Jacobins (even though royalists were behind
1804, violating international law, Napoleon entered German state of Baden & executed
Bourbon duke of Enghien – accused of participating in royalist plot (innocent)
Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church
Revolutionary policies regarding Catholic Church caused most domestic opposition
When French invaded Italy, they drove Pope Puis VI from Rome (died in exile)
Agreement gave Napoleon what he wanted
Required removed clergy & those who accepted revolution to resign
In return, church gave up its claims to confiscated property
But clergy had to swear oath of loyalty to state
The Napoleonic Code
He soon produced another constitution giving him full power
Napoleonic Code protected all forms of property
All privileges based on birth remained abolished
Workers’ organization were still forbidden – workers had fewer rights than employers
Fathers given extensive control over children & husbands over wives
Property now distributed amongst all children (male & female)
Divorce remained more difficult for women
Previously, French laws differed from region to region
Directions: Read the information about the Napoleonic Code below and we will discuss it as a class. Then we will
complete the discussion questions together. Worth 15 points.
1. Summarize Napoleon’s opinion of women in at least 3 sentences.
2. How does Napoleon’s view of parental control over their children differ from today’s view of parental control over
children? Explain.
3. Why was the Napoleonic Code so important to not only France but to other parts of Europe?
4. What enlightened laws did Napoleon pass?
5. Based on the excerpts below of the Napoleonic Code, what is your overall opinion of Napoleon?
Establishing a Dynasty
1804, Napoleon used bomb attack against him to make himself emperor
Argued setting up a dynasty would secure the regime & make further assassination attempts
Plebiscite (vote) overwhelmingly ratified the constitution
At last minute, pope agreed that Napoleon should crown himself
He didn’t want anyone to think his power depended on the church
Directions: Read the overview of the situation in France in the late 1790s and then answer the 2 questions below.
Worth 20 points.
1. Write your own overview of France’s political problems between 1795 and 1799. Include what problems were faced
by the Directory and what was decided to solve those problems.
2. What do you think Robespierre meant when he warned: “Put yourself on guard against your generals…?”
3. Napoleon’s Empire
Napoleon’s Military
His victories changed the map of the continent
His wars ended the Old Regime throughout Western Europe
Also forced Eastern Europe to reorganize itself to resist Napoleon’s armies
He could put 700,000 men in battle at any time
And he could draft more at any time (thanks to their loyalty to France & him)
Even coalitions could not stop him – Napoleon himself would do that
Conquering an Empire
He sent an army to restore order in rebellious colony of Haiti – made Britain fear he was
planning a new French Empire in Americas (Spain had given Louisiana back to France 1801)
More threatening were his interventions in Dutch Republic, Italy, and Switzerland & and his
reorganization of Germany
British Naval Supremacy
Britain declared war on France 1803
1805, he persuaded Russia & Austria to make war on France
Great naval victory soon improved spirits of allies
Nelson died in battle, but British lost no ships
Napoleonic Victories in Central Europe
Before Trafalgar, Napoleon had marched to Danube River to attack his continental enemies
October, he forced Austrian army to surrender & occupied Vienna
Austrians then left Italy, giving Napoleon control of everything north of Rome
Prussia, neutral until now, foolishly entered war against France
1807, Napoleon defeated Russians at Friedland & occupied East Prussia
Directions: Read the story of the Battle of Austerlitz below and answer the comprehension questions as you go. This will
help give you a great understand of what Napoleon was like and how great of a general he was. Worth 22 points.
"One sharp blow and the war is over"
The decisive attacks on the Allied center by St. Hilaire and Vandamme split the Allied army in two and left the French in
a golden strategic position to win the battle. At about 8:45 a.m., satisfied at the weakness in the enemy center, Napoleon
asked Soult how long it would take for his men to reach the Pratzen Heights, to which the Marshal replied, "Less than
twenty minutes sire." About 15 minutes later, Napoleon ordered the attack, adding, "One sharp blow and the war is
1. If you were a general, why would you want to end the war with “one sharp blow?” What do you think that means?
A dense fog helped to cloud the advance of St. Hilaire's division, but as they went up the slope the legendary ‘Sun of
Austerlitz' ripped the mist apart and encouraged them forward. Russian soldiers and commanders on top of the heights
were stunned to see so many French troops coming towards them. Allied commanders were now able to feed some of
the delayed detachments of the fourth column into this bitter struggle. Over an hour of fighting destroyed much of this
unit. The other men from the second column, mostly inexperienced Austrians, also participated in the struggle and
swung the numbers against one of the best fighting forces in the French army, eventually forcing them to withdraw
down the slopes. However, gripped by desperation, St. Hilaire's men struck hard once more and bayoneted the Allies out
of the heights. To the north, General Vandamme's division attacked an area called Staré Vinohrady ("Old Vineyards")
and through talented skirmishing and deadly volleys broke several Allied battalions.
