Little Angels Learning Academy Answers to Early Childhood

Child Care / Preschool Checklist
When I was researching programs for my little angel before founding Little Angels Learning
Academy, I found it very helpful to not only tour the facility, but also ask important questions.
Sometimes, we do not know what to ask especially if this is your first child and you are wanting
a high quality, early childhood program. Please feel free to use the follow checklist as you do
your research.
Name of Facility: Little Angels Learning Academy
Address: 4222 W Sandy St., Battlefield, MO 65619 – SW Springfield – Off James River Freeway
and West Bypass. Near Republic Schools, Wilson Creek 5th-6th-grade Center, McBride
Elementary, and Wanda Gray Elementary
Phone Number: 417-883-3100
Director’s Name: Mrs. Amy
Owner’s Name: Dr. Ruth Ann
Days and Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 6 AM - 6 PM
Is the facility accredited: Yes
If yes, with what agency: MO Accreditation
Age groups served: Children 6 weeks to 12 years of age – FT, PT, and Drop in Care – We only
accept FT enrollment for children 6 weeks through 1 year of age
Does the program and/or facility received any awards or special distinctions: Yes –
Missouri Accreditation
Springfield’s Best
Better Business Bureau – A + Rating and have received 2 Star Awards for no complaints as of
Springfield News-Leader Best of the Ozarks Child Care Division
Eat Smart Advanced Level (first program in state of MO to achieve this level)
Federal Food Program Recognition
Gold Star Safe Center (first center in county – only a county program – to receive this
Inside Environment
Is there a child care license displayed? Yes – in the front foyer – by the parent board
Are there separate spaces for the different age groups? Yes – groups are maintained by ages –
younger children and older children are separated on the playground and classrooms
Are the children’s spaces well supplied with equipment and supplies, such as books, games, and
other manipulative toys and creative art materials? Yes – we continually update and purchase
new materials and rotate materials to keep them fresh for the children
Are the toys and materials developmentally-appropriate for the different age groups? Yes
Is the space arranged so that children are able to freely select materials according to their own
interests and abilities and return them when they are finished? Yes – our curriculum
philosophy is based upon choice of materials throughout the day.
Are the furnishings in the class child-sized? Yes
Are the activity areas neat and clean? Yes – these are maintained during learning times by the
children and staff as part of taking care of our learning community in the classroom – children
learn responsibility for taking care of our things.
Is there space for active play and other space available where quiet play may take place? Yes –
learning centers are throughout the year and placed according to quiet and areas that have
more active play such as blocks and kitchen center.
Is your initial reaction upon entering the child care facility a positive one? A warm, homey
place 
Is the facility designed as comforting and home-like, or does it have an institutional feel? Little
Angels is designed as a warm, comforting home, with house fronts like children are going to
someone’s home. We are definitely NOT institutional!
Notes about inside environment:
Outside Environment
Is the outside area free of litter and obvious hazards? Yes
Is the outdoor play equipment sturdy and in good repair? Yes – inspections are done daily
Do the children have an opportunity to play outside each day? Yes – at least 1 hour a day
depending upon weather. If it is a nice spring day, we have children play outside more than 1
hour a day.
Are the children supervised outdoors? Yes
Is there shade available? Yes
Is the outside area fenced? Yes
Is the fence private so children are not seen? Yes
Do younger children play separately from the older children? Yes – Little Angels has two
different playgrounds for younger and older children.
Are there a variety of outside equipment/toys available and appropriate for various ages? Yes –
there are swings, sand boxes, large gross motor equipment, playhouses, gardens, trike areas,
large areas to run.
Notes about the outside environment:
Fun, oversized play areas.
Health and Safety
Are there obvious hazards and dangerous items accessible to children? No
Are fire escape plans/emergency evacuation plans posted? Yes – in each classroom
How often are emergency drills practiced? Monthly for both fire and tornado.
What is the facility’s disaster plan? Little Angels has an elaborate disaster plan that consists of
multiple procedures for various disasters. We maintain disaster boxes for all classrooms that
contain water, food, clothing, and temporary shelter in case our facility has to be evacuated.
Are the sinks and bathrooms stocked with appropriate supplies? Yes
Can the children reach the toilet and sink easily and safely? Yes – all child-sized
Are there fire extinguishers on site? Yes
Is the facility centrally monitored by a professional company for fire, smoke, security, etc.? Yes
– for fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, and security.
Are there first aid supplies available? Yes – in all classrooms and by the playgrounds
Are staff certified in CPR and First Aid? Yes – every staff member is certificated in CPR and First
Are sanitary arrangements made for diaper changing procedures? Yes – done in classroom
bathrooms adjacent to the classrooms – NOT in the classroom itself.
