Verbatim 4.6

George Mason Debate
[File Name]
=George Mason JT=
The 1AC is a performance that begins with the telling of narratives and the retelling of narratives of prostitution.
====This weekend, we~’re at the United States Military Academy. We stand on the very ground where individuals are
trained in violence to kill for the sake of the system. We are at the intersection of the systemic hierarchies and the university,
the very institution that has become a mass production line of violence. We present to you, the production of the academy:
====David Elliot Penton====
Killed at least 5 people, possibly 9 or more (1984-88)
Committed one of his crimes while in the service. Was introduced to child prostitutes in the military and committed crimes
against child victims. Was praised in military records, became an expert marksman and was honorably discharged.
====Morris Solomon Jr.====
Killed at least 6 people, possibly up to 7 (1986-87)
Vietnam veteran introduced to his favored class of victims, prostitutes, during his service
go back to Vietnam, he~’d want to go with someone like Morris."
====Robert Lee Yates Jr.====
Killed at least 13 people (1975-98)
Gulf War and Somalia veteran helicopter pilot who had experienced enemy fire. Awarded at least 11 medals. Also served in
the National Guard, rising high in the ranks. Bragged to a survivor of his crimes about his military service. Was introduced to
prostitutes, his later favored group of victims, in the military.
====Gary Leon Ridgway====
(aka "The Green River Killer")
Killed at least 49 people (1982-2001)
Vietnam War veteran who saw combat. Introduced to his favorite class of victims, prostitutes, in the military.
====Oh would you look at that, all these men looked good on paper, the just needed to save face. Meanwhile , the pimps,
the johns, the rapists, the serial killers. And would you look at that? They were laborers of the state, all within the positions of
model citizenry. ====
====With JUST these FOUR alone, in about 25 years time, there were a minimum 77 prostitute murders, and these are just
the bodies that could be found, the murders that could be reported. ====
====Jack the Ripper~’s got nothing on them. And these are just four men who were products of the system. Yeah, they may
have gotten legal punishment, but think of all of the pitiful, shallow dug graves, the bloodied up ropes tied to the abandoned
headboards, the eerie photo albums of the mutilated bodies in their bedrooms, and most of all, the countless piles of body
bags at the coroner~’s labeled, "Jane Doe". ====
====WHEN WILL SOCIETY START GIVING A SHIT? When are we going to stop accepting the very expectation that
women are going to get kidnapped, raped, beat, and murdered? This is reality, the status quo, the "real."====
George Mason Debate
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====The "real" has become a place of complicity, inaction and failure.====
====Actions that neglect to step away from nonviolent resistance are doomed to perpetuate the logic that civil society holds
a position of undefeatability. ====
====This monolithic construction through focus on organization and placation will continue unless we take a step away from
the predictable and instead move into the unreal, the unexpected, and the spontaneous realm of fantasy – a place of rage.
====Only through counter reality can we develop a strategy powerful enough to disrupt the known and break through to the
imagined realm of possibility – a world where the system has no power because those deemed powerless refuse to give
====Performative fantasies of rage are necessary to disrupt violent power– refusing to act within the realm of reality disrupts
its hold on societal configuration.====
Halberstam, 1993
~~[Judith Halberstam, Imagined Violence/Queer Violence: Representation, Rage, and Resistance Reviewed work(s): Source:
Social Text, No. 37, A Special Section Edited by Anne McClintock Explores the Sex Trade (Winter, 1993), pp. 187201~~]jap
The eruption of rebellion in the streets of L.A. and its representations
challenge white powerful heterosexual masculinity and create a cultural coalition of postmodern terror.