2. How did Napoleon’s strategy of sending a huge force to attack the Allied center pay off?
The battle had firmly turned in France's favour, but it was far from over. Napoleon ordered Bernadotte's I Corps to
support Vandamme's left and moved his own command center from Zuran Hill to St. Anthony's Chapel on the Pratzen
Heights. The difficult position of the Allies was confirmed by the decision to send in the Russian Imperial Guard; Grand
Duke Constantine, Tsar Alexander's brother, commanded the Guard and counterattacked in Vandamme's section of the
field, forcing a bloody effort and the only loss of a French standard in the battle (the unfortunate victim was a battalion
of the 4th Line Regiment). Sensing trouble, Napoleon ordered his own heavy Guard cavalry forward. These men
pulverized their Russian counterparts, but with both sides pouring in large masses of cavalry no victory was clear yet.
3. Sensing defeat, the Russians sent their best soldiers into the battle. How did Napoleon respond?
The Russians had a numerical advantage here but fairly soon the tide swung as Drouet's Division, the 2nd of
Bernadotte's I Corps, deployed on the flank of the action and allowed French cavalry to seek refuge behind their lines.
The horse artillery of the Guard also inflicted heavy casualties on the Russian cavalry and fusiliers. The Russians broke
and many died as they were pursued by the reinvigorated French cavalry for about a quarter of a mile.
4. What happened to the Russian Guard?
By 1400 hours, the Allied army had been dangerously separated. Napoleon now had the option to strike at one of the
wings, and he chose the Allied left since other enemy sectors had already been cleared or were conducting fighting
5. Why did Napoleon choose to attack the Allied left at this point in the battle?
Napoleon's focus now shifted towards the southern end of the battlefield where the French and the Allies were still
fighting over Sokolnitz and Telnitz. In an effective double-pronged assault, St. Hilaire's division and part of Davout's III
Corps smashed through the enemy at Sokolnitz and persuaded the commanders of the first two columns, Generals
Kienmayer and Langeron, to flee as fast as they could. Buxhowden, the commander of the Allied left and the man
responsible for leading the attack, was completely drunk and fled as well. Kienmayer covered his withdrawal with the
O'Reilly light cavalry, who gallantly managed to defeat five of six French cavalry regiments before they too had to
6. When an enemy begins to retreat, what do you think is the best thing to do – let them run away or follow them an
crush them completely? Explain.
General panic now seized the Allied army and it abandoned the field in any and all possible directions. A frightful and
famous episode occurred during this retreat: Russian forces that had been defeated by the French right withdrew south
towards Vienna via the Satschan frozen ponds. French artillery pounded towards the men, and the ice was broken due
to the bombardment. The men drowned in the viciously cold ponds, dozens of Russian artillery pieces going down
along with them.
7. What happened to many of the Allied troops as they tried to retreat?
Austerlitz and the preceding campaign profoundly altered the nature of European politics. In three months, the French
had occupied Vienna, destroyed two armies, and humbled the Austrian Empire. These events sharply contrast with the
rigid power structures of the 18th century. Austerlitz set the stage for a near-decade of French domination of the
European continent, but one of its more immediate effects was to goad Prussia into war in 1806.
8. What were the major effects of Napoleon’s victory at Austerlitz?
Military and political results
Overall, Allied casualties stood at about 27,000 out of an army of 73,000, which was 37% of their effectives. The
French expended around 9,000 out of a force of 67,000, or about 13% of effectives. The Allies also lost 180 guns and
50 standards. The great victory was met by sheer amazement and delirium in Paris, where just days earlier the nation
was teetering on financial collapse. Tsar Alexander perhaps best summed up the harsh times for the Allies by stating,
"We are babies in the hands of a giant."