Are gloves being used to serve ready-to-eat foods to children? Yes
Are children required to wash their hands throughout the day? Yes If yes, when? When
they enter the classroom at drop off time, before meals, after using restroom, and after playing
outside and any other time deemed necessary.
How is the facility secured? The facility is secured and is locked down except for the very front
door. Visitors may enter the front foyer but must have a special unique code and go through a
fingerprinting process (or two unique codes), to enter the classroom area. Children are
checked by the parent/guardian directly with a teacher. The teacher maintains an attendance
list of children throughout the day and checks children’s names when coming in from outside,
periodically throughout the day, and during field trips.
What are the safety/security policies and procedures for the facility and program? See above
Are there written procedures to release my child to another person? Yes- Persons who are
picking up children MUST be listed on the child’s enrollment form.
Are there written procedures to follow when my child becomes ill? Yes – Little Angels has a sick
policy in our handbook. Basically, a child with at least a 100 degree temperature or above may
not stay or return to our program until he/she is fever-free for 24 hours without using feverreducing medication. Little Angels may require release letters from doctors about rashes, or
other symptoms that may be contagious, before a child may return to Little Angels.
What is the policy for administering medication? Medication may only be administered by a
Little Angels Learning Academy staff member with written permission from the child’s
parent/guardian. Dosage MUST be appropriate for the child’s age.
Does the facility enroll children with special needs? Yes
Is there child care staff with additional training for children with special needs? Yes – the
owner, Dr. Ruth Ann, has a PhD in special education and has worked for many years as an
educator of children with special needs.
Notes about Health and Safety issues:
Meals and Snacks
What meals and snacks are provided? Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack
What is a typical: Breakfast? Yogurt Parfait with Mixed Berries, Yogurt, and Bran Flakes, Milk
Lunch? Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese on Whole Wheat Bread, Pineapple, Milk
Snack? Hummus with Fresh Peppers and Cucumber Slices
Supper? Served at Parents’ Night Out planned once a month – Cheese Pizza, Orange, Milk
Are the food preparation and eating areas clean? Yes – we have a commercial kitchen with a
full-time cook to prepare homemade meals and snacks.
At times are children allowed to help prepare snacks and meals? Yes – Children get to make
meals and snacks at different times of the month and menu including smoothies, sandwiches,
muffins, banana quesadillas
How are meals and snacks served? Family style
How are food allergies handled? We prepare a special food plan in cooperation with the child’s
parents and doctors based upon substitutions with our rotation menu.
How are special parties such as birthdays and celebrations handled – including providing snacks
from home for all the children? We have birthday celebrations one time a month where
everyone’s BD for that month is celebrated.
Is your program part of any food program, i.e., federal food program, Eat Smart? Yes – Federal
food program and Advanced Level of Eat Smart
Notes about meals and snacks: We provide very nutritious and balanced meals that our
children and staff really enjoy. They are healthy and are great examples of meals and snacks
that may be served at home. Our menus help provide a solid and sound foundation for healthy
children and teaching them to make healthy food choices throughout life.
What curriculum philosophy do you use? We use a combination of High Scope and Project
Construct curricular philosophies. They are research-based, developmentally-appropriate
curricular philosophies that emphasize children making choices about what they are ready to
learn. Teachers also work with children in large and small groups, as well as individually with
students throughout the day.
Do you post and communicate to parents your lesson plans and activities? Yes – on the
classroom parent board.
How do you assess children’s developmental levels? We use a multi-faceted assessment
approach combined into a Keepsake Portfolio System for all children. This multi-assessment
approach includes: Documented observations, pictures, teacher assessments, and
developmental milestones.
What types of lessons and activities are planned each day? Circle time where children may
work on literacy activities with reading of books and literacy songs; learning centers where
children experience theme-related lessons with cooking, building with blocks, housekeeping
center, library, puzzles, math games.
How do you believe children learn? We believe young children learn through playing and
having fun. They learn when they are ready. At Little Angels, we teach the whole children in
the areas of social/emotional, pre-academics/academics,
Notes about curriculum: Our unique curriculum design helps to meet and challenges each child
where he/she is at. We build on their successes and interests. Therefore, all children at all
levels can have their own developmental-level met with our curriculum.
Interactions Between Staff and Children
Listen when you walk into the facility – what do you hear? Happy children laughing, singing,
and playing!
Is there a posted schedule of daily activities? Yes – in each classroom.
Does there seem to be enough staff for the number of children in the room? Yes
What are the staff:child ratios? Infants – 1 year of age – 4:1; 2 year olds – 8:1; 3-5 years of age
10:1; school-age 16:1.