====What goes around, comes around. The Johns of the world have no idea what~’s coming to them. Up til now, society~’s
treated the prostitute as the excess and cast them aside into the cracks of society, posited as nothing but a parasitic,
homewrecking slut.====
===="Stay out of my neighborhood and away my kids%21 Imma send you a dick pic and once night falls get your ass to the
back alleys so I can fuck you the way my wife won~’t let me. I~’ll pay you after. Just make sure you learn your place, you
dirty, little whore."====
===="Ayo girl%21 Get back to your flat now or I~’ll blow your fucking brains out, don~’t mess with me, or you won~’t
have a place in MY brothel%21" ====
====These cowardly scums would start trembling in fear if, instead of their call girl pulling her legs apart like she was told
to, she chopped their balls off. ====
====Let~’s retell the story here: ====
====What if the hooker took a shotgun, pressed it against his weak, tiny, ballsack and stared him straight in the eye, into his
deep, dark soul, as he cries and pleads to hold onto dear life. She slowly reaches for a knife strapped to her thigh under those
fishnet tights, finger on the trigger, she spits on him and blasts that dick straight across the room, stabs him in the chest, rips
out his heart just to watch him bleed. Took the rest of the bullets, shot the so-called family man in the face, another in her
pimp~’s and then handed it off to every other hooker in the hood to use against every creepin~’ serial killer, rapist and horny
john they saw. ====
====We advocate an embracement of rage. The role of the ballot is who best shoots the balls off of the white supremacist,
capitalist patriarchal system.====
George Mason Debate
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====Debate comes first. We need to utilize debate to discuss the issues present within the narrative of the resolution because
until now, we have failed to do so. Bodies are piling up. Every three minutes a woman is raped; eighteen more, a woman is
beaten. There is no time, we are too close to death. The violence is a continuum within the industry, women are publicly
shamed, raped, beaten and killed, under the pimp~’s legal contract, and you know what~’s repulsive? Pimps become fully
protected under the law. ====
====The community rallies around the so-called "progressive steps" we think we~’re making. Yet, the topic committee has
THE NERVE to make the resolution a call to debate legalization of prostitution. Ensuring that struggles are merely forgotten,
and erased from the memories of society. We have been living in a constant state of complicity, and we are done. We will not
defend the legitimization of violence. The resolution is rooted in equality politics, we do not seek equality within the system,
rather we~’re a liberation tactic that seeks to a full transformation of the system. ====
====Prostitutes are always already stigmatized for control and sexual violence at the hands of the system. The system has
stood trial and found only error. Brothels, even legalized are an ABOMINATION. They~’re pussy penitentiaries, they~’re
just like prisons, a disgusting little police state for the pimp. You sign your life away to the industry – you become the
deviant, and you soon find out you signed a contract to be raped and abused. The pimps call all the shots. You better believe,
if one hooker steps out of line, the pimps will whip those revolvers out and put a bullet straight to the head. No one enjoys
getting sold, and workers sign a contract to be raped, the industry has passed a point of no return and cannot be reformed,
rather it must be abolished.====
**Bindel 7**
(Julie Bindel is a contributor to The Guardian."It~’s Like You Sign A Contract To Be Raped,", Last Accessed 6/1/14) ELJ
There is only one place in the US where brothels are legal, and that~’s
"He who hesitates, masturbates." · Some names have been changed.
The hierarchal system of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy upholds the institution of prostitution. Individuals in the
industry are stigmatized based upon their overall social location. We recognize that there are multifaceted layers of identity as
a result of the system. The systems of domination are not singular, rather interlocked and work simultaneously in order to
reign over marked bodies. We must first understand this intersectionality in order to tear down the walls of the system
**bell hooks writes…**
(Gloria Jean Watkins, aka bell hooks, is an author, feminist,
," Last Accessed 6/3/14) ELJ
I began to use the phrase in my work "white supremacist capitalist patriarchy"
to understand it if I~’m only looking at how white people see me.
====The reading of this speech act is a recognition of our privileges as I am a white queer woman, and Erica is a woman of
color. We are very privileged as we are both middle class college students, and we recognize that these privileges intersect
differently within debate sphere and outside of the round. We believe it is important to recognize our identities and although
our struggles are not all the same, we can collectivize in order to solve the intersections of domination. Our resistance is
birthed from our lived experiences which is why we use our social locations as a springboard for rage. ====
====Thus, we rage to disrupt the power relations that uphold the patriarchal institution of prostitution.====
====The aff disrupts the status quo – bringing you into our place of rage radically and violently ruptures the system through
insinuation of imagined violence and by doing so, we shatter the very illusion of permanence. Our performance of rage is
George Mason Debate
[File Name]
necessary to disrupt violent power, and by refusing to act within the realm of reality, it disrupts its hold on societal
====Imagined violence is a strong rhetorical strategy that unleashes an unexpected, radical disruption. It opens up a place of
rage that grants hope that change is possible. Our rage insinuates an anxiety that makes that real violence will happen, and is
always coming. Our place of rage is opened up by the narrative and counter-narrative presented in this speech act. Place of
rage is beyond the "real" thus the battleground of resistance.====
Halberstam 93
~~[Judith Halberstam, Imagined Violence/Queer Violence: Representation, Rage, and Resistance Reviewed work(s): Source:
Social Text, No. 37, A Special Section Edited by Anne McClintock Explores the Sex Trade (Winter, 1993), pp. 187201~~]jap
In "Do Not Doubt the Dangerousness of the 12-Inch Politician," David
murder, and detestation. Jordan~’s place of rage is ground for resistance.