9. What do you think Alexander meant when he said, “We are babies in the hands of a giant?”
France and Austria signed a truce on 4 December and the Treaty of Pressburg 22 days later took the latter out of the
war. Austria agreed to recognize French territory captured by the treaties of Campo Formio (1797) and Lunéville
(1801), cede land to Bavaria, Wurttemberg, and Baden, which were Napoleon's German allies, and pay 40 million
francs in war indemnities, and Venice was given to the Kingdom of Italy. It was a harsh end for Austria, but certainly
not a catastrophic peace. The Russian army was allowed to withdraw to home territory and the French encamped
themselves in Southern Germany. The Holy Roman Empire was effectively wiped out, 1806 being seen as its final year.
Napoleon created the Confederation of the Rhine, a string of German states meant to serve as a buffer between France
and Prussia. Prussia saw these and other moves as an affront to its status as the main power of Central Europe and it
went to war with France in 1806.
10. What effect did this victory have on the Holy Roman Empire? What did this victory convince Prussia to do?
Napoleon's words to his troops after the battle were full of praise: Soldats! Je suis content de vous (English: Soldiers! I
am pleased with you). The Emperor provided two million golden francs to the higher officers and 200 francs to each
soldier, with large pensions for the widows of the fallen. Orphaned children were adopted by Napoleon personally and
were allowed to add "Napoleon" to their baptismal and family names. Interestingly, Napoleon never gave a title of
nobility to any of his commanders, as was customary following a great victory. It is probable that he considered
Austerlitz too much of a personal triumph to elevate anyone else significantly.
11. What does Napoleon’s treatment of his men after the battle tell you about his character?
Treaty of Tilsit
He and Napoleon met on raft in Niemen River as nervous king of Prussia watched from
Only Alexander allowed them to keep some territory
Prussia openly & Russia secretly became allies of Napoleon
He ruled the French Empire
Stepson ruled Italy & three of his brothers and one brother-in-law ruled other
When they didn’t, he rebuked or even punished them
The Continental System
Napoleon knew he had to defeat Britain before he could be safe
Unable to compete with the British navy, he relied on economic warfare
Despite initial drops in exports & domestic unrest, British economy survived
British control of seas assured access to markets in North & South America
His tariff policies helped France at expense of other countries – creating resentment
In defiance, smuggling became common
It was partly to stop smuggling that Napoleon invaded Spain 1808
4. European Response to the Empire
Continental System demonstrated that Napoleon’s rule was intended to make France rich, rather than
Europe in general
German Nationalism and Prussian Reform
At beginning of 1800s, Romantic Movement began
Nationalism here went through 2 phases
At first, nationalistic writers emphasized greatness of German culture
Then German nationalists urged resistance to Napoleon
Many Germans also looked to France as an example of how to solve internal problems –
tried to establish a unified German state
Military reforms by Prussia hoped to increase supply of soldiers & improve their quality
Defeat against Napoleon had shown that an army of free patriots commanded by officers
chosen on merit could defeat an army of serfs & mercenaries led by incompetent nobles
Napoleon, however, only allowed Prussian army to have 42,000 men
So Prussians would train 42,000 men each year, put them in reserves, and train another
42,000 the next
The Wars of Liberation
France & Spain were allies since 1796
Army stayed in Spain to protect communication & supply lines
Napoleon used revolt in 1808 to depose Spanish Bourbons & put his brother Joseph on
Spanish throne
Many of upper class were willing to help Napoleon
But peasants and lower clergy rebelled
In Spain, Napoleon faced a new kind of warfare –
British sent army led by Sir Arthur Wellesley (later duke of Wellington) to help Spanish
French problems in Spain encouraged Austrians to rejoin war 1809
Treaty took large chunk of territory away from Austria, as well as 3.5 million people
Napoleon’s wife was 46 and had given him no children
The Invasion of Russia
1810, Russia left Continental System & began to prepare for war
He expected the usual quick, decisive victory, but the Russians retreated before his advance
Outnumbered, Russians knew they stood no chance against Napoleon in one large battle
Napoleon’s army could now not live off of the country
And the size of Russia made supply lines to long to maintain
Napoleon’s advisors told him to abandon the campaign – but he worried that might undermine
his authority
Russian public opinion forced army to fight Napoleon
Russian general Mikhail Kutuzov disagreed – he wanted to let winter destroy Napoleon
Yet Russians were not defeated
As winter set in, Napoleon’s army was short of supplies, weakened, and stuck in the middle of
By October, French forced to retreat
December, Napoleon returned to France (leaving his army to retreat alone)
Directions: Below are some similarities between Hitler and Napoleon. The popular view wants to show them as eerily
similar to demonstrate some cosmic connection between the two. Historians think differently – they were two
intelligent men who took advantage of chaotic situations to gain power for themselves. What do you think? Explain in
at least 10 sentences why you think Hitler and Napoleon have so many similarities. Make specific reference to the
similarities in your answer. Worth 20 points.