Are the children allowed to make choices throughout the day? Yes
Do the children seem occupied and engaged by their activities? Yes
Are the children happy as they play and talk to one another and the staff? Yes
How does the staff handle discipline with children and conflicts? Redirection, observing to see
if children can find a safe solution themselves, helping children find words to express the
problem and a solution, think time if necessary to regain control
Does the staff seem patient and receptive to the needs of the children? Yes
Are the children supervised at all times, including nap time? Yes
If a child does not fall asleep during nap time, is he/she engaged in quiet activity? Yes If you child is under the age of 5 years, he/she will be required by the Dept of Health
regulations to rest quietly at least 30 minutes in the afternoon after lunch. After resting,
children may read quietly on their cots, or do activities in a prepared rest time box of activities.
Does the staff seem to feel good about being with the children, and have a sense of humor and
enthusiasm? Yes
Notes about interactions:
How long have the teachers been involved in the program?
We have been very blessed to
experience very little turnover at Little Angels. Average for most of our full-time and
experienced teachers have been with Little Angels over 5 years or more.
What are the teacher qualifications? MO Accreditation requires all of our teachers to have
child-related college hours. Many of our teachers have associates or bachelor’s degrees.
What kind of professional development do teachers receive each year? All teachers and
administrators at Little Angels are required to have at least 18 hrs of continuing
education/professional development per year – exceeding requirements of accreditation and
Dept. of Health regulations.
What type of background checks are done for teachers? Before a teacher is hired, references
are checked, pre-employment drug screening, and criminal background check through the
Dept. of Health.
Notes about teachers:
Parent / Family Involvement
How will I know what is going on with my child each day? Is there a daily report?
teachers send these through email to parents daily.
Newsletters? Yes
Parent information board?
Yes – Some
Emails: Yes
Other: Website
Is there a program website? Yes What does it contain? Parent Handbook, links to teacher
webpages, general information
Is there a posted newsletter for the classroom? Yes
Center? Yes
Are there parent-teacher conferences held each year? Yes – at least 2 X a year – fall and spring
Is there a Parent Handbook? Yes – It is available on our website or you may request a hard
As a parent, how can I be involved with my child’s program? Volunteering in the classroom,
being a class parent to help plan parties, field trip chaperone
Do you have family involvement programs? Yes If yes, list examples: Throughout the year we
have family nights and activities that include: Chuck E Cheese Night, Spring Learning Carnival,
Grandparents’ Day, Sweetheart Luncheon, Annual Swim Party
May I visit my child during the day while he/she is attending your program? Yes – Anytime your
child is at our facility, you are welcome to visit.
Do you have Internet viewing cams where I might observe my child throughout the day? Yes
Are these secured? Yes – You will be assigned your own code for your child’s classroom and
playground. You may share this code with family members if you wish.
Notes about parent/family involvement:
Does the facility accept child care subsidy? Military subsidy? Foster children? Yes - all
Does the facility charge when a child is absent for sickness or vacation? Yes
Is there a late pick-up fee? Yes – please see Parent Handbook for more information
What exactly does the cost of care/tuition cover? (meals and snacks, extra-curricular activities
such as Spanish and music, gymnastics, field trips, etc.) Meals and snacks, Spanish, and music
are included in regular tuition; extra-curricular activities such as Stretch-n-Grow, Happy Feet,
gymnastics, and field trips cost extra. Please speak with our center director for more
information. We negotiate the best possible price for our little angels to help save overall costs
and so all of our little angels may participate in the activity.
How is tuition collected? Weekly – the Friday before the week. We collect it electronically
through our secured program Tuition Express. Bi-weekly may be arranged. We accept Visa,
Mastercard, and Discover credit cards. We work with cafeteria programs as well. (Monthly,
weekly, yearly; electronically, check, credit card)
Cost of Care / Preschool / School-age Program: Please see the center director for pricing
Extra-curricular Activities and Cost: Please see center director for pricing
Notes about tuition and extra fees: Please see center director for pricing
Other Questions to Ask:
What is a typical day in your program? Breakfast, circle time, special class (music, Stretch-nGrow, gymnastics, Happy Feet, etc.), learning center activities, outside playtime, lunch,
naptime, snack, learning center activities and group time, outside playtime, dismissal.
How much TV are the children allowed to watch? Children do not watch TV at Little Angels.
We have a strict policy that allows minimal movies during inclement weather or special
Does the program offer transportation? Not for children ages 5 and under. After-school
transportation provided on a limited basis.
Does this program take field trips? Yes If yes, what kind: To community area places that
include the zoo, parks, Nature Center, circus, gymnastics.
What is your plan when the program/facility is closed for inclement weather? If the facility is
closed, we have an inclement weather plan that allows teachers to watch children in your home
or at their homes – for no additional fee.
If you were a child, would you want to spend your day here? YES! YES! YES! We have SO
much fun playing with our friends, reading stories, learning about new things, sharing meals
together, music, Stretch-n-Grow, gymnastics, field trips, puppet shows, etc. etc. etc. Many
times children come with their parents to tour our facility and they do not want to leave.
Other Questions: