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Using QR codes in the science classroom
Topic: Rocks
Equipment required: iPods and/or iPads, Rocks app, QR reader app
1. Organise samples of basalt, granite, gabbro, geniss, phyllite, schist, slate, conglomerate,
limestone and shale to be placed around the lab. Label the samples 1, 2, 3, etc.
2. Place the corresponding QR code card next to each sample.
3. Organise students into small groups and have each group start the activity with a different
4. Each group is to read the clues on the QR code card and use the rocks app to identify the
sample rock. The group then scans the QR code to reveal the answer. The teacher may
want to use the activity sheet.
5. Each group rotates through the samples until they have completed all samples.
Extra info:
QR codes in order: Basalt, Granite, Gabbro, Gneiss, Phyllite, Schist, Slate, Conglomerate,
Limestone, Shale
What am I?
I am an igneous rock.
I am rich in iron, magnesium, calcium,
alunimum and silicon oxides.
My main silicate minerals are pyroxene
and plagioclase.
What am I?
What am I?
I am an igneous rock.
I am formed when magma crystallises
slowly deep in the Earth.
I am rich in magnesium, calcium, iron,
aluminium, silicon and oxygen.
I am an igneous rock.
I contain quartz, feldspar and other
I am often used as an ornamental
polished stone.
I can be grey, white, pink or reddish.
What am I?
I am a metamorphic rock.
I can look like granite.
I am in the same family as slate, phyllite
and schist but I have been subjected to
higher temperatures and deformation.
What am I?
I am a metamorphic rock.
I am a very common rock world-wide
I am suitable to be used for flooring.
What am I?
I am a metamorphic rock.
I am thin, strong and long-lasting.
I am formed from fine-grained mudstone
or siltstones.
What am I?
I am a metamorphic rock.
I have large crystals of mica.
My crystals produce a sparkle.
What am I?
I am a sedimentary rock.
I contain can be a combination of any
rock type.
I am usually found as distinct layers with
sandstone and shale.
What am I?
I am a sedimentary rock.
I am rich in calcium carbonate.
I am used to make cement.
What am I?
I am a sedimentary rock.
I am rich in aluminous clays and quartz.
I am an important source of clays for
ceramics and bricks.
Identifying rocks
What is my guess?
What rock is it actually?
Am I correct?