Similar Quotes
Napoleon: "I shall bury the world beneath my ruin"
Hitler: "We may be destroyed, but, if we are, we'll drag the world down with us, a world in flames."
Napoleon: "A man like me cares little about losing the lives of a million men."
Hitler: "I can send the flower of German youth into the hell of war without the slightest pity."
In reference to Europe,
Napoleon: "A rotten old whore whom I shall treat as I please"
Hitler: "I had to rape it in order to possess it."
General Similarities
1. When their countries had exhausted all of their manpower, they both conscripted children and teens into their
2. Hitler and Napoleon were both immigrants in the country they ended up ruling.
3. Both censored intellectuals except in military technology. They both exiled leading philosophical and even some
scientific scholars in an attempt to filter out the people who could not be dominated.
4. Both conquered most of Europe. Although the map might have told a different story in Napoleon's case, most
countries in Europe were mere puppet governments of Napoleonic France. Hitler's map made sure that Germany's
boundaries clearly engulfed most of Europe.
5. Both thought that attacking Britain would be costly, and then both attacked Russia resulting in catastrophic defeat.
Both viewed the Russians as barbaric and easily defeated in battle. Not to mention, both met their Russian turning
points during the winter- Napoleon's at Borodino, and Hitler's at Stalingrad.
6. Both called for a fight to the death in their respective capitals when enemy armies were approaching them.
7. Both almost conquered Egypt.
8. Carl von Clausewitz, Hitler's military mentor, was in Napoleon's opposing Prussian army in 1806 and in Kutuzov's
staff in 1812, again fighting against Napoleon.
9. Both served in the military before they became political candidates for their country's leadership. They also lived
through distinct poverty after their initial glory days in the military.
10. Both men conquered almost all of Europe in a short amount of time except for Britain and Russia.
11. Hitler and Napoleon were accepted as monarchs in a previously democratic society because of three major reasons:
both countries were hoping for the returning strength of the monarchy, the populace was tired of inflation, civil
war, and threats of invasion, and both militaries preferred aggressive patriots at their head as opposed to any
professional politicians.
12. Both pursued vigorous economic plans that balanced each countries' budgets, which had not been done in years.
Both Hitler and Bonaparte ended unemployment in their countries with nationwide projects. Neither Hitler nor
Bonaparte came up with the ideas.
13. Both men set up concentration camps at the beginning of their careers for political prisoners. Both Hitler and
Napoleon had notorious henchman who murdered many men and women for their respective leaders.
14. Both met the beginning of the end by attacking Russia. And they did so on the exact same date – June 22nd (too late
in the year, resulting in being stuck in the mud and then the snows of winter).
European Coalition
He returned to Paris & gathered another 350,000 men
The Coalition forces were not eager to go to battle again with Napoleon
Russians drove west – Prussia & Austria soon joined them
British provided large amounts of money to supply them
From Spain, Wellington marched his army into France
And many of this best generals were either dead or defected
But Napoleon still managed a spectacular victory at Dresden
1814, allied armies marched into Paris
5. The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement
Treaty of Chaumont
Fear of Napoleon & anger toward him kept coalition together
Once Napoleon was gone, coalition forces could not get along
Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, British foreign secretary, kept them together
It provided for the restoration of the Bourbons to the French throne
Also restored old borders of France as they had been in 1792
Details would be worked out at Congress of Vienna
Territorial Adjustments
4 powers agreed that one state should not control all of Europe
Reinstated Bourbon monarchy & a fair border settlement kept French content for now
Also strengthened states around France to prevent future French expansion
Settling the issue of Eastern Europe was more difficult
Alexander I wanted all of Poland
Prussia agreed if they could get Saxony
The 4 powers almost went to war with each other
Charles Talleyrand – Napoleon’s foreign minister – suggested a compromise
He proposed an alliance of France, Britain, and Austria against Russia
The Hundred Days and the Quadruple Alliance
French army still loyal to him & most people preferred him as their ruler
Allies sent their armies to crush him
Napoleon again abdicated and was exiled to St. Helena (off coast of Africa) – died there
Quadruple Alliance was basically now a coalition for maintaining peace
This was completely different from 18th century diplomacy
Directions: The following headlines appeared in the French newspaper Moniteur in March of 1815. These banners
announced Napoleon’s return from Elba to Paris. Examine how the headlines change as Napoleon gets closer to Paris.
Summarize in at least 5 sentences how they change. Then explain what these changing headlines tell you about the
French people and their view towards their leaders. Worth 20 points.
March 9
The Monster has escaped from his place of banishment.
March 10
The Corsican Ogre has landed at Cape Juan.
March 11
The Tiger has shown himself at Gap. The Troops are advancing on all
sides to arrest his progress. He will conclude his miserable adventure by
becoming a wanderer among the mountains.
March 12
The Monster has actually advanced as far as Grenoble.
March 13
The Tyrant is now at Lyon. Fear and Terror seized all at his appearance.
March 18
The Usurper has ventured to approach to within 60 hours’ march of the
March 19
Bonaparte is advancing by forced marches, but it is impossible he can
reach Paris.
March 20
Napoleon will arrive under the walls of Paris tomorrow.
March 21
The Emperor Napoleon is at Fountainbleau.
March 22
Yesterday evening His Majesty the Emperor made his public entry and
arrived at the Tuileries. Nothing can exceed the universal joy.
1. Summarize in at least 5 sentences how the headlines change the closer Napoleon gets
to Paris.
2. Explain what these changing headlines tell you about the French people and their views towards their leaders.
6. The Romantic Movement
Years of French Revolution and conquests of Napoleon saw emergence of new intellectual movement
Romantic writers saw imagination supplementing reason as way to understand world
Many urged revival of Christianity
Phenomena like dreams, hallucinations, etc. that suggested a world beyond empirical
observation fascinated Romantics
7. Romantic Questioning of the Supremacy of Reason
Roots of the Romantic Movement
Romantic Movement had many different roots
But two Enlightenment writers provided most immediate intellectual foundations for
Romanticism – Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Immanuel Kant
Rousseau and Education
Rousseau’s idea that society had corrupted human nature influenced Romantic writers
He believed children should be raised with individual freedom
They should learn by trial & error how to deal with reality
Parents & teachers would help by providing basic needs & keeping the child safe from
And because of their physical differences, men & women would naturally develop into
social roles
Romantics thought this type of education would lead to natural society
Kant and Reason
Locke and other philosophers saw knowledge rooted in sensory experience alone
The mind imposes on the world of sensory experience “forms of sensibility” and “categories of
This meant that human perception is as much a product of the mind’s activity as of sensory
Beyond world of sensory experience (reason), there existed the “noumenal” world
This is a world of moral and aesthetic reality known by practical reason and conscience
Kant felt all people possess a sense of moral duty or an awareness of what he called a
categorical imperative – inner command to act in every situation as you would have
everyone else act in that situation
8. Romantic Literature
Term “Romantic” appeared in English & French literature in 1600s
Neoclassical writers used term to describe literature they considered unreal or fanciful
1700s, English writer Thomas Warton associated Romantic literature with medieval romances
It applied to all literature that did not observe classical forms & rules (lots of imagination)
The English Romantic Writers
English Romantics believed poetry was better when you freely followed impulses of your mind
It was a manifesto of new poetry that rejected the rules of the 18th century
For Wordsworth, childhood was best period of creativity & imagination
Aging & urban living will destroy the imagination
Lord Byron
Lord Byron was rebel among Romantic poets
Most other Romantic writers hated him
He was outrageously skeptical & mocking
The German Romantic Writers
All major German Romantics wrote at least one novel
Often sentimental & borrowed material from medieval romances
Attacked prejudices against women as capable of being nothing more than lovers &
Lucinde is the perfect friend and companion (and lover) of the hero
Made a name with his novel The Sorrows of Young Werther
Novel was about love & sentimentality
Praised for its emphasis on feeling and on living outside polite society
In Part I, Faust makes a pact with the devil – exchange soul for more knowledge than
any other person
He then seduces young woman (Gretchen) who later dies & goes to heaven
Faust is miserable that he still has to live
At end, he dedicates his life to improving humanity
He thinks this goal will help him overcome the restlessness that prompted him
to make a pact with the devil
Directions: Read the quote from Faust below and answer the discussion questions that follow. Worth 9 points.
“By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.”
1. What do you think this quote means? Explain.
2. Faust made a deal with the devil – his soul in exchange for more knowledge than any other person. By the end, he
decides that improving humanity will make him happy again. This discovery of new knowledge breaks his pact with
the devil and he dies and goes to heaven. The truth (his new knowledge) allows him to be happy and eventually get to
heaven (conquer the universe). How does this compare to your answer above?
3. In tough times, people often make “deals” with some higher power. Have you ever done so? If you have, explain. If
you have not, what deal would you want to make with a higher power? Explain.
9. Romantic Art
The Cult of the Middle Ages and Neo-Gothicism
For them, the Middle Ages represented the social stability and religious reverence that had
disappeared from life
Like many early Romantic artists, English landscape painter John Constable was a conservative
Constable & other Romantics idealized rural life because they believed it was connected
to the medieval past
Neo-Gothic revival in architecture filled Europe with modern imitations of Medieval structures
British Houses of Parliament (1836-1837) were most famous public buildings in Neo-Gothic
Cost almost bankrupted Bavarian monarchy (interior never even finished)
Directions: Examine John Constable’s painting below (and on the screen) and fill in the analysis worksheet that
accompanies it. Worth 30 points.
Use the table below to list people, objects, and activities in the picture.
1. What is/are the main message(s) of the picture?
2. What are the secondary messages of the picture?
3. What three things might you infer from this picture?
4. What questions does this picture raise in your mind?
5. What does this picture tell you about art during this time period?
Nature and the Sublime
Romantic artists portrayed nature & its power
They liked the mysterious & unruly side of nature (instead of the order focused on during
10. Religion in the Romantic World
Methodism started in mid-1700s as revolt against deism & rationalism in the Church of England
They had faith & confidence in God during a terrible storm
Wesley began preaching in the countryside – commoners loved his message of repentance and good
He & his brother began organizing Methodist societies
Methodism stressed inward, heartfelt religion
Many people hated the boring rationalism of deism – more attracted to Wesley’s religion
11. Romantic Views of Nationalism and History
Herder and Culture
German Romantic writers studied their past in reaction to French Revolution & imperialism of
Herder hated colonialism & criticized French cultural dominance in Germany
He revived German folk culture by encouraging preservation of German songs &
Hegel and History
Hegel believed ideas develop in an evolutionary way
At any time, you have dominant set of ideas – thesis
Conflicting ideas – antithesis – challenge the thesis
As these ideas clash, a synthesis results that becomes the new thesis
Directions: Hegel believed everything in history is important because everything has an effect on something else. After
watching the video featuring a generic chain reaction, answer the discussion questions about how everything in history
effects something else. Worth 9 points.
1. Do you agree or disagree with Hegel that everything that happens impacts everything that happens after it? Explain.
2. Give an example from your life in which an action taken by you has directly impacted someone else (or vice versa).
3. If the French Revolution never happened, Napoleon Bonaparte would have been just another general in the French
army. And if Napoleon never became emperor, France might have been a dominant figure in Europe in the 1800s. And
if France had been a dominant figure, Germany might not have united and gained enough power to go to war in 1914.
If Germany doesn’t start WWI, the people of Germany are not unhappy about losing. If the people are not unhappy in
Germany, they would not allow Hitler to take power by promising to improve their country. If Hitler doesn’t take
power, what are the results?
Islam, the Middle East, and Romanticism
At same time, an rejuvenated Christianity in Europe renewed traditional sense of necessary
conflict between Christianity & Islam
Paintings & stories of the Crusades from a western viewpoint became popular
during this time
Some Europeans, however, also respected Muslim literature & the Islamic world’s importance to history